“Our Beloved Summer’” is character-driven slice of life drama that revolves around the painful yet beautiful journey of the main characters as they each struggle through their own traumas and try to find oneself without losing what is really important in their lives. The drama is about how the leading couple deals with the remnants of their broken relationship due to insecurities and abandonment. The drama uses very insightful narrative to give the audience an understanding of the character’s state of mind using introspection and also presenting their first relationship through flashbacks, and the epilogues at the end of each episode provide reference on the characters.
The leading cast, Choi Woo-Shik as Choi Woong and Kim Dami as Kook Yeon Soo did a wonderful job bringing their characters to life. Their chemistry was great and they were wonderful in expressing their emotions, not only in their dialogues but mostly in the intense raw emotions that they brought through body language and facial expressions.
Although there are some comedic moments, the drama provokes all kind of emotions as the main characters work on overcoming pain and understanding their emotions to be able to conquer their fears in order to love and trust each other. It is a wonderful drama; enjoy it.
The leading cast, Choi Woo-Shik as Choi Woong and Kim Dami as Kook Yeon Soo did a wonderful job bringing their characters to life. Their chemistry was great and they were wonderful in expressing their emotions, not only in their dialogues but mostly in the intense raw emotions that they brought through body language and facial expressions.
Although there are some comedic moments, the drama provokes all kind of emotions as the main characters work on overcoming pain and understanding their emotions to be able to conquer their fears in order to love and trust each other. It is a wonderful drama; enjoy it.
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