Welcome to my profile!
I've been watching dramas since 2011 (does that make me a veteran?), but i haven't watched as many dramas as other people here. I've been watching dramas for 8 years and have only completed 50ish dramas ,that's basically because i am a turtle watch dramas slowly and rarely binge watch, and also because i have "drama-free phases" that can last for months.
Random things about me/Iike •30 •Virgo •Tea addict •Books •Winter •Rainy days •Movies •Anime •Ghibli •Doctor Who •Kpop
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1st Drama (2011) - Secret Garden
50th Drama (2019) - Romance is a Bonus Book
100th Drama (2020) - Are You Human Too?
150th Drama (2022) - A Bussiness Proposal
Sometimes i watch dramas with my friend or my mom MamaButton ❤ |
My ratings are based only on my subjective opinion and feelings, I judge purely by enjoyment level. I don't like to complicate things. I see something, I either like or dislike it. So be warned. A good rating doesn't necesarily mean good quality, it means that I enjoyed it very much (although, it could still be a good drama of course).

My favourite K-pop groups
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