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Don’t watch if you don’t like cliff hangers
No need to mention what everyone has been talking about like the face swapping.IF WATCHING ON IQIYI - My SECOND issue is if you don’t speak the language, have your remote and translator ready. Some shows / services include translating whatever test is shown. Or have voice overs reading text messages. There was a part with almost 10 minutes of conversation on text the iQIYI didn’t translate. So grab your remotes and instant text translators out. You will need it throughout the show.
and the ending…..
Did the writer and production crew just quit in the middle of a shoot and walk off without notice?
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If your new to gay or bl genre, this will set your benchmark pretty high.
I have Swiss cheese for a brain hence I have the gaps and memory issues. I started watching it and every now and then I’d recall having seen it that particular scene. Not that the film isn’t memorable or good! I do recall though having the same thoughts about it and that I enjoyed it. The first and second time I watched it. Definitely not something I’d say was a waste of time.Considering I found it on GagaOOLala, was pleasantly surprised it wasn’t one of those that bordered on porn. I’m no prude. I think the naked body is beautiful and sex is fun and even better with a sprinkling of … i digress. This film was very tastefully done. Lots of tenderness between the lovers considering the line of work involved. I wish it for everyone discovering/finding their new lover.
I’d say it is underrated. I’d borrow Goldilocks words and say about the movie that “It’s just right. “. Nothing heavy or toxic. good for those days when you just want to escape life. Short/long enough to unwind from a busy day. No dragging scenes. Not one you could complain about short/aborted sexy times or goldfish kisses with wide open blinks eyes. Just enough build up to get you to love or hate the characters. LEFT ME FEELING GOOD ENOUGH TO SPEND TIME TO WRITE A REVIEW ABOUT IT.
There should be more movies/series like this. JUST RIGHT!
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