It Tried
Let me sum this up for you real quick in a way that's different from what you've already read so you can possibly not waste your time. 2 spies, 2 conwomen. 1 spy is tender-hearted and 1 is dangerous. 1 conwoman is epic and 1 conwoman sucks majorly. Who is the main focus of all of this? The conwoman that sucks, of course! The thing is, it's like she and everyone around her ignore the fact that she sucks. She is a harbinger of bad luck, and death, actually. It got to the point where I was wondering if the writers were secretly using her as a running gag. The plot is extremely weak and so is the main female lead's acting. Many episodes of running around accomplishing nothing with a lackluster finish. Waste of mostly a good cast, waste of a big budget, and waste of time. The story with Bok Ji and Edward was the only thing that kept me watching until the end. I invested too much into their relationship to not see how it was going to turn out.
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