Why this you could watch!
I saw first 2nd episode, which are currently issued. This is really good. I didn't see familiar TV show like this one. I really like it! You should watch it! It's funny, educations, informative and, above all, interesting!I recommend it!
When all the episodes are published and they've checked it out, I'll write a review!
Nice watching! yes, and lest I forget, it reminded me quite cdrama "Whirlwind girl"
!!! Perhaps my review helped you if you want asking. me about it write to me messages !!!!
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Without spoiler!
This drama was really good at the beginning! But, I think about the penultimate episode, everything went wrong. Yes, it has two ends, but it's not the same as it was at the beginning. This drama could have a better ending! I've seen many web series, K-Drama, C-drama, j-drama..To tell you the truth, I'm disappointed in this web-series.
Nice spectacle!! (If you have a question, write me a private message on my drama list)
You can watch this drama on YouTube with English subtitles
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Why this watch?
This drama was so great!I can say it, that this drama is about love story of high school to University school. First love..
I really like this story because I this didn't see before like this. WHY THIS WATCH? yes, maybe you read reviews in advance and they saying that this drama is bad or familiar..
But, this drama is really good. Trust me!
I like the start this drama because this was really funny and After watching a few episodes it started to escalate to the more interesting!
The love story was amazing. This drama is very interesting!
I recommend taking a look at it!
E. M.
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Tracking Series
I must write that this drama was good.. Some who are thinking of watching this drama don't hesitate, because when I think of myself, I also thought this drama would be a waste of time.. But when I put it on, I didn't like it, or rather how to write it. It was weird rather such a survival of 1 and 2 episodes.. But in episode three, it's getting quite interesting. And everything is starting to develop mainly the relationship between the main actors..So do not hesitate to wait until 3 episodes and then it all begins to develop, but what I probably did not like was the end.. Yes, the end is over, but I'd put even more of their scenes together.
Perhaps my review helped you.
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It's not a spoiler!
Hi, I think this drama is very good, I do not understand how anyone can write that this drama is a waste of time because I know that this drama I also wanted to give up but I gave it a chance and it was... I have to say the first episodes aren't very interesting but after 5 episodes it's interesting, exciting.I have high demands for romantic drama, and I have to say, this was pretty good. The cast acted very well, but what I probably didn't like was that the scientist, the father of the chief male lead, was still showing up.
But later it was all fine.. This drama is worth it!!
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I wish you a spectacle❤❤❤
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