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You Are Desire chinese drama review
You Are Desire
2 people found this review helpful
by Kim_YeJin
Aug 31, 2023
30 of 30 episodes seen
Overall 7.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Best example of "How to ruin a drama"

I had better expectations. Everyone had, I guess. I first saw Yi Ran in Falling into your smile, and after watching him as Zhang Lu Rang in WIFTY, i wanted to try this one out .
Initial couple of episodes were so freaking good , thati thought to myself " wow! Thismight surpass WIFTY".
But alas! Ever since they got together, the way the script writer butchered the story and a perfectly good chemistry between the leads leaves me with just one word: Terrible

I felt that the drama had its plotlines spanning 30 eps, spread haywire. Its like they reach to conclusion on one issue, and then they begin with next one. I think, this approach to the story didn't work out very well.
For example, initial couple of episodes, they were exclusively fixed on silvershop and ML's uncle, then their relationship and after they got together, they set in another direction with Shen Juan's shooting career (which was pretty much everything in the second half of the drama). The FL' s mom getting crazy & then sick .... ughhh
Next, after he did achieve something professionally, they introduced the jealous outburst of Xi (his uncle's apprentice). Near the end they diverted the story again towards wan Yi Yang 's career.
And in the end Lin Yu Jing got some job away from him, for which they didn't show them communicating, or talking it out. And what a horrible way toend the drama? What ? They graduated.. the end ?seriously. What about herjob , what did she decide on.
This felt like watching Avengers Infinity war. The story just ended midway.

On the contrary, if you compare this with HL, they had the basic framework planned very well, and as the story progressed, they wove a beautiful story by the end.
Same goes with WIFTY. Where nothing came out of the blue, every transition was gradual, and hence worked out very well.

Every story has its highlights, & this one had some too. I gave this an initial rating of 9 based on 1st half of the show, and due to the above stated reasons, brought it down to 7.5

I loved the strong and independent female lead, who's qualities are much more than just being cute and following around ML, like a puppy. The ML on the other hand hashis qualities as well. He's got cute smile (and oh! those dimples), he has his flaws and is ready to accept and work on them (the wasy he talked to FL's mom when she was sick, Shen Juan won my heart). He was cool, he worked hard, he fought & won his battles. Shen Juan is a strong character . It was a pleasure watching the 1st half drama. It would've been better had they ended it at 20 episodes max. Because the last 10 eps are useless.
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