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PapayaSammy on twitch


PapayaSammy on twitch

Unexpected chinese drama review
5 people found this review helpful
by PapayaSammy on twitch
Sep 10, 2019
23 of 23 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This show is so underrated but to be fair, this story line is overused; it's basically a twist of any parallel universe drama but it's the Chinese version of the Korean drama "W" except better. I personally could not get with "W" so coming in to watch this I was like "here we go again" but honestly everything about this show makes it completely different.

You have the manga love story that was made by Austin (Who is a great actor by the way) he plays such a strong character in his emotions and facial expressions that I was not disappointed at all. First I was a little put off about the older guy, younger woman and vice versa but it really does play out because the chemistry between Austin and Li Hao Fei is wonderful and they click and it's my first time seeing her in anything but I love her emotions and ability to play this strong character basically. Having Huang Jin and U.Lin together was just nice and clicky too and I overall really liked the twist and turns of the show. There were things that were predictable but also at the same time it was not at all.

It's such a nice and easy watch that you'll keep going and watching because it's show anyway so you just keep going and going which is completely awesome because I like easy going shows. The drama was not over the top but just enough. Overall, this is definitely a good show. Some parts can be dumb and you'll be like meep, but most of it, you'll just keep watching it because it's an easy binge worthy day show you can finish in a couple of hours honestly.
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