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The Love You Give Me chinese drama review
The Love You Give Me
0 people found this review helpful
by Molly03
Jun 15, 2023
28 of 28 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0


For a romance, this was very... lackluster.
I'd have loved to give everything a solid five; nothing too good, nothing too bad, nothing to stand out in any way.
But the actors did do a good job, so I decided to be fair and give them their due rating.

The main plot is nothing new:
Girl and boy meet, fall in love, have a misunderstanding, break up.
Meet again, still mad, revenge, blah-blah-blah, reconcile, live happily ever after.
This one added a cute son into the mix, but, again, that's not entirely new either.

I think they didn't do enough with the story.
For me, I love romances, and I'll rewatch the same tired plot again and again, as long as the story is well-written and the characters are engaging. This show flopped on both counts. Story was weak, as were the characters.

You have adults acting like kids, the so-called 'Warren Buffet of China" (the show's words, not mine) behaving like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum, and a strong, smart woman who can't find the words to communicate properly when it matters the most.
A whole entire mess.

I loved the son; he was adorable.
My second favorite character of the show was Cindy, the sister. A total scene stealer IMO.

The chemistry of the main couple was, like everything else, meh. I'd give it a five. No spark, no sizzle. Close friends or a twenty-year married couple. Those were the vibes I was getting.

One good thing was that the "great reveal" happened pretty early in the show, getting us into the meaty part of the story.
But!! In exchange, the first few episodes seemed to repeat the same scenarios over and over again using different dialogue. Just repetitive as hell, taking us nowhere. And the last few episodes? Threw in unnecessary drama just for the heck of it. Maybe to draw out the show a bit longer? Anyway. I had to push myself to finish this. I watched the last eight episodes on fast speed.

Music was okay.

I guess if you have nothing better to do and want something light to take up your time then try it? But I wouldn't recommend this if you have something better on hand, and I won't be rewatching this.

Ending: HEA, for those who want to know. <3
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