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Turtle Stomper

Seattle (USA)

Turtle Stomper

Seattle (USA)
Hello, Me! korean drama review
Hello, Me!
2 people found this review helpful
by Turtle Stomper
May 4, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Relatable female life comedy.

I should start by saying the fake freckles on this actress are a little distracting in some scenes. The actress I've liked since Queen of Mystery, she's got a really unique look and voice. She did really well in this role, and the comedy was totally on-point for female-specific life experiences. The male lead...I can't even remember his face and I only watched this show a few weeks ago. He was very forgettable, but I guess that's ok because this story is mostly about the woman and her experiences as she traverses a life that really didn't live up to her own expectations of herself.

That being said, this was not as fun or as memorable as I had hoped it would be. The lead actress often just comes off as whiny and ditzy. I would have liked to see something other than a panic induced high-pitched whine session from the main character in every single episode. It was CONSTANT episode after episode two chicks bickering. SO MUCH BICKERING. And 90% of the bickering wasn't comedy. There was plenty of lol moments, but definitely a lot more whiny bickering.

I think it's still a good watch when you're out of other things to watch, but I definitely would never rewatch this drama. I got all I'm going to get out of it...which is disappointing because I was really looking forward to it.
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