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Piano Teacher, Good Wife, Trash Husband and Mistress
I watched this because the episodes are short and sometimes I like to watch dramas that get to the point. This one had many points. :")Let me try to describe the plot: Wife and Trash Husband are married, he wants her to sleep with some creepy dude so creepy dude would invest in his company. She doesn't want that so he works with Piano Teacher to make it look like she's cheating on him and get divorce because he has a Mistress. Plot twist Mistress and Piano Teacher work together, plot twist Piano Teacher wants revenge, plot twist Piano Teacher now likes the Wife, plot twist Mistress now works against Piano Teacher... You get the point, it's like that till the end.
Honestly, it's entertaining. It's so bad it's good. The characters are fun. When you think that's the lowest they can go, they can go lower.
- FL
- You think she is naive but she is not. She screwed them so nicely.
- She does have her stupid moments like going to see the Mistress alone but it's fine. She has more smart than stupid moments.
- I like how she didn't forgive the husband and she saw him for what he is, trash.
- When she told Mistress that she is now responsible for Trash Husband and his mother and they are her hell now, badass.
- If he treated me like that, what makes you think he will treat you differently? *Chefs kiss when she said that.
Trash Husband (let's just go though all the shitty stuff he did because he makes me so angry):
- Told his Wife to go and sleep with creepy dude so he would give him money.
- Set the Wife up that she is cheating so he could take the kid.
- Cheated on the Wife with the Mistress.
- Took the kid.
- Married said Mistress and called Wife to the wedding.
- Got into debt and pinned everything to Mistress.
- Beat up Mistress.
- Told Mistress to sleep with creepy guy so he could get money.
- Blackmailed Wife with their kid to sleep with creepy guy for money.
- He is also responsible for things in the past if what he did in the present isn't enough.
- I think I missed some stuff but every time he opens his mouth or even moves, he does something shitty.
- Ohhh, I remember the moment when he cemented himself as trash at the beginning. He said to his wife he can have ten years younger Mistress because he is the man and that will elevate his status but she can't have a younger guy because she is the mother of his child and that will ruin her image. He also said when the younger guy gets into his prime, he will leave her like he did. Wow, what trash.
Piano Teacher:
- ML
- Good? Bad? Anything is good next to Trash Husband, I will take it.
- He is first working with Trash Husband to make it like Wife is cheating.
- Later, we found out everything he did is for revenge.
- It's fine, even when he is working against Wife, he is helping her.
- He always saves her and he is cute.
- The funny thing is how he spawn's into scenes. Doors, what's that? There's a scene where he takes her home and then when Trash Husband opens the door, he is gone. How?????? The window????? I have no clue.
- Whenever Wife is in trouble, he appears out of thin air.
- He does leave out of the door so that's something.
- The angst with him and Wife was a nice spice to the story, I liked it.
- The definition of you reap what you sow.
- She married Trash Husband for money but ended up in debt.
- Obsessed with Piano Teacher when he doesn't even want to look her way.
- Asks for help from Wife but then betrays her instantly.
- Little less trashy than Trash Husband but just a little.
Overall, I recommended it if you want to watch something dramatic. Something where you will laugh even though it's not comedy.
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Who is he? A character.
This was a wild ride.It had a slow start and a fast end.
The build up takes forever, he draws, something happens, cops ask him stuff, he lies and so on...
There are a few plot twists and anyone who watches this type of movies can predict what they are. Plus we get a bunch of hints through the movie, it's pretty obvious what will happen.
That doesn't make it less interesting.
There are a lot of graphic scenes and blood. It's a story about murder after all. The blood is everywhere.
- Yamashiro Keigo, the manga artist. He is a good person but not completely. How could he draw all those things if he didn't have a little darkness in him.
He is a coward and he does some stupid things but he pays for them. I felt sorry for him because the psycho killer was following him and he felt like everything was his fault.
- Morozumi, the killer. Welp. He definitely had something in his eyes. I wondered why those people stopped and gave him a ride. They were too friendly to someone in the middle of nowhere.
He read the manga and then made it happen. Obviously he has some issues but they weren't shown directly, it was mostly hinted why he is doing what he is doing. I wish we saw more of his reasoning and motivation. I feel like he could have been developed more.
- Seida, the detective and my favorite character. At first I thought he would be the typical detective they show in movies but he wasn't. He followed clues and listened to what other people say to him. He was Keigo's fan and he believed him and tried to help him.
The characters are great and the concept is great but I feel like something is missing and I don't know what.
Overall, an interesting movie.
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Once upon a (badly executed) crime
It's a good movie if you want to pass some time and have nothing better to do.It starts out very slow and it picks up the pace around 30 min mark.
It's a classic Cinderella story with a twist, instead of a love story, we get a murder story and Red Hood is a detective.
When they were discussing who is the murderer at the ball, it was so funny. He is the murderer because of that. She is the murderer because of that. One solid evidence and you are done even if you didn't do it. And at the end, the King just let them all go home even though they didn't catch the murderer.
What's the point of the story? Well, the story relies on this one plot twist at the end to carry the whole story. It's a good plot twist but something was lacking. The ending felt incomplete. Cinderella was bullied her whole life and then when she trusted one person, it turned out to be a creepy dude. I'm not saying what she did is not wrong but it should have been wrapped up differently. There was no message at the end, just a plot twist.
Beauty is not everything? If they wanted that to be a message, they did a really bad job.
Bum, plot twist, be surprised. They did decent with that.
Overall, it has some fun and interesting moments and the costumes are pretty.
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Everyone is crazy
A little slow and confusing at the beginning (around 30 min) but after that it's a fast paced ride till the end.I would lie if I said I liked this movie for the plot, it's interesting, it's fun but it's predictable. The heart thing, the son thing, I saw them coming early on. The real plot twist would be that the Nobleman is the real son but from what we saw, he is not (it was not shown or said).
Marco is your basic main character, he has no clue what's happening and he is just trying to survive. He has a sad backstory, he is strong, etc. Mostly, he is there to be chased and to move the plot forward.
The evil brother is crazy and evil. I first thought he wanted to kill the father (he probably would if he could) but he needed him for inheritance. He didn't really have much character depth except greed and craziness.
The Nobleman and my favorite character. He is doing things because he can. He is an expert (his words). He is a character with the most depth which is weird since he is the craziest of them all. Also, I like his smile even though it looks creepy as hell.
The action is top tier. Especially the scene at the end, the grand finale was extremely grand which is cool.
For such a dark and bloody movie, the ending was funny.
I hope they make a second movie but with the same vibe as the first one.
I would recommend this movie, it's pure action which is hard to find these days, nothing complicated, just fun.
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Someone had too much catnip while writing this
Honestly, it's not bad but it's not good.My attention span in three in the morning is not the best and I don't want to commit to a long drama so this three minute format is great for me.
The story
It's weird, leave the logic out of the door. She is in a coma but her soul is in the cat so technically she is a cat now and ML adopts her (takes her away from the evil lady).
When I do reviews I will put things I like and things I didn't like but here, everything is in the middle. It's meh.
The evil lady is insane, she kidnapped the FL, blackmailed the ML, tried to murder FL, tried to murder the cat multiple times (as a cat person that one is unforgivable). Overall, she is over the top with her evilness and in a desperate need of some jail time.
ML is in unrequited love with FL, she is blind to his every attempt but when she becomes a cat she starts to see he is cute.
It's weird because he kisses her and hugs her as a cat and he doesn't know she is a cat. I don't know if I should laugh or question my choices in dramas.
He also wants to give her a bath, she tried to poop on a toilet but he explained that she has a litter box, he feeds her cat food... the list goes on, it's weird but it's before he realized the cat is FL.
How did he realize?
I have no clue. I would like to know his train of thoughts that led to that conclusion.
There are some cute moments between ML and FL but every single time my brain is like: She is a cat. She is a cat. She is a cat. She is a cat. And that is kinda weird.
Overall, it's okay. Watch it if you have time for something cat-astrophic.
It's been a while since I watched this drama and the more I think about it the more I think it's dumb.
I can't tell if it's bad, so bad it's good or meh.
This drama broke me.
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A place where you can almost reach out and touch the sun
I was in a slump, nothing was interesting and then I found this. I watched it in two days.Story
I liked it. The theme of the whole drama is flying, healing and never giving up but every episode had it's own little story.
The problem would happen and be solved in the same episode which kept me watching. Nothing dragged.
Ep 9 is emotional damage but I still liked it.
Things I liked
- The characters.
- The focus is on pilots everyday life.
- The romance is a side dish.
- The romance between Shinkai and Ogawa was so cute and natural.
- Every character has it's own story.
- Koda's and Shinkai's friendship. The way they care and understand each other.
- Shinkai's and Togashi's friendship, I liked how they would sit down over coffe and talk about things.
- The friendship between characters in general was a highlight.
- The way the trauma was dealt with. I liked the line: Do you think you are the heroine in Greek tragedy? It was something like that but I laughed so much.
- They actually behave like normal people.
- Not everything needs to be serious and dramatic and I liked that approach.
- The ending song, I never skipped it.
Overall, I enjoyed watching this and I would recommend it to anyone who likes character driven stories.
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Time after time
This turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I watched the first episode and it was super interesting. The plot kicks in immediately and there is not even one boring moment.The ending is happy which is satisfying. After getting blown up so many times and struggling to survive, it would be sad and disappointing that they died.
Thing's I liked
- The way the main characters learned from their mistakes. They would mess something up and then fix it in the next loop.
- Main characters being smart, they made plans and tried all kinds of different things to end the loop.
- Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun being cute and brave many times.
- Episode 8 was something else, it was shocking but really good.
- The characters, everyone had their time to shine.
- Old Zhang, he was my favorite character. He listened and observed everything without jumping to conclusions.
- Ludi, he was an unexpected character, I wish we saw more of him. He was really excited to be in a time loop and that was fun to watch because characters mostly don't believe in time loops.
- The mystery of why the bus explodes.
Overall, a great story with great characters.
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The taste wasn't what I thought it was
I thought it had something to do with cooking, it didn't. I should have probably read the description before watching it. No regrets on that. Made the experience more fun.You would think three minute episodes are too short but with my attention span in two in the morning, they were perfect.
I started watching it without expectations and it was great, I had fun.
Leave the logic out of the door and you will enjoy the story a lot. It's cute and weird.
He is some kind of alien but we don't go deep into that, only the parts that move the plot forward.
She is cute, wants to be an actress and that's pretty much everything.
She needs to be saved all the time but I didn't mind that, she was brave when it was important.
The side characters are kinda insane but I liked them because of that, they made the story better.
What I thought was hilarious/good
- The message from the doctor at the beginning, three minute episodes but you got to move the plot forward, if she went to the hospital it would take at least five episodes so I like this approach.
- Ze's smile, he has a super cute smile.
- The bad CGI red eyes, they were hilarious.
- The way they teleport, that was decent.
- The editing in some parts was questionable but it did make everything funnier.
- Their relationship, it was adorable.
- The part where they kept sacrificing for each other, I know it's not supposed to be funny but it was.
- Ze's confession and her answer, that was nice.
- Some bad crying scenes, some good.
- The part where he starts to turn into a monster but tries to control it, that was my favorite scene.
- Their kisses, too cute.
There are some things that were left unanswered but for a three minute drama it was great. It was interesting and it kept my attention from the beginning to the end.
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Good lawyer, bad lawyer
I watched this drama every week and I had fun. I will miss it.This drama is slow, it doesn't have mind-blowing plot twists or characters doing some extravagant things. It's not makjang which I'm glad. It's pretty realistic.
The story builds up slowly, it gives hints here and there what will happen and it's on the viewer to connect the dots. I like that we aren't always told things but we are shown. It's more interesting that way.
There's a lot of small cases connected to one big case. All of them were interesting.
The whole plot about serial murders was written in a smart way. It makes us doubt who is the murderer but it reveals everything in a logical way, it doesn't drag or become boring. Everything makes sense at the end.
The characters are not good or bad, everyone is gray.
The villains suck but they show their good side sometimes, are they pretending? Probably, but they are pretty darn good at it.
Chakhee and Sibaek make a good team. This is not a romance drama but there are a lot of good moments between the leads.
The best episode of the whole drama is definitely ep 10. It left me feeling a lot of feelings.
The ending is satisfying and happy.
Jang Gido is officially a clown.
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Time and memories
I just finished watching this drama. It's three in the morning and I don't know what to do with myself.I liked it a lot.
I haven't watched Leap day (I might watch it in the future) because it didn't interest me as much as this drama, 940920 is good even without watching the prequel.
I pierced the story about Yeesa while watching, it was not complicated to figure out so I wasn't really confused about anything.
I love time travel stories and this one was awesome. It has set rules and the way it works makes sense. It's not overly complicated and we as watchers find out information with the characters which is fun. I actually managed to figure out a lot of things that are going to happen or how time travel works.
This drama made me think a lot about the characters and the way the story is going.
I wanted to give this drama a ten but I can't because of the ending. It's not bad, it's actually satisfying but I wanted more.
The stories of two characters I liked the most were left unfinished. That made me sad and mad because I hoped some miracle would happen and they would have a happy ending.
Also, I don't like when we follow some characters, they suffer, we get emotionally invested and then they don't get the happy ending they deserve but some people who look like them or are them from another universe get a happy ending and we are supposed to feel happy.
I'm not happy. That's my pet peeve in dramas, I want original characters to get happiness, not another version of them. It's not the same.
Rant over.
Things I liked:
- The way time travel works and how everything is connected.
- The question of memories, the fact that we are made of our memories. We know we exist because of them. They make us who we are so what are we without them?
- All of the characters and their individual stories.
- Co Ying and Ka Chung are smart (not all the time but most of their decisions are smart, they never made me feel frustrated).
- The subtle romance between Ka Chung and Co Ying, the way their friendship was growing and how they trusted each other.
- The villain. That's what happens when a bad person gets access to time travel but I guess there would be no drama if he wasn't like that.
- Every episode is exciting (episodes mostly end on cliffhanger so you have to watch the next one).
Overall, it's an awesome story that will make you think a lot. I totally recommend it.
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Taking out the trash
This is a great mystery but almost every character made my blood boil.The beginning is genuinely so sad. We see Joung Woo getting arrested, mentally tortured and blamed for two murders he very obviously didn't do. He suffers in prison, he suffers when he gets out of prison. Everyone hates him, everyone blames him. No one is on his side.
He gets almost murdered every episode and he is reckless and naive but I like that about his character. In the shitty town where everyone betrayed him and his family, he was holding onto hope that they are his friends. But with friends like that, who needs enemies?
The shitty characters ranked:
1. Fake detective friend - super shitty bastard. I can't explain how much he annoyed me. THE ENTITLEMENT, THE AUDACITY. WOW. He thinks he is the victim. He hasn't apologized even once to Joung Woo. I'm glad he is suffering and his life is falling apart but I wish we saw more. For example, his life in prison should be hell.
2. Chief's minion/lab rat - everytime he opened his mouth I wanted to slap him across face. He should be a fantasy novel writer, not a detective. He acted all righteous and mighty ignoring he put an innocent man behind bars. Also a coward.
3. Chief - this man never stopped and tried to reflect on his actions. He never apologized, he never admitted his mistakes. He just manipulated people and tried to save his own skin. He might say it's for his son's but it was never for them, only for himself. Absolute human garbage. He tried to die but he doesn't deserve that, he should suffer living with all the things he did.
4. Actress stalker - she is insane. Just because she couldn't have Jeong Woo in a romantic way, she decided to destroy his life. If he said he doesn't like her, he doesn't like her. That's it and she needed to accept it.
4. Father duo - they were the ones that killed the first girl but they tortured Jeong Woo and his family and pretended like they are the most righteous people in the world. The most important people. The best. Their son's are precious while someone else's son and daughter can die and go to prison. THE ENTITLEMENT with every word they say. The fact one father asked Jeong Woo to write the appeal letter. I couldn't believe what he was saying. Absolute trash.
5. Min Su/nurse - coward trash.
6. Doctor - a creep sleeping with minors. He can't yell at his rich, successful wife so he yells at every other woman that he thinks is below him.
7. Congresswoman/Doctor's wife - she is super fake.
8. BY mother - hypocrite. They are all hypocrites. When it's about them, it's one thing. When it's about someone else, it's another.
Decent characters:
1. Joung Woo - they set him up because he was loved, rich and successful. They were jealous.
It was super satisfying to see him get a not guilty verdict at the end.
A cutie pie.
2. The detective - awesome character. Very smart and cool.
3. Med intern/girl - nosy but cute.
4. Why did the wife beater turn out to be the only one to feel guilty, apologize and reflect on his actions?
5. Geon Oh - he was a coward, he came too late but he tried his best and he was the only person to show some remorse, guilt and to apologize sincerely.
6. Jeong Woo's parents - the fact they hid his car and believed in him till the end.
Best line: Why does everyone keep dying without saying anything?
The best scene in this drama is the ending of ep 3 where Jeong Woo finds the first girls corpse. It's so sad.
Overall, very interesting, very stressful, everyone sucks.
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It's called forbidden zone for a reason
I watched this randomly, it's not bad. It's actually entertaining but I didn't like it. I didn't like the main character and I didn't like the story but I still watched the whole thing and I think it's decent.The CGI is great and the fight scenes are interesting.
The main character is weak at the beginning and then suddenly he is over powered at the end.
There's this one scene where they try to stop the rock with swords and it reminds me of the scene in Guardians of the Galaxy where they try to stop the ship with the net made of robots. It kinda looked like that and it was funny for no reason.
It's a typical story, the main character is special but he doesn't see it until all of his friends die. I'm not joking all of them die (except one and you will know immediately who that one is). I actually started playing a game Who is going to die next? while I was watching. I managed to guess every time. Yay for me, nay for the characters.
My favorite character was the villain, the black haired one. I hate how he didn't get his cool moment and power at the end. I get the point, he was greedy and that destroyed him but I still wanted to see him kick the main characters ass.
The main character is as interesting as a broom. His power never works when someone is dying and at the end he annoyed me with how happy he was that he defeated the villain. I know, I'm slandering him a lot but I don't care. I don't like him.
Overall, it's meh. Watch it and you might (not) like it.
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Do you have to become a monster to fight a monster?
I started watching this drama randomly, I don't even know why.I thought I would binge watch it but it was heavy, I had to take a break around ep 8 but I finally finished it and I think it's worth it. It's a really dark twisted drama that leaves an impression.
Hwang Min is a murderer but I still couldn't hate him as much as I hate his bullies. Jong Suk is a hypocrite, he turned out to be the same as the bullies. I guess all he wanted to do was to protect himself, I can't blame him for that, his life was hell, but he still sucks like everyone else even if he tries to put on the perfect policeman mask.
I like how we start out thinking Hwang Min is the bad guy and Jong Suk is the good guy but the more story goes, we see nothing is black and white. Both of them are equally bad.
Hwang Min took the dark path of revenge while Jong Suk never repented for what he did, he just forgot it and that hurts because it's like it never happened. I don't like how it was never revealed what he did but I understand why, if Hwang Min wanted to reveal it, it would be revealed.
My favorite scene was definitely when Jong Suk and Cheol are talking after Cheol decides he wants to live.
JS - You are the God. God has to save the weak.
C - What are you talking about? Who do I save? I couldn't even save my dad. I'm just a middle school student.
I feel like Jong Suk was more obsessed with Cheol's ideology than being his friend. He put Cheol on a pedestal and when Cheol no longer wanted to be on that pedestal, he did something extreme.
In a way Cheol indirectly made Jong Suk a monster and his ideology that you need to be a monster to fight a monster stuck with Jong Suk till the very end. Even if he forgot Cheol, he never let go of that.
The scene where all three of them are laying down actually made me tear up because they were finally together. If they weren't bullied, how would their lives go? They would live long lives and be friends but that was taken away from them.
The ending scene is what really got me, them smiling and then you remember how they ended up. It's just sad.
I recommend this drama but keep in mind, it got really dark, real fast.
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Why save the world if you hate it?
This was a lot better than I expected. Fun and fast story with good characters.Thing's I liked
- Bromance between Feng and Lin.
- Demons and their motivation.
- Costumes.
- Cinematography.
- Fight scenes, the way Feng uses his weapons.
- CGI could have been better but it didn't ruin the movie for me, it was decent.
- The team that was formed through the story, funny duo, loud girl and sad boi.
Overall, I had a lot of fun watching the characters and I could watch them fight more demons.
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More crazy and less bad
The story seemed so intriguing at the beginning, it will be crazy and out of the box but it wasn't.Ep 1-5 - interesting, had fun watching it.
Ep 6-7 - kinda boring, fast forward button was working a lot. I feel like nothing was happening.
Ep 8-10 - interesting, the plot is finally moving forward, we are building up to something.
Ep 11 - what is going on? Why?
Ep 12 - satisfying ending but what was that build up?
It could have been better, the characters are good but nothing was done with most of them.
It was Ryu Soo Yeol all the time doing everything, I wish we saw more of his team working together and solving cases.
The last episode didn't feel like it happened because the main characters were smart and had a plan but because of coincidences.
What I liked
- The bromance between Ryu Soo Yeol and K.
- The bromance between Jae Seon and Oh Kyung Tae.
- Oh Kyung Tae's character development with minimal screen time.
- Andrei and Boss Yong, they are so cool.
- Whenever K showed up and did something crazy.
- Multiple villains and cases, some better, some not.
- The ending even though the build up made no sense.
Overall, good characters meh story.
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