Finally something decent (even more) for our hungry brain after Crows Zero era.
HIGH & LOW: The STORY OF S.W.O.R.D is a comprehensive entertainment project by EXILE TRIBE that encompasses various forms of content media. Aside from the members of EXILE TRIBE, there are a lot of high quality cast for this drama, not only actor & actress but also other musician & models. So visually, you will be pampered with a lot of candy eyes with great acting too.
As written in the synopsis, it’s all about fighting between organization in a certain town. But the core story in this first season is about friendship and brotherhood, and more like a prologue to introduce each organization and the story base. Later, there will be HIGH&LOW Season 2 and HIGH&LOW The Movie. Let me summarize all the organization first:
=Organizations Before SWORD=
In this story, MUGEN was told start from the second generation, led by Kohaku. Other main members: Tsukumo, Cobra & Yamato. The strongest organization.
Only consist two members, Amamiya Masaki (Kyaaa Takahirooo! *oops please excuse my fangirling) & Amamiya Hiroto. They’re fighting against Mugen.
Hyuga Group is a part of GURYU GROUP (I think Guryu Group is kind of strong group but in outside of Mugen’s domain) & they’re not that popular. Hyuga Group fought against Mugen in order to make their names well known, but Hyuga Group lost and abandoned by Guryu Group.
Or Hoodlum Squad, led by Cobra (ex Mugen). Other members are Yamato (ex Mugen), Noboru, Dan, Tetsu and Chiharu. Cobra, Yamato & Noboru are childhood friends. Sanooh doesn’t have specialty or aiming any particular thing, the association just made naturally by the members who are good in fighting.
Their specialty is always white (as white as their name XD). Led by Rocky, his main subordinates are Golden Bomber* members (Bito, Aizawa, Shimura & Enari). Despite being famous with their madness, White Rascal also known for always protecting woman who have been hurt by men.
*) A visual kei rock band
School of Yankees!. The leader or they rather call it as Class Rep (lol) is Murayama Yoshiki. Just as other typical Yankee school, the one who rule the school is the strongest one. Murayama Yoshiki played by Yamada Yuki, he can pull his yankee expression but his height sometimes a little bit distracted me. He looks much shorter & smaller than his friends, in contrary he is the the strongest and unbeatable.
They dominate and protect a Nameless Street, a town where people who abandoned by their parents lives, hidden and dirty. Led by Rocky played by Kubota Masataka (Kyaaa *oops once again please excuse my fangirling ;-). They declare themselves as a family who protect each other. Their specialty is parkour, this is that makes their fighting skill more artsy. This drama use a lot of camera angle, epic setting and a lot of ikemen with abs XD. Visually, I like this team, maybe because the members are actually athlete and model, whenever they walk together and make a way, it looks like they’re walking in runaway even with rag-like fashion that they wore, they can pull it off nicely. Kubota Masataka looks so charismatic with messy hair, too bad he has a weakness,what is that weakness? Well you better watch and check it by yourself :p.
Led by Hyuga Norihisa, forth son of Hyuga (played by Hayashi Kento). Alongside with Totetsu Brothers (Toutetsu Ukyo & Toutetsu Sakyo, both were kicked out from Mugen in the past) they formed Daruma Ikka to make a way for their revenge towards Guryu Group and the remaining Mugen member. I think this is the most unique organization. As their name, Daruma is their icon with blasting red color. Even when they fight, they’re using Daruma and drums as music accompaniment. Hayashi Kento looks deep but madly and vengeful here, for me it’s such a rare to see him in that kind of character, so it’s cool!.
=Organization Outside SWORD=
Iemura Group is one of the Guryu Group, the main leader is Iemura Tatsumi. With other 8 leads member, they’re called themselves as Nine Dragons. This organization is more like executive people who dominate a lot of field, including black market and greedy, so they own a lot of money. Basically they’re a bunch of rich uncles with suit and necktie.
Led by Ice. This organization hasn’t been told a lot in this season, their main movement will be told in season 2 later. So, more Exile Tribe member are coming, yaaaay!.
The one and only girl gang. 4 members, Junko as the leader (she's so cute and funny), Asuko and Twin Towers (member of E-Girls). I love these girl, they're so funny!
There are so much red line right? All SWORD organization make their own world, never touch each other in order to keep peace in the town. The main story is started in Sanooh, Sanooh is the center of the whole story that connects all of the organization. The conflict appeared between childhood friends (Cobra, Yamato and Noburu). Noburu who just released from prison, but rather than go back to Sanooh he joined to Iemura Group. Feel betrayed, Yamato tried to persuaded Noboru to go back to Sanooh. Because he knows that Iemura Group is greedy and merciless. Noboru is trusted by Iemura to take over SWORD authority, but each SWORD organization refuse. This situation raised misunderstanding and betrayal between them. In other story, Chiharu (before he joined to Sanooh), who is actually a student in Oya Koukou, beaten up by his fellows but then he was accidentally helped by Yamato. Chiharu pled to join Sanooh, but this makes a conflict between Oya Koukou with Sanooh.
With 23 minutes average duration, you can enjoy fighting scene around 50% of its duration with great music accompaniment. HIGH&LOW also contains some sentimental, sad and funny part.
The editing, I’m so sensitive when it’s come to this point whenever I watch movie/drama. HIGH&LOW succeed this series with dramatic color correction, point of view and angle for each organization differently which is emphasize each organization’s character.
The fashion, since there are big companies who backing up the casts, they give all out in fashion too. Each organization has their own fashion style. No matter how you look at them, it does look pricey and detail from head to toe. They use a lot of expensive motorcycle and cars. One more thing, all the cast are looks neat and clean, this is one of the reason that I enjoy this drama. Or maybe they‘re just handsome and charismatic :D.
And now about the music. The music itself plays as the biggest part here, it makes this drama looks more appealing and nice. In fact, EXILE TRIBE’s album is also part of this HIGH&LOW project. There is not much I can review here because it so cool and perfectly matched with the drama. It’s EXILE TRIBE you know, what do you expect is what will you get. Each organization has their own special music background. The combination between music, fashion, editing, camera view and the cast themselves makes this drama looks like a MV. I love to re-watch this drama especially in some part like when a certain organization present themselves with powerful soundtrack, or just enjoying the each actors acting, their close up face, their cool movements even their poses. Sometimes I feel like are they doing photo shoot or what??. Seriously, their visual is on high quality level despite this is about delinquent story.
And here the list of the songs that included in this drama, it could be more than this but these are so far that I know:
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Seems like this movie purposely doesn't give its viewer a chance to guess or some curiosity feelings who is the bad guy or how the case will be solved. Because they already told who is the bad guy from the start of the movie, what's the motive and what's the crucial point of the main case. It's a fast pace story at the beginning, this movie is more focused on Byun Jae-wook's life in prison while he also attempt to prove his innocent. It's kinda reminds me of Prison Break or Shawshank Redemption, but it's not as serious as them. This movie shows how rotten prison system and attorney because of corruption and politic. Typical right? haha.
Byun Jae-wook was portrayed as a genius prosecutor so he can handle how harsh prison life is easily. Such as how he manipulate warden, prison officials and all the residents, how to smuggle forbidden stuff from outside prison and so on. Soon he became the ruler in the prison who was followed by all the prison residents. Han Chi Won is a smart swindler, typical a free kid (actually his character reminds me of Jung Joon Young tho). They were met in prison and dealt to work together with mutual advantages by combining their skill. A duo combination of heroes is not a new thing, but their journey is fun to be followed in this movie. The comedy is not exaggerate, but still can make you smile sometimes. The action was also just fine. But there is no remarkable character here despite the cast line were so good.
I like this movie tho, because it's harmless, the story was delivered well and clear, 100% happy ending, smart and strong main leads. A good choice to be watched with your family.
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You need special perspective to understand this movie. Well it's not that hard to follow the story tho. But if you already feel uncomfortable with the setting heaven-earth love story then you will never find the enjoyment and how good this movie is. This movie rich with stories, there are some theatrical scene but it's okay just follow it.
This movie using narration method, and it's Chasuke himself. He tells his own story and feeling. The narration portion is good enough, not too much, only when this movie need to pin point each character, so it's easy to follow the whole story. I like how this movie explain each character clearly.
Since those character were made by the screenwriter in the heaven, they're unique and different. Chasuke himself sometimes feel annoyed when he found a human with unlucky and tragic destiny (he knows some of those people history and the writer who write them). Luckily, Chasuke has a super power that can control movement, mind control and healing power, because basically he's not human. WIth this power, he try to heal sick people. Then people called him as an angel, and oh that wing! Chasuke accidentally took it somewhere and just keep wear it whenever & wherever. Yes that wing in the poster is a fake wing not a CG nor Chasuke in angel form, lol.
While he lives in earth, he involved in fighting with Yakuza, from there he found his own background and his real identity in the earth. This part is really interesting and unpredictable. So the whole story is not only about his love story. I think the love story in this movie is only basic story to reveal other stories.
Even though this movie classified as fantasy genre, it doesn't using unnecessary CG effects, there is some but not that bold, it's just simple and nice. It's pure drama.
In the end, I believe that this movie wants to tell that we can change our destiny with strong will, keep praying and never give up, well something like that. :D
I like the soundtrack, if you do but you don't know who and what the tittle is, then I'll give you the answer.
It's called "?/Tsubasa/Wing" by Ms MOOJA.
When I check it out, it turns out that the whole album has the same nice feeling with this soundtrack. I feel lucky to find such good songs. :D
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For the storyline itself, I think it's not that kind of extreme conflict, it's light and easy to watch. It's truly full of shoujo world,, hoho.
Another good point is the soundtracks are so good. They are 'Hurt Lovers' by BLUE and Hachisu No Hana De - Lotus Flower (??????? - ??? ).
I think I should mention about the casts here. I have no problem with any character. I think it just fine *doesn't help?* oh because this is my first time I watch Abe Aran acts, it looks like he still a little bit awkward to be a cool guy but still favorable.
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This review may contain spoilers
A story about a man who gave up his dream and life, and what decisions will he make before he die. Not a tearjerker one.Mai & Hiroshi has opposite character. Hiroshi is a man who doesn't give a damn about his life and people around him. Always putting every single thing in easy mind, expressionless. While Mai is a teenage girl who came from a broken home family. She lives with her mother and her grandmother who has mental illness. Her mother is typical bad mother who doesn't care about family so Mai has to do all housework including nursing her grandmother. It leaves pressure to her, that makes her has unstable personality, a loner and always putting anger in other people. Mai is short tempered, child-like and acts arbitrarily. They met accidentally and made a sudden deal which lead them as a partner who need each other as they feel like they don't have anyone else but him/her.
Combination between romance and illness is not something new, so I can't appreciate it a lot, moreover this movie is simply a progressive type of story-line with liight conflict and presentation, no feeling was harmed here. The chemistry between Mai and Hiroshi is zero. Not only because the age that makes them looks like a brother-sister, but also their opposite personalities. Oh well actually Mai pretended as his sister on their deal. Don't expect a sweet-tragic romance here, there is no such a thing. The romance is more like an escape between those two. Hiroshi who doesn't care about romance anymore but somehow fun when around Mai, while Mai is thirsty of attention from him with her childish actions. Mai's bold character and her state of mind influences Hiroshi a lot in facing his death. The climax moment is when Hiroshi finally realize what he wants to do about his dream, and the final decision for himself.
Noda Yojiro is a total rookie actor. So it's understandable if he looks expressionless in this movie. Well Hiroshi's character is such a cold guy but I can't feel how deep that character is from him. He has the same expression even when he cries. I bet he still looks cool tho for Radwimps fan. While Mai's character sometimes a bit annoying. Because she always angry and get easily pissed off. Yeah that's how her character was made, she is supposed to be a breaker of Hiroshi character.
IMO, this is a quiet type of movie. It doesn't insert a lot of music as a background, in order to makes the viewer absorb the drama itself. But when the music on in several part, it's quite good. The instrumental style quite bold and nice to hear them.
The last point is the ending. I never talked about the ending in my reviews, but for this one I want to give a hint. Because the ending is a strong reason why this movie doesn't deserve that much rating and re-watch value. It's open ending but also hanging. Personally I disappointed with it, it leaves some holes in the story. By telling this, I hope it doesn't counted as a spoiler. More or less I believe this point will influence some people who wants to watch this movie. The choice is in your hands ;-)
Radwimps - Picnic
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High&Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D. Season 2
5 people found this review helpful
Like what I said, mostly are flashback stories of Mugen's main member and other histories of each gang.The more their stories revealed, the more new faces appeared too. There are more familiar actors that also featured in this season. Beside that, there is more additional gang that never be mentioned before in the first season. Season 2 is just like another season 1 but with more detail about identity of each main member of each gang. There is repetition scenes here about childhood of Mugen's main member, it's okay but if considering the duration only around 20 mins, it's a waste. I believe it can be filled with another story. So it feels a bit slow at the some beginning of episodes, but thanks for the good looking casts and the editing (also the music) I can patiently and excitedly follow their stories.
Since all the gangs already revealed (I hope all gang names already mentioned in this season, including Mighty Warrior & Doubt, maybe Later a group from Lee/Seungri), now everything must be piled up together in one line. But It's kinda look choppy, they keep back and forth from one gang to another just to tell a small amount of story. It would be nice if they tell an exact story from a certain gang in a decent length duration. Let's say in 20 minutes only about 2 gangs with 1 main story, just like they did in the first season. It's not happen a lot only in the some of beginning of episodes. Too many LDH actors that need to be appeared in the drama huh?
All the gang leaders's past stories are reviewed again except Daruma Ikkka and Rude Boys. Why? yes, why?? I yelled in dissapointment after I finished watch this drama. Season 2 didn't tell more detail
about Hayashi Kento (as Hyuga, leader of Daruma Ikka) and Kubota Masataka (as Smoky, leader of Rude Boys). It's not only that, even both of them didn't appear in this season, they didn't has any line.
They only appear in 1 or 2 seconds from the past scenes. Really too bad, they're are one of the reason why I like this series. Well, I guess it's their intention tho, they want to emphasize their own actors (LDH actors) rather than the real actors. If so, then how about Yamada Yuki? He's not LDH actor but he got decent amount of screen time.
If we talk about visual, sure H&L is still one of the best, they got nice looking actors, cool properties, detailed settings and good POV. So that's why it's a waste that they decrease the amount of fighting
scenes. Well, seems like this season still wants to tell more about friendship and family thing between them. Season 2 still using the same music from the previous season. They added 2 or 3 new songs tho, if my ears not wrong. But the intensity of the music is not as much as the first season. "Maria" and "Forever Young At Heart" were played a lot, because there are a lot of sentimental moments in the beginning of episodes.
Overall was fine with new faces and new stories. It also hints another new face for the next HiGH&LOW: The Red Rain. Also a glimpse of what will happen in the HiGH&LOW: The Movie.
Personal corner:
Can I talk a bit about how perfect Yamada Yuki here? Yes, I can say that he is the best actor here. Even thought he didn't appeared that much, I can tell his presence is really strong. The way he delivered his line along with his expression, it's just - - - wow! yeah! :D
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I didn't watch the Taiwanese version nor read the original manga. If my review makes you want to advice me to watch the Taiwanese version or read the manga, I won't do it. So my review will be based on my real thought for the first time to watch this series. (^_^)vThe first thing that stand out the most is the 'packaging'. The 23 minutes duration reminds me of Korean web-drama, short with beautiful editing, scene transition, color correction and the backsound music, even this MARS were presented in such a 'kawai' frame. It's kinda rare tho finding this editing treatment.
In the opening of each episode, there is always a highlight caption or something like a synopsis from each episode. For example in the episode 3, it's said "Kira's important drawing gets plagarized. That painting gets circulated and a side of Rei that has never been shown before is seen..." ==> ( I hope this doesn't count as a spoiler ;-)
I don't think that kind of synopsis is necessary. Even though the sentence leaves some mystery, some how I feel like "oh in this episode the character X will appear, doing something evil to female lead and then the male lead will be her saviour". I already can draw the story right after the opening credit (-_-)>. I think those caption were added in order to makes viewers keep drawn with the story. It's just too bad that a short duration but the story already can be pictured in the beginning. After 2 or 3 episode I skipped the opening to ignore those caption, for me it's more fun without it, no big deal.
Fujigaya Taisuke is good enough to played Rei's character, he can pulled double side Rei's character well enough (in whisper mode: he's such ikemen tho so I'm totally fine with it XD ). He always wear necklace with feather chain, whenever I saw it I expected that necklace will be an iconic item in this drama, but my prediction was wrong, LOL. That necklace looks really appealing so I though it could be main lead's important or memorable item, like you know that kind of typical drama always put something iconic stuff to makes the story more meaningful.
Kubota Masataka is my second reason to watch this drama, and his character is the most I anticipated. At first his fashion really distracted me. He always wear loose outfit, fine with shirt or sweater, but his pants is totally disappointing and reminds me about first generation K-Pop boyband [Please somebody bring the scissor, my hands is so itchy wants to cut that pants XD]. Kubota Masataka played as Kirishima Makio who obsessed to Rei. This! this is my favorite side story. His hidden true character really the best one. Now I'm sure that he has awesome murderous expression. I praised the writer to write his character really well, especially in episode 9 and 10 where his character at its peak. Those two episode woke me up who almost fall asleep. It can be counted as a twist but the reason behind it is just really deep. *thumbs up*
Iitoyo Marie is a new face, but I feel uncomfortable to watch her in this drama. Her character was the main reason why my rating dropped a lot. She looks awkward to me, she keep bowing her head and folding her hands. It's true that Asou Kira is supposed to be a timid girl but I don't think she expressed it well. Even her character in this drama was a little bit off to me. Let's see, Rei and Makio has strong past story and bold character. Their past story were told in backflash so it feels make sense and I can understand their feelings. But not with this Kira. Kira's identity was introduced as "High school girl who has closed off her heart" (it appeared in every episode opening along with Rei and Makio) but her character didn't through my feelings, there is no backflash story about her (well it's not a must tho) and the main reason why she closed off her heart was untold clearly.
Sometimes I think why Rei just randomly picked an introvert girl as her girlfriend, their fateful meeting didn't strong enough to make him fall in love with her. So it makes me feel like Rei-Kira's relationship was a bit off. So in the end, this drama visually beautiful and fast. I'm looking forward on the next movie on how Makio character will develop.
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Seishun Tantei Haruya: Otona no Aku wo Yurusanai!
2 people found this review helpful
At first Haruya is not a detective, he was asked to help Miu to solve stalking issue, then he agreed because of the reward money. Since then, he does several cases that happened around him. He always does it because of the reward, especially money. Haruya is quite popular in his university because he's good looking. His personally is easy going and a bit mysterious for me, he is a son from rich family but his parent never gives him allowance money so that's why Haruya always doing investigation and detective-like with his friends (Kazuomi, Toshiki & Miu) for money.
IMO, the cases in this series are much simpler than the usual young detective series that I always watch (let's say it's Kindaichi series). Each episode contain 1 case so it's easy to be followed without leaving curiosity and suspense at the ending. Some of them are about stalking, kidnapping, fraud, peeping tom, bullying and blackmailing. The first half from the entire episode almost just 'oh' or not that much thrilling but the second half of the series getting better with some more serious cases. And the romance that a little bit developed, it makes this series more interesting in the end. The way he solve those cases also much simpler, there is no such mathematical technique but it does involve some action scene. Even though the action scenes sometimes a bit weird, for example the bad guy was defeated with just one punch in the face and Tamamori Yuta's serious face was cute for some reason (LOL).
In the ending I'm a bit disappointed because it's look like there are a lot of interesting things that need to be dug up so I hope there will be season 2. It's fun seeing the interaction between the casts and I hope they will expose more about Haruya's family, his past (in the episode 5 there is someone said that actually Haruya is a famous and dangerous thug) and also his romance life a bit, its so cute seeing Haruya keep being pushed by Miu.
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If you're a fujoshi, BL (Boys Love) fan or Yaoi fan, then this drama should be on your list!The base setting is about game company, it's more like otome game. When you set here then you can catch up some plot from this drama. This also will help you understand a twist in the last episode.
I didn't read the original manga or the webtoon itself but i can grasp the main story. First half from the entire episodes you will be brought into BL land between Park Shi Hyun & Lee Mong Ryong (they're so pretty *??(???*)??*?) . There are so many fan service here, even me, giggling, going crazy and kyaaa kyaaa-ing by myself. But this one is not as vulgar as general Japanase BL (I only watch Japanese BL so far, this is my first Korean BL so I don't know if there are more Korean BL out there).
And the second half from the entire episodes, the main tragedy begin. The main story is about mystery and love triangle.
Truthfully I like so much this drama, but there are some hole that makes me think "how could that happen?" "Who is she again?" and so on. Also some lack of scene transitions. Another thing that steal my attention is, male casts wear such a thick make up. It's kinda funny for me. Oh well just enjoy the show (???)
WARNING: Cliffhanger Ending! ?????? I hope this is not counted as a spoiler (^_^)v
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The story revolve around Hisamatsu, Daisuke, Asami and Keichi who fight to avenged their fathers death.
Usually this kind of movie will emphasize more in acting, story and shootout scenes. So do this Gonin Saga, it contains a bloody shooting and killing. Gonin Saga packed with a lot of drama twists. IMO, the story itself is really interesting, a revenge but also a lot of point that connect each characters’ past story. I have to put extra attention to the story itself because I didn’t watch the previous movie, but they recapping it. It’s so hard to pin point from characters from the previous movie with the current movie but then it’s getting interesting with some suspense mood.
The acting from the actors were absolutely great, I can feel the pain, the cringe & the horror, especially Takenaka Naoto. My personal reason to watch this is of course because the main casts itself, Higashide Masahiro and Kiritani Kenta. I thought they were gonna portrayed as cool fighter or something, but I was wrong. Oh yeah they were fought a lot, but not in a hero style, still satisfying tho, watching them acted along in the same movie.
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This movie is brave enough to show fighting scenes, such as bloody scars, hand cut, sword thrust looks real.
The backsound music and soundtrack are nice too and match perfectly. I also like the villain characters, they do really looks like a bad guy with an annoying expression.
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