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PapayaSammy on twitch


PapayaSammy on twitch

You Complete Me
5 people found this review helpful
Jan 12, 2021
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
I would just like to state that Bei Xiao Rong basically almost ruins the show because he's absolutely USELESS and an IDIOT. I hated him. lol

I tell myself I don't like revenge dramas but I'm always watching them LOL and this isn't any different except for the fact that it really kept me on my toes. I loved the chemistry between Hu Yi Tian and Qiao Xin; it seemed like all revenge and he had everything planned but the love was unconditional and there and a surprise to me really. They went through a lot and had ups and downs but I kind of liked that they stayed a little strong. I mean there was ups and downs but the friends we're cool, the families weren't even that bad either tbh but fk you Bei Xiao Rong.

I loved the acting, the kisses, IMMACULATE, the chemistry muah, everything was solid.

Music was nice!!!

I would actually rewatch it. 40 episodes seems like a lot but honestly, it wasn't. It was solid. Quick and easy watch, super nice.

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My Love, Enlighten Me
5 people found this review helpful
Jul 5, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I loved everything about this.

To say this show is good, is such an understatement in my opinion because it was just much more than that. I honestly think this may be the show of 2020 to me because it was different, the same and just overall unique in a whole.

The show starts out with a really misunderstood and complicated male lead and one of the most wonderful female leads I've probably ever come across in my world of dramas, she's definitely top 10. Our ML can't really express but only really knows how to do and so he does a "favor" for someone because feels as though he owes this person but who would've know the misunderstanding had nothing to do with that person. But now, he's learned he got the whole situation wrong and he's officially fallen for the person that he's done something terribly wrong to.

I just all in all really enjoyed the chemistry that Leon had with Eleanor, the way he looked at her, would've stolen my heart. Lol. I think I have fallen for these two as characters and it's LOVE O2O for me all over again. The kisses were great and steamy, the relationship really had no huge understandings or complications between anyone else, just between the two of them and they solved it in the end, they did what they could to be together and be there and also be apart through situations and there was just no complications to me really, they grew as people and as a couple. I really didn't mind the secondary characters or couples, they made the show with the friendships between everyone and they solved those quick and were really understanding. I even felt for the assistant/best friend, he was the man though. I also liked that the writer decided that a twist was pointless and said eh. I just liked the two together overall, they made my heart swoon. I felt the hurt when there was let downs and disappointments and hard times and felt great with the good times.

I loved the OST, the team and musicians were all talented and it was just very fitting.

I would rewatch this in a heart beat, in fact, I just finished this show and I want to rewatch it right now because I did not want it to end. If I could watch them for the rest of my life I would, not even just clips of them, the whole show as a whole. I didn't fast forward, I was patient, I took my time and it was sweet and reward-able.

Overall, this show is amazing. I really really thoroughly enjoyed it and liked it at all cost. I can not explain how much I loved the chemistry between our main characters and how much I want to protect them at all cost. This show was amazing. 100/100 for the chemistry, the kisses, the friendships, the relationship, the family and the story.

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Angel Beside Me
5 people found this review helpful
May 15, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Was it just me or could I not stop crying? LMAO. The first thing that attracted me to the show was the trailer. I think the next thing that also put it over the top was the unique story that it has. I didn't personally watch the other versions of it but the thing that really hit home for me was knowing that this girl was hard working and a good person day and night but bad things happen to good people and that's something I can entirely feel. We've all had that time where we just do and push and put 100% into everything we do and basically still get shit on. The story was about a unique girl that was just trying to survive but she was honestly just on the end of it. Sometimes you get tired of pushing and get tired of trying and she just needed something to make things better and that happen to be a someone; an angel. A great guy, sweet, caring but also just blatantly by the rules because he has to be and together, they just try to survive, go through ups and downs and do what they can and that together just caught my heart. Oh man. I loved the chemistry. The good people were amazing, the bad people were great and everyone just did a fantastic job.

JJ and Jane's chemistry and acting was just amazing. I adored their chemistry, I loved that they really clicked and even though things got really bad with their characters, they pushed through. I loved the friends aka other angels. I loved that Mek and Mook could work together and man they played good bad characters.

The music was great, very fitting for the scenes, great lyrics.

I would rewatch it. I actually stayed up to binge this and just finished it and I already WANT TO REWATCH IT.

So all in all, you should check this out.

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5 people found this review helpful
Sep 10, 2019
23 of 23 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This show is so underrated but to be fair, this story line is overused; it's basically a twist of any parallel universe drama but it's the Chinese version of the Korean drama "W" except better. I personally could not get with "W" so coming in to watch this I was like "here we go again" but honestly everything about this show makes it completely different.

You have the manga love story that was made by Austin (Who is a great actor by the way) he plays such a strong character in his emotions and facial expressions that I was not disappointed at all. First I was a little put off about the older guy, younger woman and vice versa but it really does play out because the chemistry between Austin and Li Hao Fei is wonderful and they click and it's my first time seeing her in anything but I love her emotions and ability to play this strong character basically. Having Huang Jin and U.Lin together was just nice and clicky too and I overall really liked the twist and turns of the show. There were things that were predictable but also at the same time it was not at all.

It's such a nice and easy watch that you'll keep going and watching because it's show anyway so you just keep going and going which is completely awesome because I like easy going shows. The drama was not over the top but just enough. Overall, this is definitely a good show. Some parts can be dumb and you'll be like meep, but most of it, you'll just keep watching it because it's an easy binge worthy day show you can finish in a couple of hours honestly.

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Jao Sao Chang Yon
5 people found this review helpful
May 13, 2019
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
If this show was developed a little more; it would have been pretty dope, but it was quick and some points were meaningless. It was a good show overall, but there were so many times where I was like "ugh, come on." but I mean, it's a lakorn, and they're truly meant to be cheesy, funny or over dramatic to the point where you can't help but laugh at it, ya know? The two main characters developed very nicely and the other ones trying to break them up were just plain annoying. God, and don't get me started at the dramatic ending, like I understand what everyone said because it literally crashed and burned and I was like LMAO BRUH. But other than that, it's honestly not a bad show to watch, kind of long for no absolute reason but it's all good.

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I Fell in Love by Accident
6 people found this review helpful
Nov 28, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Not a bad show at all, I liked the ML from Go Go Squid and I honestly think he's a good actor and I liked the FL so their chemistry was pretty nice. It was a fast and easy watch, I guess what kind of sucks is that there's way too much going on for it to be this short so that sucks because I wouldn't have minded if there was more. They escalated fast but I liked them and their chemistry so the main couple makes the show all worth it especially when there's no toxic moments or toxic people. So if you're looking for something fast and easy to watch, I definitely recommend this show. It was really cute for sure.

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Sweet Revenge Season 2
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 24, 2019
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
All hail Samuel!!! I watched the first season and liked it and binged the 2nd and liked it even more. Truly not a terrible show, easy to watch and it was fast; not much context or story building or development but you still got the experience of the show. I liked the real life take of their everyday lives and how they handled things but I also liked the fantasy twist of it; I liked the younger characters because honestly they were extremely developed for their age and this drama of show. Truly, the main characters and story lines were definitely nice and awesome, easy to keep up with, just a fun watch all in all. The music isn't terrible, it's probably worth rewatching when you're bored, it's just a nice filler show for the time being.

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Love You My Arrogance
8 people found this review helpful
Jan 19, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Honestly was a quick and easy watch, no kiss and slap, nothing complicated, just a fun little short story and the characters weren't bad at all. First the ML seems like a complete jerk, put off, but he really isn't so bad, It's a story that we're all familiar with, when it comes to a fantasy drama and those aren't usually dramas I watch but I liked it. It was like watching a movie; plus I liked everyone. Sometimes it's nice to watch something that isn't toxic in any way, shape or form tbh. Also I like Mild and Nine wasn't bad at all! There's also this part where the guys are always group hugging and I find it absolutely hilarious xDDD so anyway, if you're looking for something fast and easy, you need a filler or you're just bored, give this a shot.

Also shout out to my dude Neko, always coming through w/ the subs!

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Lady Bancham
4 people found this review helpful
May 10, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
It honestly took me forever to watch this show. It literally was whirlwind of ups and downs and it wasn't a bad show; the ML and FL are super cute together; Tre honestly has this weird creepy vampire look that I don't dig but Marie was fine. Lol. It was a family drama but the drama was too wild tbh. From show girl fights, to ex drama, to dad drama like plz. I cannot keep up. All in all, its definitely a filler show, nothing you commit your whole life to, does not blow your mind. Chemistry was nice though.
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Jun 6, 2020
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I too, am obsessed with cringey love stories and this one just does it for me. Lmao. Out of this whole series, this one just happens to be great and the others are good but over time, the series just gets better and better. It's funny, cute, easy to watch, just overall all good. THIS ONE IS JUST SO GOOOOOFY LMAAOOO

I especially like this one because the ML is good in every show I've seen him in and he's genuinely just a really good guy. The FL is adorable with her being a "nun" HAHAHA and the chemistry between them is outrageous. I love the sismance this show has going on and everything is just plain good.

Out of all of them, this one was the easiest for me to watch because it's quick and easy and fun, you just keep watching it and I love it. Worth it.

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4Freaks 4Fam
4 people found this review helpful
May 26, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
To be fair, there's absolutely no context with this show what so ever. It's what it says, you have 4 different "siblings" that's my only spoiler non spoiler lol because they are siblings but anyway, this show is hilarious. They have different personalities, they're all very funny, each person is up to their own schemes and it's a different story every episode but man, you will just crack up laughing. Every person in this show is just so fitting and they get along very well so really, this is a show you want to watch when you're bored and have nothing better to do and your brain is off for the day. The music is good too and it's literally a past time show. It's so good and funny though!

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Diary of Tootsies Season 2
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 14, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I don't know what else to really say about this show except for that it's such a wonderful bad show xD lmfao it's hilarious, in every aspect. I love that everyone has their own individual stories and personalities but they're also great friends and have each others back but also they kind of suck all at the same time. You want to stop watching but you're not going to because you just can't help but laugh out loud at the experience you're enduring because it's that hilarious. The actors and actress are amazing at what they do because they're so convincing and so funny and I love it. You honestly should watch this show when you're down on shows, have some down time or have a block because it's just a great filler to shut down your brain and just laugh. I love it.

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Where the Lost Ones Go
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 10, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
I honestly went into this show knowing what to expect. I read the reviews, researched it and went back and fourth between other dramas just to start the first episode because I didn’t know truly what I was walking into. The reason I didn’t vote this a 10 star drama is because it still had flaws and at times I found myself skipping forward, I also had a love/hate relationship with the OST because at times it was wonderful and other times it was not. I’ve never seen these actors and actresses personally in any other show but watching this show was just fitting, they were just fitted for these characters. The whole show gives you a nostalgia feel from your first love and you may or may not have experienced that but just a huge nostalgia feel of heartbreak; the ache you feel is a familiar one, the tears, anxiety and stomach pain. It’s all too familiar and this show was fantastic at hitting all the spots, to everyone it may have been predictable but for myself, not really. I only could sense the fact that heartbreak was coming but the story was just all around nice thought out and put together but unfortunately the end to me was rushed. It was a sense of real life to me though, the unknown, not knowing whether something was going to be a happy end or not or if things would fall into place. So if you’re hesitating on watching this show, by all means, I understand. But if you’re debating whether you should watch it, don’t, just watch it. All around it’ll put you into the feels with tears and flash back to those same times you experienced and if you’ve never experienced it you’ll still feel the connection between the characters where your heart will ache because it’s all too familiar.

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4 people found this review helpful
Mar 5, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I don’t know if it’s just me because I’m sensitive or something but I literally cried for 6 episodes straight. xD; this story is cliche, if you’re a drama veteran this is a story that’s completely the same as the others but it’s also different, in my opinion, this story takes a huge twist on mental health, a traumatizing past without it being quite predictable. In the moment you’ll be like “oh, okay, I could’ve guessed that one” but also at the same time it doesn’t. The chemistry between the two were sublime and they grabbed my heart from the start. I’ve personally never seen this two in anything and my mind was completely blown. The story was dope, the characters were good, even the bad character was just a bad character and the nice characters were just darn nice. The ending was a little rushed and the twist was too much for my heart but the ending of the show was such a pull to my heart strings, this is probably the fasted I’ve binge watched a show within a day. It took me probably 12-13 hours just to finish this show and it was completely worth it, especially losing sleep. You’ll skip parts and be bored here and there but what drama isn’t like that? Some have exceptions but I’m a sucker for a good drama and a damn good chinese one at that. This show was dope.

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Move to Heaven
5 people found this review helpful
May 18, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I want to say first things first, if I cry, I automatically think the show is pretty good. Lol. And I cried every single episdoe just about. But honestly, this show was super good. I heard a lot of people read the book? I'm not aware; I kind of went into it because I saw some almost spoilers on tiktok and I'm glad I did. I'm honestly so hyped and thankful this show was out because it's a nice touch of everything from life, to relationships to love and etc. It shows the reality of life and death and having to move forward and still being stuck. It makes you feel like life isn't truly that bad but it can feel that way and some people have it worse and you're blessed. It really was an emotional rollercoaster that I kind of was truly thankful to be on.

The acting was amazing; I liked how everyone played their parts amazing.

Classical music was fitting and calming.

I think I would watch it if I need a good cry.

Overall, I definitely recommend this show; I definitely want to tell every single person I know to watch it because it really is just a master piece. Of life, death, family and even more. It all played such important parts to life in general.

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