This miniseries with only 1 episode and 30 minutes long is so good that I rewatched it like many times after just watching it yesterday(September 30, 2012)! It has a small little story but the purpose of this is to show the beauty of Korea. It had it's cute/funny moments that had me fangirling and almost dying from laughter! x)
Note: If you want to watch something that has a serious story line then this is not for you. But if you want to watch something just to kill time that is both cute and funny (with lots of eye candy) then this is for you!
Story: I gave it a 7/10 because even though it didn't have a serious story line, it was still good.
Acting/Cast: What can I say? I LOVE EVERYONE IN HERE! Know the actresses from some dramas, know the actors from some dramas/K-Pop groups. Okay, my rating for the Acting/Cast can be a little biased but I didn't see any mistakes in this, like awkward acting, so this is a 10 for me! ^^
Music: Really great so it's a 10/10 for me! I really love the OST for this little miniseries. SHINee, Tiffany (SNSD), Bobby Kim, and Super Junior sing for this! Unfortunately, BIGBANG doesn't sing for this but I'm not going to be biased here; As I'm a YG stan but not a hater of the other big 2~ ^^
Rewatch Value: I gave it a 9/10 because I did rewatch it again many times after just watching it. Trust me, you'll want to watch it again ;)
Overall: 8/10. Very Good!
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NOTE: I'm a Sageuk drama fan but my younger sister isn't.
Alright, I knew I wouldn't listen to her if she told me to not watch this drama because she doesn't even watch the Sageuk dramas I tell her to watch... I did listen to her though when she told me to not watch this drama because a lot of people in the internet said the same thing as her, "This drama is not worth wasting time!" I want my wasted 22 hours back!" This drama sucks..." okay you get my point(I know you all heard the same!)
But I got to say, I quite enjoyed this drama and regret not watching it after it finished airing! It kept me on the edge of my chair(well not really since I watched this drama in the comforts of my bed. Okay, it had me griping my pillow :p ) I wanted to know what will happen to Dr. Jin, if Kyung Tak and Young Hwi will finally fight along each other, if the Prince will be able to reach his goals...
Ah, I don't want to spoil it! Well, all I can say is that I recommend this drama for those who are able to stand a political drama :o It doesn't have any romance between the leads in the past(only care) and just a warning, the drama will have you confused in the end... I would have given this drama a 10 if it wasn't for such confusions >.< I find them minor though so nothing to worry about!
Anyways, I do have to mention this for those who like to see such strong bromance in dramas because this drama has it. Honestly I cheered for them instead of Dr. Jin returning to his time! LOL Kyung Tak and Young Hwi gave me such feels~ hehe :3
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omg, I shouldn't have watched it in the morning when everyone is still sleeping! >.< SO MUCH YUNJAE THAT I JUST. I LOST IT! xD I was squealing there, and then there and.... wae you both do this to me?! >.<
Alright, so basically this special shows them as DBSK with "I think my band member likes me" story and "band members are missing" story. Most likely a mystery as the mains in both stories (Max & Hero) try to figure out what's going on...
10 because I loved it! Obviously :p
Alright, this is obviously not their best since it's obviously something done as newbie actors... even Yoochun made me feel awkward and in my opinion he's currently the best actor from all five >.<
But I do applaud the other 4 so I give it a 9 because great cast! ^^
Didn't paid much attention to the music, I think they only added some instrumentals but we do get a Junsu singing scene which is magical, so an 8!
Rewatch value:
Going to give this an 8 because I obviously re-watched it 2 more times after barely watching it and I'm sure that later on I will rewatch it but only for the YunJae scenes!!! \^.^/
So definitely watch this and be prepared for some YunJae feels! ;D
oh! and any Naruto fans out there?! Know of Pairing NaruSasu??? YunJae in this special reminded me of them! x)
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Anyways, It's an adorable drama. You like the characters, even the evil ones, you get to laugh with them and cry with them(Eun Gyul!). A good drama that even though it wasn't crazy funny like the original versions, it still made the viewers laugh - even if some scenes were awkward but either way, it made things funny.
Story: 8/10. A great story but it was still kind of creepy to me; it's a stalker story no matter how much you try to look passed it.
Acting/Cast: Great cast! But I had so much problems with the main. They looked like they were trying so hard to look like they like each other. They were mostly like brother and sister. I really don't have any problems with Sulli, but Minho was horrible! THIS COMING FROM A SHAWOL!!! He was cute and all but most of the time he looked awkward which made me feel awkward! When he smiled, he smiled too much which sometimes they looked forced... soooo.... 7/10 ^^
Music: No problems with the music! LOVED IT! 10/10 ..........ONEW!!! *o* ?
Rewatch Value: 8/10. I'm sure I'll be watching this again just for the eye candy~ ^^
Overall: 8/10. I might have my problems(awkward Minho making me feel awkward) but this was still great! REALLY RECOMMEND THIS!!! :D
P.S. If you've seen the other versions, don't expect much from this drama so watch this with an open mind! Don't think of this as a Hana Kimi Remake; just think of this as a drama similar to Hana Kimi~
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