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Orlando Florida
Blue Demon ver.2.0 japanese movie review
Blue Demon ver.2.0
0 people found this review helpful
by Old_Anime_Lady
Sep 18, 2018
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
Focusing on Horror this month for the next article and stumbled upon this and its predecessor ( I watched them both within 4 days of each other. I did not find them scary, even though they are meant to be. Maybe i just know the format too well : ).

Acting..Well its typical horror movie acting. Even if you are being told to act scared, it usually doesn't come across to the cameraand then the actor has to over dramatize it. So I will list it as Typical, not dialed in but not oscar worthy.

Music-Heavy metal type music, yet feels generic also. Re-watch value on all horror movies for me is low.

So its a good time filler but don't expect to be having in depth discussions about this one.
There is a lot of Eye candy in this though, it helped a lot.
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