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Pinoy BL Series


Pinoy BL Series

Apr 14, 2021

Cut (2012) Episode 3: The Revelation

Episode 3: The Revelation dished out that Curt and Sid's relationship was possibly just a make-believe to gain popularity. A lot of things were off on this episode. Screenplay had corny lines and preachy dialogues. While I appreciated that a discussion on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE) was incorporated in the script, I didn't feel it was natural enough. Acting was more akin to stage than screen. Andrea needs to tone down with her performance. Audio-visuals had issues as well. There were instances when I can't barely hear the characters speaking. Lighting for some scenes was substandard as well. Overall, this was a weak episode.

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Apr 12, 2021

Stranger's Kiss (2021) Episode 3: Birthday Cake

Three episodes in and the lead characters Julius, Niko, and Prince haven't piqued my interest yet. Episode 3: Birthday Cake showed Prince celebrating his birthday with Niko. I don't know but I'm actually more invested with Miray and Vergel's relationship. Screenplay was realistic enough. Acting was still uneven. Even Xerxes was off the mark with his acting at times. Weaknesses on audio-visuals lingered on this episode. On the whole, this wasn't a strong episode.
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Apr 12, 2021

Stranger's Kiss (2021) Episode 2: Never Give Up

I still don't know how I really feel about this series. There's a degree of authenticity in the plot/storyline that I liked especially with its highlighting of poverty and featuring of joining pageants as a way out of hardships for a lot of Filipino (Pinoy) gays and transwomen. And yet, I fear that in the end, this series might not be able to properly handle such serious social issues. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. On Episode 2: Never Give Up, I had no complaints about the script but the delivery of lines lacked fluidity at times. Acting was a hit or miss. There were awkward performances but there were also good performances. Edz, Vergel, and Angelo shined on this episode. Lj and Xerxes were ok but they need to build up their chemistry together. Production technicals were uneven. Editing, especially scene transitions, needs improvement. Overall, this series needs to get better in succeeding episodes.

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Apr 12, 2021

Padayon (2021) Episode 5: KaiDre

Yes, Episode 5: KaiDre centered on the relationship development of Kai and Andrei but what annoyed me about this episode were the filler scenes that have little to do with moving the plot/storyline forward. And with the incorporation of additional social issues (e.g. lookism), the plot/storyline's getting convoluted. While I appreciate the inclusion of social issues, I get irritated when it feels forced. But I did like this episode's structural and systemic take on poverty. It's a pity the scenes were a bit disjointed. Script was mostly alright though. But acting needs fluidity. There were instances of abrupt mood changes. Production design and cinematography were mostly fine but editing needs improvement. Based on the preview for next week's episode, being gay will be discussed. I hope the tackling of gayness is handled well.

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Apr 12, 2021

Stranger's Kiss (2021) Episode 1: Destiny

There are just too many Filipino (Pinoy) boys’ love (BL) series so I had to delay watching a couple of them. While our account promoted each episode of "Stranger's Kiss" on Twitter and while we posted episode photo on this page every week, I put off watching this series until now. Apologies for posting these late comments for each episode. Episode 1: Destiny would have been generally alright if it wasn’t for the suggested drunk sex between Julius and Nico. I hate drunk sex on BL series. But what I appreciated about this episode was its somewhat realistic depiction of lower class Pinoys. I also liked that the effeminate queer characters Nora, Miray, and Gang Gang fought off, albeit in a funny way, the two guys who catcalled them. Screenplay was conversational enough. But the voice over monologue at the end was quite cheesy. Acting wasn’t good but it wasn’t bad either. It was largely fine. Xerxes is cute and Lj has a certain charm about him. Audio-visuals need improvement. There were distracting background noises and some scenes need proper lighting. Editing also needs work. The soundtrack "Magkasama" (Together) by John Axl Nolasco featuring Justin Cabiso was ok. All in all, I’m curious about the dynamics among the main characters so I'm looking forward to watching the next episodes.

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Apr 12, 2021

Alter (2012) Episode 7: Forbidden Affair

On Episode 7: Forbidden Affair, it was shown that Elmo has completely fallen in love with Nathan. Jessie also likes Elmo. This episode ended with Sarah confronting Elmo about his relationship with Nathan. While the plot/storyline progressed, everything else regressed. Script lacked flow. In terms of acting, the actors, especially Buknoy and Feng, didn't make the appropriate vocal, physical, and emotional choices. They overacted on the dramatic scenes. Audio-visuals were still bad. I could hardly hear what the characters were saying. On some scenes, lighting was quite poor. All in all, I hope the remaining episodes are better.

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Apr 12, 2021

Infinity the Series (2021) Episode 3

Episode 3 was a weak episode. While some details about Nico Ardei's background was provided, the overall plot/storyline didn't really progress. The pace was slow with prolonged scenes. Screenplay tried to be conversational but the delivery of lines felt too scripted. Actors stammered with their dialogues and they even glanced at the camera during their scenes. They were too tentative with their performances. Audio-visuals were also poor. Background music and sound were missing on a few scenes. Single camera shoot crippled the editing. Transitions within a scene and from one scene to another weren't smooth enough. All in all, this series needs massive improvement.

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Apr 11, 2021

My Toxic Lover (2021) Episode 1

Episode 1 had a number of issues. This episode introduced the characters in the most unimaginative way through voice over monologues. As argued by critics, this narration tool lessens the impact of the screenplay. It suggests lack of creativity. Script was full of clichés delivered by unrelatable characters. Fans were also mocked as mindless supporters. While there were a few actors who did well (e.g. Bench and Jace, even though their characters were stereotypical effeminate queer fans), in general, acting on this episode needed some flow. It wasn't natural enough. Not even the good visuals of Aki, Kevin, and Solo can cover up the acting weaknesses on this episode. Production design was largely ok though. Albeit simple techniques were employed, cinematography was mostly decent. Editing was uneven. There were gaps and silences on some of the scenes. The soundtrack "Bangin" (Cliff) by Paul Pablo was ok. Despite all the shortcomings of this episode, it was still watchable.

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Apr 10, 2021

Between Us (2021) Episode 4

While there was a bit of progress in the plot/storyline on Episode 4 with the incorporation of the boys' love (BL) school pageant and tutor tropes, overall, there were still skippable scenes. Problematic stereotypical portrayals of comic relief effeminate queers and toxic women persisted on this episode. Script remained boring. Acting was still bland. And issues with production technicals lingered. Is there still hope for this series?
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Apr 10, 2021

Diving Into Love (2021) Episode 4: Unravel

As Andrei and Sam grew closer to each other, Hanson tried to get Sam back on Episode 4: Unravel. Screenplay was a hit or miss. There were conversational lines but there were also corny dialogues. The same was true for acting. The scenes with Andrei and Sam were generally fine but the scene with Hanson and Sam was cringy. Aside from some abrupt scene transitions, production technicals were mostly ok. Pace needs to improve on the next episode.
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Apr 10, 2021

Pisces the Series (2021) Episode 6: Aquarius

Digressing from previous seemingly stand-alone stories, Episode 6: Aquarius was a clear sequel to Episode 1: Capricorn. This episode was about the secret feelings that Aquarius harbored for Pisces, who happens to be the boyfriend of his twin brother Capricorn. Fulfilling Capricorn's request before he died from cancer, Aquarius pretended to be Capricorn for Pisces' sake. Interestingly, Capricorn was shown alive on the last scene which may mean that the next episode or a future episode with also be related to this episode. Or maybe, all the episodes are really related somehow? We'll see. Anyway, I liked this episode. Screenplay was realistic enough. But acting needs refinement. Production technicals especially in relation to scene transitions require improvement. Still, this was a good episode.

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Apr 10, 2021

Serpiente (2021) Episode 2: First Move

Employing a non-linear narrative, Episode 2: First Move revealed Sam's complicated relationships with the other boys on this series. At least this series is interesting. I just hope each character is given adequate depth. Script was realistic enough. Acting was generally fine. Although the making love scene didn't feel natural. Audio-visuals were weak. There were scenes wherein I could hardly hear what the characters were saying. Cinematography was mostly unimaginative. But still, this episode, in general, wasn't that bad.
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Jojowain o Totropahin (2021) Episode 1: Alaala (Memory)

Episode 1: Alaala (Memory) had several weaknesses. The plot/storyline about two childhood friends appeared quite simple. On this episode, several effeminate gay characters were relegated to being the comic relief that lacks character depth. Screenplay needs to be more conversational. There were repetitive lines (between the sisters) and cheesy lines (between the childhood friends). In terms of acting, Neil seemed alright (it's difficult to gauge yet because of minimal dialogue on this episode), but the rest of the actors need improvement. Audio-visuals were poor. There were abrupt background music changes that weren't suitable for the scenes. Soundtrack "Tamang Oras" (Right Time) by Romcel Brinquis and Lemuel Bernales was at least good. Overall, this episode wasn't a good premiere episode. I hope this Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series gets better in succeeding episodes.

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Apr 8, 2021

B X J Forever (2021) Episode 8: Forever

Not everyone will be delighted with Episode 8: Forever. But personally, I'm satisfied with this finale. It's relatable and realistic. And even though it's a bit sad, it's quite hopeful in the end. Bogs and Francia, my favorite couple, are now happy as they continue to fight against discrimination and struggle for equality. Dante is finally looking towards his future as he goes back to school to earn a diploma. The Dante and Flo ship has a future too! Sure I would have wanted more character background and character development for Amber and Burn, but Olan and Yana staying as best friends forever (BFF) and not ending up together is good enough for me. I love Olan and Yana's chemistry! Val deserves to be happy too! At least Leo looks well. And his singing voice sounded nice too! While I'm sad for Jim, I can understand why Ben and Roy together makes more sense. For now, it's Ben and Roy. And since Ben and Jim's love for each other is forever (B X J Forever!)... who knows what the future holds? Screenplay had a few cheesy and preachy lines but overall, it was fine. There were numerous sensible and sensitive dialogues that were quite good. Acting was mostly on point. The actors who played Ben's father and Jim's father were the weak links for this episode. Even their lip movements weren't in sync with their spoken vocals. Jerome was really good but Royce was the best! No role is too big or too small for the excellence of Royce. Production design and cinematography were up to par. Soundtrack "The One" by Johannes by really nice. All in all, this was a very good finale. Would I want another season? Hmmm... that's something to think about.

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Apr 8, 2021

PRE*SO (2021) Episode 2: Captive Game

The plot/storyline became a bit clearer on Episode 2: Captive Game. This episode provided glimpses of So's past with Pablo. This episode also introduced Pre, a mysterious caller known as Lonely Soul. Script was generally realistic although I didn't like Pre scolding So. He sounded like he was victim-blaming So. Acting was fine. Given speaking lines, Vin was actually humanized. Production technicals were mostly alright. Overall, this was a far better episode than the premiere episode.
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