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Wiam Najjar


Wiam Najjar

A Frozen Flower
139 people found this review helpful
Jan 11, 2015
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I started this film for two reasons; the cast and the fact that it's a sageuk. But this is no ordinary historical film with an outstanding cast.
The first thing I have to point out that this drama might not suit everybody's taste. It's TOO real, the bloodshed scenes, the battle scenes and the love scenes. If you can't get too real, don't start it.
Minors, skip this film.
So it's Goryeo –back before they tied their hair up, to our great advantage- and the king (Joo Jin Mo) is under the threat of losing his authority as an active king since Yuan –the empire in control- wants an heir to the throne. The king can't have an heir due to the fact that he's homosexual. (Again, if you cannot accept or respect homosexuality, don't start this). The king's lover and the one who's captured his heart for a long time is the Chief of the king's guards; Hong Lim (Zo In Sung).
Yeah I know!! When these are the two leads!!
With his country and throne on the line, the king resorts to one last option. He decides to make someone impregnate his wife (Song Ji Hyo). Only trusting in his loyal lover and friend, he gives Hong Lim the task. As Hong Lim and the queen make love trying to conceive, a new world opens up to them, and the tragedy starts.
Faced by betrayal, loneliness, abandoment, the king seeks revenge against everyone; first of all, against the one who meant the world to him, Hong Lim.
The story is too real it got me totally absorbed in the suffering of everyone. I couldn't not sympathise with everyone. The absurdity of life is inscribed on every scene. The sense of loss and how it empties us of our souls is engraved on the characters' forheads.
Regardless of the nudity and the sexually explicit scenes, the film is worth watching. It's too painfully awe-aspiring.
The cast did a great job here and I applaud every single person.
Well, I know that Song Joong Ki and No Min Woo are in the cast. Well they are there, almost with no dialgoue or screen time but it was so fun trying to spot them out of the other guards.

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Heart to Heart
85 people found this review helpful
Mar 11, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 5
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Straight 10s. This is what a perfect drama is like. God bless tvN and grant it prosperity. This is the most pleasant surprise of 2015 and will be for a while. I started it with high expectations but it exceeded all of them.

Perfect writing; no holes or no loose ends. Everything is connected brilliantly. The amount of pain and laughter are balanced wonderfully. The characters are well-written and the actors have done a perfect job performing them. Chapeau to the writer, the director and the cast.

To actually fall in love with Choi Kang Hee was something I never imagined but after this drama there was no way I wouldn't. I hope she's OK after playing the role.

A realistic approach of traumas and pain. No forgiveness simply granted. People do commit crimes and make mistakes. Not everyone is redeemed just because the drama is ending. How one person's not confessed crime would haunt so many people. Family and its complications. All are tackled in the drama.

Now comes the most bewitching theme; love. Hey! Hey! I'm someone who vowed to stay single forever! This drama had made me want to date again! Insane! How true people are to their feelings. No noble idiocy, no unnecessary self-blame, no giving up, no escaping. I'm feeling this way I'll be true to my feelings and simply confess and take responsibility. If you can't recognise your own feelings I'll help you but I won't give up on you. The past grudges won't stand in the way of our love because you simply mean the world to me. '' I either see you or die. And since I can't die I'll just see you.'' No shame or pretense when it comes to physical love. I want you, I express it. '' Love for me is touching''. Honest and realistic but so moving. Memorable in every aspect!

Though at the beginning I was worried about the second female lead but she thankfully found the right track. Every character has its own tale and every one can relate to each tale.

The OSTs and the music are so distinctive and soooooooooo suitable.

I will definitely re-watch it if ever have the time.

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My Paparotti
24 people found this review helpful
Feb 15, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
When I find out a work is based on a true story, I get all those complicated feelings and the work becomes personal. Same happened here..

To fight all this s***** life and actually work towards your dream is not an easy thing to do. What's harder is finding such a teacher. I was fortunate to meet such professors back in college and I'm trying to be that kind of teacher to my students -i'm far behind though- but not every one is as lucky as I was.

The student-teacher relationship in this film is so touching. It's the kind of special relationship I would love to have with my students but too scared to. To get involved into somebody else's life is terrifying.

The chemistry between the two actors in insane. No wonder they were dashing in Secret Door.

Kang So Ra was so cute. I loved her role.

No matter who was singing, the songs and music just went straight to my heart.

The story is so touching; I kept crying throughout.

There are many funny scenes which lighten the mood.

Perfect! Will definitely watch it again -though I never rewatch anything-

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Persevere, Goo Hae Ra
20 people found this review helpful
Jul 10, 2015
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
This drama is a hard-watch. It's great at some aspects and terrible at others. The kind of drama you can't drop but you feel frustrated watching it. The writer had an idea. That idea was great. But she messed up when she involved the over dramatic love story especially with a really bad-written and acted female lead. The sub-plots were so interesting. But at the same time the troubles the characters went through were exaggerated much. The comic scenes were amusing and hilarious. But the supposed touching scenes were cheesy and superficial. The music, songs and performances were magic. Nothing I've seen before in a drama. The drama showed all the issues happening in the behind scenes of entertainment business. That was cool. But the way they were presented made me feel like I was watching a makjang rather than a musical drama.

Themes like Brotherhood vs. Love, misunderstandings ruining lives, being human means making mistakes, mistrust, rivalry and suspicion were presented and again in a dramatic way. At moments -especially when they were singing or the supporting characters were on screen- I would gape at the screen mindblown. And at other moments I would be gritting my teeth fighting the urge to vomit.

For the music and the supporting actors, the drama is totally worth it. But at the same time there are the other issues. So..

I will and I am re-watching the songs and performances. I even wrote the titles of the songs down to keep them. As for the female lead, I'll try to avoid dramas she's in when I can.
I'll try to avoid the writer as well.

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36 people found this review helpful
Mar 19, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
What a wonderful journey! 20 hours of complete bliss, fascination, love, loyalty, freedom, friendship and brilliancy. Cliff hangers at the end of each episode and surprising events. Admirable writing and capital production. No loose ends and no let’s-squeeze-this or fill-in-that.

Healer might sound like a typical justice-prevails story where the good guys go through troubles but win at the end and the bad guys get their punishment; with a super hero jumping across roofs and defeating bunches of guys at the same time. Well that’s true, if you want to think of it that way. But strangely, no matter how ordinary and overused the plot might sound, it’s portrayed perfectly. Genuineness is not only about new ideas but new and fresh portrayals of the already tackled ideas.

Of course acting is superb. Every one did a wonderful job. What impressed me the most was the younger selves of the 5 friends! How could they find people who look so much alike and with such skills? Every time one of them would be on screen I’d simply stare.

The chemistry between the leads and the supporting actors was evident. Everyone seemed comfortable and well-aware of their roles. No one covering for the lack of skills for another.
Not a dull moment. No taking your eyes away. Especially the moments of Healer and Young Shin AND Moon Ho’s emotional outbursts. Moon Ho for me was the best thing about the drama and I officially fell in love with him.

The new Park Min Young was groundbreaking in every single aspect.

As for themes; I loved how they tackled the concept of family in its different aspects and probabilities; in a touching way. How money and authority can change people. How much freedom of opinion are we practically allowed?! Can people actually change each other and help them become better people? Are dreams definite sources or can they be changeable? And the most urging and universal question; does justice ultimately prevail?

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Drama Special Season 5: Bride in Sneakers
15 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2015
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
''You get unlucky because you give your turn to others.''

In the due course of one night, two young people meet coincidently and their lives change forever.

An abused theme right?? Fate and whatever. But this drama special and though it presents some Utopian ideas and preaches hope, is well-done and worth the journey.

Park Bo Gyong (Lee Chung Ah) is spotted on a train wearing a wedding dress and red sneakers. The man who notices her is a webtoon cartoonist by the name of Jang Hee Sun (Kim Jin Woo). He gets inspired at the scene and decides to buy her story. Therefore he follows her and for one night they get entangled into each other's lives.

It's one hour of comic and serious themes presented simultaneously. You find yourself unable to completely laugh or get absorbed into the sad moment. There's more fun than serious and you'll get a good laugh. The acting of the two leads is truly good. This is my first time watching Kim Jin Woo as a cute and kind man and the surprise was pleasant. There's one shocking turn of events at the end and it's a good one.

The special tackles notions like fortune, luck, miscommunication in relationships, selfishness, cheating and fate. Will tomorrow be different or any better? Do people change?

''You can't take care of yourself but you help others that's why people think you're easy.''

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Do You See Seoul?
9 people found this review helpful
Feb 22, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Teachers shouldn't watch school works, doctors shouldn't watch medical and lawyers shouldn't watch legal. There should be some law about that. Getting too personal is dangerous.

So here's another work about how a teacher influences her students. What the teacher does here is try to widen her students horizons and give them the chance to hope and dream. The amount effort she exerted changed her students lives and showed them a different world.

The film also portrays how parents claim to support their kids and wish them a better life while they actually stand in their way and oppose any new way. It also presents the joy of exploration and seeing things for the first time. At the same time, it warns the dreamers that the road towards their goals is not as shiny as they might expect.

A touching story. Worth watching and rewatching.

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Dr. Champ
9 people found this review helpful
Feb 14, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Though there was nothing special to the plot; I liked the light and not complicated almost-love triangle. There were no villains and everyone had their own faults. I loved that human portrayal.

Uhm Tae Woong's acting shone through. I admit having Queen Seon Duk's syndrome -where I fell for everyone there; literally- so I started this already in love with him. His self-centred personality and weird sense of humour were so adorable. I liked his dark side that doesn't reflect on his humanity. The way he taught Kim Yeon Woo was so enjoyable to watch. That killing smirk got me gaga!

Park Ji Heon's character was so cute. I'd avoid it though. This kind of guys is burdensome and demanding.. only cute to watch from afar.

I loved Kim Soo Yeon.. well i'm biased so! i loved how she never hesitated to express what she thinks and stands her ground. and i loved how nothing stopped her from what she believes right.

The reason why I pushed this drama up was writing a stalker's guide on Kang So Ra. She didn't have much to give here but she was cute in the few minutes she'd appear every episode.

There were so many shirtless scenes -due to the fact that they are athletes- and my eyes were so happy!

The drama tackled so many medical and sport related cases. Though they were so beneficial for an ignorant like me, I felt that many were forced. They were so touching anyhow.

Sang Bong's character was the best thing about the drama. I cried buckets because of him.

The patriotic emphasis on being a ''Korean representative'' was evident.

The emphasis on the Korean pork they were promoting was so obvious i kept laughing -side effects of watching so many dramas; especially King of Dramas-

The cruel and twisted fate of Park Ji Heo and Yoo Sang Bong was so moving -and kept reminding me of School 2013-

The music was cute but repetitive.. i loved the osts.

I was not expected it to be so much fun.. I didn't get bored for a second.

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11 people found this review helpful
Jan 16, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
I cannot but raise my hat in respect to any writer or director who surprises me. Even if I wouldn't be enjoying something much then I get surprised, my mind immediately erases everything else. Well that what obviously happened here.

I started seriously hoping to find an Lee Byung Hun film without the word Mature in the genre. I love mature stuff; especially with Lee Byung Hun. I know what you think. Stop right there!! But mature films cannot be recommended to everyone that's why.

Anyhow the story kept me on my toes, yes. It started getting slower so I thought they were going to ruin it but the twist was just shocking for me. And I loved it.

I wondered why they presented the couples' every day's life in a so detailed way but then I understood when everything fit its place.

Not your oh-my-god-how-I-could-have-lived-before-this-film work, but it's definitely worth watching. Watching Lee Byung Hun playing the psycho doesn't surprise me anymore but amazes me all the same. This guy is not your average actor. Lee Min Yeon did a great job here as well.
The ending soundtrack grabbed my heart but I couldn't find it anywhere.
I don't think I'll watch it again though it's good enough for that.

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You Know What? It's a Secret
8 people found this review helpful
Jun 24, 2015
Completed 2
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 4.5
To watch this film, one should separate themselves from all the present dramas and all that one watched and go back to 1990. Everything about the film was made to fit the era and to look back at it might not help.

The film tackles all the issues tackled in more recent Korean dramas, bullying, carelessness, students crushes on their teachers, troubled students, poverty, obsessed mothers, etc... Some of the famous scenes in Korean dramas are taken from the film.

The acting from the veteran actors was great. Ha Hee Ra gave a powerful performance. Lee Kyeong Yeong was awesome. It was one of Choi Soo Jong's first works so it explains why he was still struggling. But the most hilarious one to watch was Kim Min Jong -my favourite and the reason I watched the film-. His role was serious and dark but he couldn't act at the time obviously and I kept laughing at him. He was 18 and so cute.

The music, well, you know the music in cartoons where you feel there's a battle in the background! That's the music in the film. Hysterical.

I don't think I'll watch it again. Maybe some of KMJ's scenes to laugh at how adorable he was.

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Innocent Thing
7 people found this review helpful
Oct 31, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
You finish the film not knowing what exactly happened and what was illusionary. How much of the events were the results of false memories and how much was wishful thinking. A well-written plot full of fragmentations and soliloquies. When passion and curiosity get in the way of responsibility and morals, what would a person do? What is love? And how much of it is obsession and imagination? When life is tying one down and when the pressure of family and providing for it seems unbearable, can we really blame one if they tend to notice other fresh and lovely refuges?

Jang Hyuk looks so young and hot in the film with his fringe down and those muscles. Jo Bo Ah did wonderfully and outperformed all. I applaud her for picking such a hard role and exceeding at it.

I remember that the music fit the film well. The production and cinematography was just perfect. The camera angels added to much to the intensity and sense of loss.

Not for everyone. A contradictory and conflicted account on the human passion and inner conflicts.

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Boarding House #24
7 people found this review helpful
Feb 20, 2015
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
Though idols brought me to the drama world, I admit that many -if not most- of their acting have proved a total failure. Just because they have a huge fan base, they get all the lead roles and high rates and give the audience hell. So I was not all excited at starting this but I thought trying a 12-episode series an episode per week won't hurt. I'm glad I did.

Though there's nothing extraordinary about the plot, the drama presented serious and deep issues in a comic way while making us feel the depth of them. Paternity, one-night stands, love, gender, friendship, fate, unemployment, plastic surgery, society's expectations, dreams, talents and the pressure of youth are all portrayed in the drama. The nuggets of wisdom at the end of each episode were so loaded but cute. Though I hate didactic messages, I thought they were to the point with no pressure. Being 24 myself, I related to the struggle of the guys.

The last episode was epic. And the last words of Kim Dong Joon were like a soothing breeze to my troubled heart.

The music was awesome here. The way they'd add classic songs to some ridiculous situations was so hilarious.

Kim Sa Eun was a pleasant surprise -I'm a Super Junior fan so I'm pretty biased to my band member's wife-.

Kim Dong Joon's dialect and terrible sense of humour made the drama for me.

For a light break after watching a sageuk or a melo; this drama would present a great solace.

This is the Currently Watching article I wrote after starting it:

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Romantic Warriors
7 people found this review helpful
Jan 24, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Forget about the synopsis and the poster; Kim Min Jong is here...

As a typical fan; I chase Kim Min Jong everywhere and that's why I started this. But I am also a drama addict who has so much on her plate so she never hesitates in dropping anything not worth it; even if it's by her favourite actor -I dropped Return of Iljimae though the 4 leads were favourites of mine-.

What's encouraging about this film is that it's short, light, hilarious, ridiculous and enjoyable. Nothing new about the plot. No deep issues really. Adorable actors acting silly; that's all.

There was not much music except for the ''scary'' elements which were unbelievably funny.

I can see myself watching it again and enjoying a good laugh; with some tears.

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Secret Love Affair
7 people found this review helpful
Jan 21, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Writing a review on this is a hard job. I myself cannot express how I felt throughout the show in words but I'll try my best. It's not only me who thinks this but this show is not for everyone. Not just because of the nature of the relationship of the leads but the production, the acting and the storyline is on a different level. Mmm like Classics, not everyone can read between the lines or enjoy the depth of them. Anyhow I started this because of Yoo Ah In, who no matter what others might think -though I don't give a damn- is a genius actor. I'm glad I watched it.

I'm not a fan of affairs stories, but I AM a fan of freedom tales. The drama is not about Oh Hye Won cheating on her husband and giving up on everything for a young pianist. The drama is about her breaking away from all the restrictions, prejudices and stereotypes of society. If you read Kate Chopin's The Awakening you'd understand what I mean. Lee Soon Jae was only the trigger, the hope and the strength that helped her throw herself in the vast ocean so she can be reborn again. The drama is a brave attack on the world of the corrupted rich and how low they can stoop to protect what they believe is theirs. How such people can strangle others' dreams without feeling the slight regret.

Full of deep, mind blowing and heartbreaking music; the drama sneaked into every cell of my existence.

Kim Hee Ae was the perfect actress for the role and I can't imagine anybody else playing it. The pain her whole body portrays is nothing I've ever seen. That dignity she upholds and that charisma! She mesmerised me.

Now comes Lee Soon Jae. I don't know what the writer had in mind when she wrote the character of Lee Seon Jae but i'm sure Yoo Ah In surpassed anything the writer had in mind. For the first time in a really long time I cannot find words to describe a character. I cannot pinpoint the reason I find him irresistible and i'm sure Oh Hye Won didn't know either.. at a moment i'd be sure he had some psychological issue, in the next moment he's just an innocent , simple-minded and outright young man, then he's a crazy passionate man in love. He's never normal but i can't tell why he isn't.. This character acted by this actor is completely putting me in Oh Hye Won's shoes.. Her facial expressions as she watches him are not forced at all. I guess anybody would have felt that insane rush of emotions if they were with him...

Again; if ur not a non-conformist, don't start this.

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Seonam Girls High School Investigators
5 people found this review helpful
Oct 16, 2015
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
A LOVELY school drama tackling high schoolers' troubles in an interesting and funny way. The issues discussed are common but not presented in this mature, global and non-conformist way. While we see private education's problems, bullying, sex, abortion, suicide, part-timing and homosexuality; we see them from different points of view. Everyone is free to express their opinions. No prejudice. No judgement. Though they might not agree or accept. Though they might fight and separate. They all had the right to hold their stands. But some people would try to dissuade others. Not because they believe their own opinion is right and others' wrong. But when they see someone being unhappy because of a road they've taken they try to show them the other roads. No forcing. No imposing ideas. Just as ''humans'' must treat each other.

The young actresses did a wonderful jobs. I can see the bright future of Korean actresses. Guest actors left a mark each.

Great songs. Mystery. Suspense. Tears. Deep questions. A perfect drama in each and every way.

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