This is the new standard for bl shows
Wow what can i even say about this show, like for the past 10 weeks I've went thru so much emotions that i couldn't believe i could exude.Tale of a thousand 1000 stars is one of the best bl shows to air this year. The cinematography, acting, music literally everything was perfection. If i was being honest when i first heard about the show i wasn't that that excited but still interested but oh wow my expectations went thru the roof. Both actors held their ground and proved they will be running gmm for years to come. Tian and phupha had so much chemistry and tension you couldn't even deal if you tried.
I honestly don't even know what else do i have to say like its just that good so EVERYONE GO WATCH
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Something good, something for the summertime
This was a beautiful show, sadly i feel it was overshadowed by more popular shows airing at the same day such atoats and wbl.The first 4 episodes were okay but nothing too exciting imo, i think towards the past 4 episodes the show started to set its foundation and it worked well in the end. Now that ending was skeptical cause that build up only for it to end because of a podcast was lazy writing but you gotta have something right. Actors were really good at their roles, i felt really emotional with both of them especially son oh and wow his dancing was great really wish he gets to shine more in bigger kdramas. Hong really did a good job too, his smile is so amazing omg i literally couldn't.
The one thing id say i didnt like about this show was the pacing was much more slower in the beginning than towards the end. But overall a really cute and good show i want to see more of them ik future k dramas.
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The 2nd Season Curse: cheating edition
Oh wow just wow where do i start with this review. This show set such a high bar for bl shows last year and with the second season announcement we were alm skeptical but excited to see where the show may go. Personally id say this was a good season if not the best 2nd season I've watched in a bl show ever.People were pretty upset with the tone and plot chosen this season *coughs cheating* but i feel it played a bigger role in showing us how strong teh and oh love is even if the break was like 1 year but nonetheless their love prevailed.
Cheating is a very common trope put in place in second seasons for bl shows so it wasn't uncommon to see it done in this show. As much as I agree with the audience in them being mad about the cheating plotline nothing can change we just have to except the choice the writers made.
Now in terms of oh and teh and how they have changed drastically i can only say it was for the better cause the person you are in high school isn't gonna be the same person when you in the real world. I loved how the show managed to capture that is such a beautiful way.
Fav characters :
Q ( love of my life)
Top ( he could get it anyday)
Khim ( such a beautiful girl hoping she has an amazing life)
Tbh im not to good with reviews but i hope you got what i was tryna say. This was a good season regardless of the cheating element it still gave an excellent performance and cinematography.
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This show has set the bar for bl shows
Okay wow just WOW!!!!!This show is excellent in every way possible from acting, cinematography to ost. I dont think yall understand hoe amazing this show is like in 5 episodes this show has shaken the table in the bl world and there's a reason why the rating for this show so high. Both leads were great and really held their ground and can i just say how they portrayed so much emotions with their eyes like wow. Personally i feel this is the show every bl show should take notes. The side characters also held there ground which i loved especially Bas who is my fav, i don't wanna pretend like im a critical reviewer of bl shows i just find them entertaining but this show here deserves all kind of awards.
Teh and oh really show you how much they want each other every episode and you just sit and watch how these boys fall for each other in the most dramatic and heartfelt way. I cant stress this enough watch this show its top tier bl of 2020 maybe even of all bl shows
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The miscommunication trope needs to die
Okay i think i speak for everyone when i say bl shows have passed the need for miscommunication. I love this show, the first season was solid and had such nice story telling even tho you could notice the budget limit. This season i felt it lacked what the first season gave and thats what happens when bl shows go for second seasons they eventually drag out problems that could have been solved by a simple special episode.Although i can call out this seasons flaws i still enjoyed watching every second of it. Many people have expressed their dislike for the way shi de and shu yi relationship feel off and how pei was portrayed this season. I personally still felt they could have worked much more in giving pei more character depth then just hurting ZX feelings. Zx was the standout for me this season especially the actor and his acting.
God knows whats happening with those 2 other guys who just bl ornaments imo (side couples that have no meaning but just have to look pretty together).
Overall very mediocre season idk if we getting a 3rd season but if we do i hope they take there time and focus on the writing a bit more. Also FUCK THE DAD
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"I don't like men, i like him"
So if you've read the title you know damn well where this show is heading. I personally found this show to be very mundane like there were moments of cuteness and surprisingly explicit but nothing id rate higher than a 6.0. I just felt this show had so much more potential if they cute out the bl clichès which were im not gay but still fucks men and the step sibling relationship, and SEXUAL ASSAULT ,LETS REMEMBER THAT PLEASE!!!I personally wanna commend tho the dad on how they showed him tryna process everything both his sons had thrown at him.
Overall i wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless they've been a bl fan for years and are big fans of history and just watch anything. If you wanna watch it but you are skeptical then honestly you can skip it cause its not really a memorable show.
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See what happens when you give a korean bl proper episodes and good run time you ger excellence. Light on me has to be the best kbl we've ever gotten and i mean it.The story of taekyung, shinwoo and daon is the by far the best thinh ive seen ever. The love triangle and a dash of enemies to lovers is something i lost my find when watching. I won't go into detail about why this show is 10/10 it just is.
Shin woo star of the show, he captured so many peoples hearts from the beginning to the Point you'd fly over to Korea just to give him a hug. Taekyung is such a fantastic person in a way that hes fully honest and sure it may come off insulting to most i respect how much he values his own opinion of himself over others. Daon is also fascinating, you get this sweet and popular guy who just doesn't want to disappoint anyone, it takes a tole on him when watching the show but eventually he finds himself.
The girl lead idk what to say about her lets just say she's there. Namgung such a star i want nothing but the world for him. Bless his Heart.
Overall this is what kbl is supposed to be like not 10 min episodes that barelu scrap a persons personality. Anyway hope you found this review helpful and it's been 8 glorious and also painful weeks but worth it.
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Cute, simple and fun
Korea has be dropping a plethora of shows this year compared to other years. My sweet dear of course being victim to short episode runtimes but able to get the message and cuteness to the audience.Leading actor we've seen before in other projects such as where your eyes linger and a brief moment in mr heart. He played the charisma and layed back character very well and his co star which has also been in bigger shows as really sold the uptight but lovely chef that people would swoon over.
I think this drama served its purpose and didnt do too much. People have aired how much they disliked a certain character cause of the way he acted and came off. But thats just how most guys like him act eventually they get better and plus they do too much in over criticising a show thats just meant to be fun and cute nothing extra.
If you want to pass the time and watch something cute i'd suggest this.
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A story that goes beyond BL
Wow just wow!!!!Not me was a new bl everyone was excited for since its announcement and especially since offgun was leading. The show itself did such a good job of balancing the bl aspect and non bl storyline to the point were u couldn't pick which you enjoyed more.
Beautiful performance from all the cast especially Gun like that boy definitely showed how great of an actor he is under gmm and even in the thai acting industry. The switch up between black and white is so insane u just cant picture gun being like that, but he pulls it off effortlessly.
DanYok the bl side couple that did something most bl side couples lack and that was pure PASSION. Fluke my husband did a splendid job and im really proud this show gave us a different side of him especially since gmm doesn't seem to respect hes worth.
Overall acting 10, storyline 10 also the pacing for this show is amazing definitely respected them for not dragging the stories out. Definitely gmms top bl id recommend everyone tap in and u won't be disappointed
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Bad buddy is officially gmm's best bl show
Wow where i even began. Like woah this show was everything i wanted in a bl show, good acting, nice pacing plot, great chemistry and more. Pat and Pran are now one of my favourite healthy bl couples.Nanom and ohm were spectacular in this show like woah i was so amazed at the chemistry they kept throughout the show till the end.
Ink and Pa my first ever GL couple I've seen in a bl and it was done right.
The main thing I'd say they resolved was the parents beef with each other especially pat's father. I truly felt like that outcome of them not being together in public really made it difficult on them but it seemed to work out for them.
P'aof proved once again he is gmm's best director, he took such a simple premise and made it into gold and i respect him for that. Truly couldnt be happier with the way this show played out. Gmm really out did themselves in 2021 kicking the year off with ATOTS and ending it with Bad buddy and surprisingly p'oaf directed both shows. So if you still reading this and need a reason to go watch it PLEASE GO YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
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I mean its better than Tharntype
Tbh many have shared their opinion on how they hated this show or how mame hasnt really done anything right. But imo i feel this is the best project even tho she's a nasty woman.I feel this show did what it was intended to do, which is why i liked it but im confused as to why people expected more when you know exactly what the tone of the show is gonna be.
Ja and first have such amazing chemistry and helps the show a lot. The real stars for me were leon and pob they really stole the show for me. I stuck thru for them, many would say the same.
I enjoyed the show flaws and all. Its a simple watch and goes deeper into fiat who wasnt really well liked by people but this show justified why he acts the way he does and i think its worth giving a shot.
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My "babies" have done it again
What a spectacular movie, like im mind blown by the acting, storytelling and just pure emotions put into this movie. Im no critic or reviewer but when i tell you, you'll enjoy every second of this movie.Just like hello stranger, gameboys managed to capture the magic and chemistry we saw in season 1 even tho it was an online setting. You honestly don't even need a reason to not watch this movie cause why bother continuing to read this review.
Just go watch it and believe me when I tell you, you will not regret it
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The chase was way too long but still worth it
This was such a cute bl and a personal fav so far this year. Gmm usually tries to hard with there comedic shows and it just comes off cringe but this i genuinely laughed which is something i was give gmm for accomplishing.Pi and Mork are by far the cutest bl couple I've seen since cairo and gav. They have such good chemistry and even when you felt frustrated by the choices pi made along the way you still felt he needed more time to figure out his feelings and thats normal.
Muang nan oh wow what a man i completely love him, mix did a great job in capturing such a wonderful person and im glad to see that gmm is using him in a good way.
The actors playing pi,mork,deuen and meen did a really good job and i hope to see all them in future bls together or any show especially Mork.
In term of the story a really fun and cute story and i personally wanna see more bls like this that are just cute and fluffy nothing too dramatic.
The ost is my fav ost I've listened to this year especially mix's song thats been on repeat.
Yeah so overall really cute show and maybe you'll feel cringed out by some scenes but thats gmm so you take what you get. So everyone go watch and enjoy it won't disappoint :)
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It was camp
So this was cute and fun im just gonna get that out the way. If you've been watching bl for a while you must have come across the bodyguard trope and some have been done really well, with this show I'd say they had all the material but it still lacked something.Now i my negatives, the acting kinda wasnt there like at all maybe a few scenes you can see them trying their best but the rest well lets say they were "acting". And when it came to the supporting actors mainly the 2 girls i felt a wasted potential with them. They honestly were just props for jealously and sad crushes that never work and we all know how girls that have crushes on gay men act in these shows. Maybe if they gave them a GL storyline it would have been even better for the show idk.
Now the positives my babies bank and pitch, they really stole the show for me especially bank. He's so cute and honest with what he wants that its hard to dislike him. Pitch may start of a bit off but he comes around and honestly it made his character 10x loveable. The main couple were interesting thats all imma say tbh like you gotta watch the show to see for yourself. Oh also the budget was really good surprisingly and the fights werent that bad.
So overall really fun, sloppy sure but nothing too cringe to make you turn the laptop off. So enjoy and hope this long ass review helped.
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Stop hating a non problematic bl
Firstly i loved this show i thinks its such a simple storty told a in such a sweet and cute way. Peole who hate the show just because are lame. If im being honest the only thing i didnt like bout this show is how they villainised pam for drama which was poor writing. If yall didnt notice 2gether is the only show ive seen were a fem gay actually has a love interest and isnt just used for comedy affect. In terms of acting Bright was okay and Win was great, surprisingly it being he's first show he did well, so overall i think hating or saying this show is boring is just poor bl taste im sorry.Was this review helpful to you?