Acting/Cast: The mains leads acting are good as they are able to show different sides of their characters convincingly, not surprisingly as its the same male lead from drama Colourful Bone and the female lead from drama Our Times. The chemistry between them was not super amazing but decent. Other side characters though were bad-alright, was not particularly impressive in any way. Personally did not like Tang Tang acting as he has the same emotion/face throughout the show.
Music: It was decent but not particularly memorable except for the sad scenes which had some nice music.
Rewatch Value: After watching this for the first time, the comedy in this drama would not work a second time. The romance was not super amazing either hence this show would not bring must satisfaction after the first time.
Overall: This is a enjoyable experience to watch particularly to pass time or after a heavy drama. It would be best to have a open mind when watching this show as some things do not make sense all all. However it is still entertaining, similar to anime with the over-the top situations. Not a bad show by any means if u like the comedy and romance in this drama.
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