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Turtle Stomper

Seattle (USA)

Turtle Stomper

Seattle (USA)
Start-Up korean drama review
1 people found this review helpful
by Turtle Stomper
Jan 28, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Lots of pretty adults with the emotional maturity of toddlers

Before I start I should say, my rating of this drama as a 5 is probably not entirely fair, but I’m so pissed off at the story that it was a struggle to even go as high as a 5. The entire plot and every character centers around petty asinine lies. Everyone lies in this drama, and certainly every single character lies to the FL. I guess when you live in a world where everyone lies, staying in a relationship filled with lies from minute one must seem normal. But it pissed me off a lot.

This could have been a great story about overcoming odds and striving to succeed despite every roadblock. Or idk, literally any other storyline that wasn’t about the lies someone told the FL every five minutes. This story probably should have gone with a strong FL approach and just abandoned the whole romance story arc. Instead it’s all like, yo these two dudes are mega liars but since they’re the only two dudes in the entire world, pick one. Mega gross.

I don’t even dislike lying and dishonesty as a concept, but what I can’t forgive is clumsy, trite, petty lies with legit zero cleverness. I btw also dislike dudes that sob like babies while staring at a scrunchy instead of respecting their chick enough to trust she didn’t….idk even know what….screw her mentor in the back seat? Like, can we please be reasonable you immature man child?

All that hate aside, there were some good comedy moments. That’s about all this drama has going for it. The actors did well, but that unfortunately is not near enough to redeem the garbage heap of a script.

Overall l, I wouldn’t watch it again and I wouldn’t recommend it. The dude on the scooter thing was hot though, so I guess there’s that.
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