Both movies show a family who is grief-stricken by a horrible incident involving their child. A young man who is connected to that incident begins to work for the family. The endings are very similar in scenery and writing.
Both these films offer moral dilemmas that ask the audience to examine the nature of forgiveness. We see an ex-con go through many hardships in their search for acceptance back into society. These films also explore the relationship between a perpetrator who seeks forgiveness and a victim who must decide whether or not to give it.
Both films show an ex-con who can't catch a break. Even though they have reformed and are trying to get on with their lives, they are haunted by their past crimes. They seek forgiveness, but it always seems to elude them. Society treats them horribly no matter how much they repent, and they are continuously ostracized. These films also beg the question: do these ex-cons deserve such treatment? At what point do the 'good' people become bad from their unwillingness to forgive?
Both are starring Cha Hak Yeon in a role where his character is put in an unfortunate situation. Even though his character is considered criminal, we can't help but empathize with his plight.
Episode 23 and 24 of Sweet Revenge (2018) and Episode 4 of Hunted (2022) have very similar stories about school bullying. In both stories, a weak school boy is preyed upon by a psycho student who pretends to be his friend in front of others. Behind closed doors, however, they are anything but friends.
Both stories focus on friendship and misunderstandings that put that friendship in jeopardy. One of the friends becomes distant and aloof and behaves poorly while the other tries to keep their friendship alive. School bullying is a heavy theme in both films, as well. Weak Hero Class 1 barely has any romance in it while Night Flight is an LGBTQ film.
-Crimes against humanity
-Abuse of Power
-Crimes against humanity
-Abuse of Power
A prison warden does everything he can to tame one of his prisoners whose spirit is unbreakable.
A rivalry between a cruel prison warden and a defiant prisoner.
Prison films about a crazy warden who abuses his power and targets one inmate.
In both films the warden seems to take a particular interest in mistreating one prisoner.
The tone and vibes to these films are totally different but they remind me of each other in terms of the human experimentation aspect, as well as there being a whole special ops team of people trying to track down and kill a genetically modified human-thing. Young-nam Jang is also featured in both films.