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Dropped 10/16
Destined with You
12 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Sep 23, 2023
10 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Draggy drama with ambiguous characters and an obtuse A-plot

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate this show. It is acceptable both in terms of acting and production value. However, the longer I watch this show, the more frustrated and dejected I feel. This is rare for me and I can only put it down to the script.

The start of the show is engaging. A struggling FL who seems to get the raw end of the stick no matter how hard she tries. She ran into a super handsome ML by accident. He is totally out of her league and yet they are oddly attracted to each other. The chemistry of our leads is undeniable. Throw in a centuries old curse and a mysterious spell book and we should have an intriguing and engaging story. Unfortunately, the show drags out the plot to the point of exhaustion. To add to our woes, the A-plot is obtuse. Most characters are ambiguous and lack depth.

The show spends so much time on the ML and whether he is under a love spell or not in the early episodes. I don’t blame them because they obviously want to capitalise on his visuals and he acts so cute, but it does wear thin after a while. BTW, is the FL also cursed because by all accounts she is smart, diligent and sweet, yet she just can’t win a trick. It doesn’t make sense. They are trapped in narrative purgatory by mid show.

On the other hand, some behaviours are too predictable. The two-timing girlfriend of the ML (SFL) steadfast refuses to breakup with the ML for the most selfish reasons. The longer it drags on, the more toxic it becomes. Then we have the SML who rejected the FL even though he knew she has a crush on him. He then flips 180 degrees and chase after the FL even though he knew that the FL is in love with the ML by then. Forget couple therapy, the show needs therapy. It got to the point that the FL said on multiple occasions that she is so confused. So are we, sister, so are we.

Storylines from other shows might shuffle back and fore, but this show elevates it to an art form. The various plots just circles each other like a swarm of bees. A case in point, the ML finally confessed in the middle of ep.9 but the ML’s behaviour at work totally confused the FL but he never explains himself. Then the SML confessed in ep.10 which clears the air, NOT! We finally see the OTP’s first kiss at the end of ep.10 but the romantic spell is immediately broken by the reappearance of the ancient curse. It is unrelenting. We don’t even get to enjoy one tiny sugar hit.

Throw in an evil antagonist who appears to lust after the FL for no apparent reason and then teams up with the SFL to sabotage the OTP with glee. At first, I was baffled by his ability to put a curse on the OTP but then I have a lightbulb moment which took the wind out of this sail.

What I realised is that all the main characters are retracing events from their past lives. It is not just the OTP but every key characters. The SML was probably an acquaintance of the ML who has a crush on the FL but missed his chance. The SFL was likely to be a daughter of a rich family who got betrothed to the ML and then play merry hell with the OTP once she was rejected. If we play by the rules then the antagonist would be an evil shaman or a local magistrate who lust after the FL, etc. Mayhap he cursed the OTP like he did in the present and brought about their ultimate demise.

If this comes to pass, then the remaining episodes should see all the key players fulfil their destiny. This will necessitate even more troubles and angst for our OTP until we arrive at the final confrontation with the antagonist. A HEA ending will require the curse to be lifted and the evil doers getting their just desserts. It will give me no joy if my prognostication comes true.

This show is not without merits but for each nice moment, there are two negative ones. It really tested my patience. Hence without further ado, I shall bid our handsome ML and long-suffering FL adieu for now. I might revisit this show after it finishes its run.

Oh, if you are still reading. Production quality is fine, OST is decent. Rewatch? You jest.

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Will Love in Spring
4 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
May 3, 2024
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

A superb romance drama produced by adults for adults

In a sea of samey idol dramas, this series stood out for all the right reasons.

The leads are good actors who are charismatic and handsome in their own way. Their chemistry is off the chart. They are madly in love with each other, and it shows. There is a good deal of skinship that feels natural and spontaneous. They can be playful or serious but we are never in doubt about their love. It just feels . . right.

This show is grounded in reality as well. The ML's work in a funeral parlour doesn’t leave much room for glitz and glam. What we get are spontaneity and home truths. The dead relies on him to preserve their dignity as they shuffle off this mortal coil. A mistake of split second could mean life or death. Those stories can be challenging and some will leave an lasting impression. As such, this is not for everyone. While the show handles such passings and their aftermath with aplomb, the stories are mostly maudlin. Anyone who is sensitive to such storylines should make an informed decision.

On the other hand, the writer balanced these low points with the OTP’s love line. There is no syrupy, rainbows and unicorns moments but just real people looking for love and needing to love. Instead of poor communications and misunderstanding at every turn. Our CP talk about everything. Some of their dialogue is raw but you can't deny their heartfelt sincerity.

They both know they have baggage but they are willing to work to overcome them. Once they are a couple, they have no qualm about PDA. It can be a little awkward for the residents of the small town but it is delicious and we bask in their pink glow.

Of course, our OTP face challenges, but the most important thing is that they behave like adults. They sulk and say harsh words which they will regret. However, they do acknowledge their mistakes and try to right their wrongs. It doesn’t always lead to a simple resolution but when the stars are aligned, we get fireworks!

I have already mentioned the top-notch performances from our leads but it also boast a strong support cast. I'm really impressed with the young actor playing the role of the FL's sister. She has great potential and I'll keep an eye out for her in future dramas.

I'd highly recommend this drama for true fans of romance dramas. It doesn’t have a parade of young and beautiful idols but it more than compensates for that with quality performances and depth in the storytelling that will resonate with mature audiences. It is not for everyone but if you can handle the weightier subjects then you will find a heartwarming, realistic and swoon-worthy drama. It has a permanent place in my re-watch list.

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The Midnight Studio
2 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
May 10, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

This drama is stuck in purgatory

This show is not bad. The real problem is that it doesn’t know when to stop. The initial premise is interesting enough. Multi-generational curse is nothing new but it is functional. The show pushed it for all its worth though. There are plot holes here and there but the show has enough momentum to push through most of them, at least initially.

Once it gets started, it gives off a similar vibe to several other wish fulfilling style fantasy shows such as May I Help You. While other shows are more focused on the “clients” and their backstory, this show used them as fillers when the main plot needs to take a breather. The overarching plot is focused on the ML and the curse he inherited. In that sense, it is a nice change from other series where the leads tend to fade into the background and only pops up at key moments. Our OTP is definitely in the fore.

However, this is a double-edged sword. With the focus firmly on the ML, this series struggles. As the saying goes, the tank is running dry. It seems to slice and diced the same plot into different combinations and pad things out. What was novel at the beginning become rather passe by the half way mark. Several times the show seems to have reached its logical conclusion only to be dragged back into the fray just to stretch it out a bit more.

On the positive side, not only are our leads more in focus, his two ghost helpers also have their moments in the sun which is rare in such shows. I appreciate that because they are both interesting characters and they deserve some growth and attention. Deputy Go does fairs better than Mr. Baek and I'm keen to see Yoo In See in other roles.

Acting wise, the ensemble cast did a decent job with what they are given. The ghostly makeup is rather low rent though and more Halloween than scary.

The last episode is probably the most problematic. It really ties itself in knots with its own DIY mystic mumble-jumble. A case of narrative purgatory, I suppose. It all ends well which came as no surprise. The series is watchable but could have been better and tighter. If only it ended 2 or 3 eps earlier while the going was good. One time watch for me.

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Best Choice Ever
2 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
May 2, 2024
37 of 37 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

In the race of chicken or the egg, the mother hen wins!

Let’s just get the easy bits out of the way first. This series is watchable and entertaining at times. The OTP are well matched and they have good chemistry. However, this is where things get complicated.

As one of my friends commented after finishing the show, who is the FL of this drama? Ok, maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but she does have a point. While there is no doubt Yang Zi is the FL, her mother’s role is more titular. In fact, so many of the subplot radiate from the matriarch that her screen time and presence more than rival the FL’s. Furthermore, a lot of the time, most characters are placed in a reactive roles due to her machinations and has little agency.

I can understand that this will resonate with a lot of Asian viewers because they are probably living in a similar situation or knows someone who is. It is a reasonable premise to kick-start the show and give the FL reasons to grow. In that sense, the first half of the show is the best. This is helped by the sage like grandmother who sees all and pulls the strings to get our OTP pass the frenemy stage. Her presence counterbalances the mum’s and provides a safe harbour for our leads.

It all changes after she passed. The FL’s mum’s presence looms larger than ever before. Her interference reaches new heights once we factor in the grandma's legacy. I understand that it is an effective way to introduce some angst as the official antagonist was a bit light weight. However, it also means that the show becomes unbalanced and lacks focus. Everyone is tiptoeing around the mum and keeping secrets from her which set up more confrontations later. It is a vicious cycle.

In the meantime, the mum continues to meddle in people’s affairs and guilt trip her family regularly. It is tiresome to watch and might trigger some viewers. It distracts us from our CP’s romance. When love is in the air, it is sweet and swoonworthy, but they are like deer in the headlight. After more confrontations and some heart-to-heart talks, the mum finally tones down her actions, but it is an uneasy truce.

The problem from my perspective is that we can't really hate the mum because she is not evil in the literal sense, but her constant meddling is annoying and very harmful to her closest and dearest. Yet she always falls back to the old chestnut of “I’m doing this for the good of ….”. Hence all the characters are in a no-win situation.

This shunted several characters into the margins. Chief among them is the ML. He should have a much stronger presence but between helping the FL in her business and being the peacemaker to her family, he became just the nice guy putting out spot fires. In fact, the mum casted such a big shadow that no characters are spared. This is even more dramatic in the last 3 eps when it is all about the mum.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for a mother centric show and there have been some excellent ones. However, in this case, it felt like the mum was initially used as a catalyst for change but ends up taking over the show. The series is still watchable, but it can be very trying at times.

Ultimately, if you are looking for an escapist rom com then this might hit too close to home to be fun. If you want a family melodrama then this is inferior because it is just a hotchpotch of tired tropes. Throw in the PITA matriarch and we have an inverse trifecta. One time watch for me.

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My Demon
2 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Jan 23, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

I have a wish too . . please shorten this series by half

The premise of the show is interesting. A demon who can grant a wish to anyone in exchange for eternal damnation. We were shown a few tantalising examples to whet our appetite. It also serves to demonstrate the ML’s demonic powers. It was entertaining while it lasted.

The wheel starts to fall off once the Demon gets his powers back. We are attacked by a herd of drunken unicorns. We have a whole episode of them being lovey-dovey. So sweet, my teeth are aching. Other than a couple of key scenes, it is utter meaningless fluff. This happened again and again. Sugar overload or deepest melancholia, choose your poison.

But wait! There's more. Why stop at unicorns? Let’s throw in a psycho killer, a deranged young man and a power-hungry evil mastermind. That's what I call a party! Some show can pull this off, but this drama wasn't even trying. Most of the characters are one dimensional. Many side characters are just canon fodders. There was minimal creativity. It is a smorgasbord of ideas mashed together and spread super thin.

This is not helped by plot holes, bad pacing and whiplash change of tones. We literally have filler episodes inserted into the middle of the show just to pad out the runtime. Throw in lengthy recaps and repetitive flashbacks to the 18th century and we have a lot of dead space in between the key plot developments. I can only credit this to a need to keep our leads in play for as long as possible so that the production company can capitalise on their star powers. The amount of PPL is quite egregious.

Unsurprisingly, the 2OTP is a lazy caricature. Their "romance" was a 5 sec joke that went on for 5 hours. Those seasoned actors have my deepest respect. They took one for the team.

I also feel sorry for the fans of the two leads. The potential is there. Their pairing could have been magical but there is very little spark here. The script is so heavy handed that you stop believing after awhile. They still look good together, but it feels like they are models sashaying through the glamourous sets.

Sadly, the paper-thin plot and lazy writing makes the rest of the show barely watchable. As soon as the Demon regained his powers, the tension is gone. If that is not enough, they throw in a god who can override everything. Who needs narrative logic when you have god's will. I do have to give the show props for their version of God. It is certainly an interesting take and a brave choice from a Korean perspective.

O Daemon, I beseech thou! Grant me mine wish. Pretty please?

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My Lovely Liar
2 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Sep 20, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Lies, damned lies and couple therapy

Superpower shows can be a challenge to make if there are budget constraints. Hence some k-dramas focus on simple ability like seeing smell or reading minds. A bit of fancy camera work and simple practical effects can work magic. This show has the FL hearing a bell chime if she hears a lie. No CGI required, easy peasy. Obviously, this makes her daily life challenging. The bell would go off constantly as she moves amongst people. She becomes cynical and untrusting. All that changed when the ML literally crashes into her life.

I wondered how the writer-nim is going to work the lie detection power into the show so I started to watch. I’m glad that they did a good job in the early episodes, but it does create its own narrative issues later on. The writer-nim had to resort to misdirection to avoid giving the game away. This serves to drag out the show with little gain. Would it be better if it was 12-14 episodes long?

Putting other issues aside, the love line does work quite well. Our leads makes a lovely couple and have good chemistry. Both are vulnerable and have damaged psyches. How they learn to trust each other and heal each other is nicely told and portrayed. There are heart fluttering moments and a decent amount of skinship. I’m also glad that they didn’t drag out their romance until the dying moment of the show. Once they are official, their bond is unshakable.

This brings us to the main message of the show. Both leads must learn to trust again. The FL finally understood that not all lies are bad. Some are necessary to mitigate harm to others. Some might even be beneficial. Sometimes you just have to trust your gut and have faith. Once that message is delivered, the show began to lose momentum. A historical crime is pushed to the fore to take up the slack.

I’m not saying the crime is irrelevant. It is the key to the ML’s social phobia and is the source of much tension and angst during early episodes, but it has done its job. A quick resolution would have sufficed but the writer-nim spun it out for all it’s worth. It is not really the high water mark they have hoped for. It feels like the show is on autopilot during this segment. It runs through some tropey subplots, and voila! Crime solved, justice served and we are on the predictable home straight.

The last two episodes are total fan service with redemptions and resolutions handed out left, right and centre. Some of them ties up loose ends while others are a bit farcical. I’m running out of ways to say “nice” and “sweet”. It is not quite to the point of sugar overload, but it gets close, real close.

In terms of acting, the ML is very handsome but he feels a little flat to me. He has flashes of high emotions but most of the time he just seems to float through the scenes. The FL put in a solid performance, but this type of role is bread and butter for her by now. The rest of the ensemble is a mix bag. It is not their fault per se, but the show did not really develop their characters beyond their original traits. Most are a bit quirky, but you soon realise that what you see is what you get. The FL’s mother is particularly one-note. She barely changes until the last moment when she was gifted a happy but very contrived ending.

In the end, this is an enjoyable show and quite watchable. The romance is sweet, and the growth of our leads is rewarding to watch but I also feel that the show is trying too hard to please and to play it safe.

Production value is decent and par for the course. There is a sudden jump in PPL towards the end. Most likely due to the growing popularity of the show. OST is nice, especially the jazz numbers. Some of the k-pop songs are catchy. Rewatching a highlight reel will not be a chore.

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Meeting You
2 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Nov 29, 2020
28 of 28 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Growth is good, growth nurtured by love is even better!

Let's be honest, this show is not going to win any drama awards and there are some story telling issues but I gave this show a high score because it is true to its own narrative. I consider that a nice touch as a lot of c/t-drama starts off with one narrative and ends up with a different genre unless they pull it all back in the dying moment of the show. That can be disconcerting, to say the least.
Being a youth focused show, the plot is centred around life at school and university with a "... 3 years later" time skip in the end to tie things up and give everyone closure. The OTP were cute together and have good chemistry. The FL can be a bit annoying as she talks too fast and too much and was tomboyish but that's her character. The most important thing is that both of them are flawed (unlike some other youth drama where one half is amazing and the other is hopeless). In their case, the sum of the whole is literally far greater than their individual merits, they knew it and talked about it regularly.
As I mentioned before, the writers held firm to that narrative. There were minor misunderstandings or challenges to their pairing but they exist only for each other and their faith and trust in each other was unshakable (well, 90% of the time ;)). From that bond came a great deal of growth, both personal as well as in their careers. Even when the ML (handsome and smart) grew out of his shell, he only had eyes for the FL. He never waver for one moment. The FL is also totally into the ML but her character flaws make her tough on the outside but fragile on the inside so there were some initial doubts. However, his presence anchored her being and smoothed her rough edges. In turn, her love and support allow him to overcome his social phobia and lead a successful life. Both achieved a great deal more than if they'd never met.
As you would expect in such a drama, there was little angst. They resolved their issues quickly and what enemies they had, did limited damage and most saw the evil of their ways and made amends. Some even became fast friends! Teachers were all positive influences and only want to see them succeed. Lots of feels in those formative years.
What was a bit annoying was the 2OTP. Their failed attempts at having a romantic relationship was painful to watch, especially when it dragged on for 25 episodes. Why was the 2ML so thick and blinded to the feelings of the 2FL is beyond me. When he did "discover" his feelings, it just seemed to be a bit too convenient. It was like nothing was there one minute and then after seeing the 2FL with another dude (whom he more or less pushed into 2FL's lap), he just said he thinks he likes her after all, did a 180 degrees and chased her aggressively. Really? What miracle water did he drink (PPL in-joke)? Anyway, that paved the way for some cute 2OTP moments for the last few episodes. Even with all the pairings, there is limited skinship. A few kisses towards the end of the show but there were lots more failed attempts and pull backs.
One last observation, in this type of drama, the elderly actors tends to be the screen stealers (either for good or evil) but in this case, the FL's younger (half) brother (~10 years old?) was a gem. He was wise beyond his age and his acting was sooo good and on point.
In the end, it was happy endings all round. Every loose ends tied up with pink bows. It was a drama that you won't recall many highs or lows but will remember with a feeling of fondness and a bit of wistfulness. Life is not meant to be easy but for a little while, the world was a better place where two imperfect characters became a perfect whole.

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Grand Maison Tokyo
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
20 days ago
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Master Chefs Assemble!

This j-drama was release in 2019 but was only added to Netflix in September 2024. That’s my excuse for not review this show earlier, Your Honour!

To put it simply, this show has everything. A tight and engaging script. Interesting and memorable characters. Great acting from a strong cast and more food porn than we can safely consume. It was one of the best show I've seen this year.

Ok, I might have got a bit carried away but bear with me. The show is not perfect. It is tropey and some plots are a bit predictable. The ending is a little too saccharine for my taste but I’m nitpicking.

Let's start at the top. As I said before, this show is tropey but in a good way. You know roughly what is likely to happen, but you take it in your stride. You cheered on their every success and bemoan their setbacks. You know the show is being manipulative but you want to see what happens next.

It helps that the show is relatable. Yes, we are not all chefs but the struggle is real. Once you accept the initial world building, the plot develops steadily. While the antagonist is shady, he is not evil. There are times when events can feel overwhelming, but it is never soul destroying.

This is a well crafted script. It uses tropes wisely and is not dragged down by lazy writing. So many themes are present, friendship, revenge, redemption, healing, forgiveness, growth, fulfillment, greed and more. None of these are used egregiously, yet you can recognise them like little beacons. So much is happening that it can leave you breathless. There is a little bit of romance but it is not the main theme of this show.

To be honest, the show is old school. There are hints of The Seven Samurai and other tried and tested filmic motifs throughout the 11 episodes. They are timeless and universal. Ditto the parables and life lessons provided. It mirrors the skills of a master chef. It is the expert use of fine ingredients that elevates the mundane to the sublime. A high production value and top grade food videography completes the package.

I’m also glad that our leads are mature and seasoned actors rather than young idols. They really deliver the goods. There is no shortage of solid performances. I can tell that their presence helped to lift the younger cast members and anchor their scenes. It is a good ensemble cast.

This show is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. I can rewatch a highlight reel anytime. Please give this drama a try. You won't be disappointed. C’est magnifique!

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My Sweet Mobster
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Aug 23, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5

A mishmash of sweet and cringey tropes

This show started so well. It is cute and ticked all the boxes when it comes to the meet-cute of a rom com. It was tracking well but worrying signs start to appear by mid show.

Let's start with the good bits. From my perspective, the FL is the true star of the show. She is radiant and so sweet. She is born to play a romantic lead. The premise is also nice and promising. It leans heavily into the healing drama trope with a big dose of bad boys come good motif as well. Every fawn (or is it Bambi? deerling?) has a heart of gold and they give the found family trope a good work out. ;)

However, the ML is channelling Marlon Brando a little too hard for my taste. It works sometimes, especially when he is roleplaying The Boss/tough guy. However, even though he is experienced in life and served time in the big house, he has less social skill than a lump of wood. It is jarring to see how he could stare down a mobster in one scene and be totally tongue tied (or worst, catatonic!) in the next just because the FL smiles at him. His characterisation feels too laboured. There are times when he is sweet and swoon worthy but it is more like a caricature.

In fact, most of the characters are done with very broad strokes. Some are there purely as comic relief. Others have more nuance but only fleetingly. You certainly will not be watching this show for character growth nor social commentary.

Is this a simple farce then? Not quite. There are times when the silliness will leave you breathless but there is also a serious dark edge (like many k-dramas). The senseless violence and text book mobster antics made sure of that.

If you think that I’m confused about this show, you are right. I don’t dislike it but there are moments when I question whether I should have dropped it earlier rather than persevere. This is particularly true towards the end when the show race through tropes after tropes just to cover all the bases. It would be farcical if the subject wasn’t so serious. We literally have the ML suffered a near death experience and then within a few scenes two of his bros show up to a blind date and commit social hari-kari in one of the most cringe worthy scene in my drama watching memory.

Here lies the problem with this show. It just doesn’t know when to stop. It has good bones, but bits and pieces are grafted on which doesn’t always make sense nor work as intended. It is a shame because these are good actors, and the basic premise is solid. A “normal” rom com would have worked a treat.

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Serendipity's Embrace
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Aug 17, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5


This drama is only 8 eps long which is half the length of a typical k-drama. As such it is tightly focused on the A-plot and not weighted down by filler subplots. It almost has a j-drama feel.

The plot is straightforward yet nuanced. A chance meeting of two school friends after 10 years apart reignites a half forgotten school yard romance.

It is quite cute and swoon worthy as they rediscover the spark that drew them together in the first place. Of course, typical to this type of romance drama, it is the ML who carried the torch in silence. The reappearance of the SML who is the ex-BF of FL does complicate things. He disappeared 3 years ago without warning. Similarly, the ML immigrated to the US 10 years previous also without a parting word. As you can tell, abandonment is a theme of this drama.

Luckily, with so few hours to fill, any confused feelings and misunderstandings are steadily resolved and the leads lived happily ever after. Alas, it might have ended that way if we were in Tokyo but we are in Seoul hence things got complicated with the return of the meddling/controlling mum.

This is no loud and whiney ajumma but a classic queen bee with power and money to back up her words. It is as tropey as it gets. To be honest, this is probably the worst case scenario. The writer-nim double downed on it as well. It is challenging to watch as our leads are always respectful to her but she is willing to play dirty behind their backs. It got to the point where she is willing to entrap him in legal quagmire just to bring him to heel. It is hard to understand what she hope to gain from that approach as the ML is a well educated and a highly intelligent man. Being respectful is one thing, being cowed is totally different. It will not end well. In that regard, I’m glad that our leads are strong and mature enough to stand up to her and did not bend to her will. It will get messy, but a strong relationship needs to be tested (according to drama lore).

In terms of acting, our leads are in their elements. They have done similar roles before, and it shows. The support cast is fine. Several of them are there to provide comic relief. This is largely true for the 2CP. It is still a bit of mystery to me why the 2FL is so keen on the 2ML. He has the social skill of a block of wood and does not have a romantic bone in him. Never mind, it provides an interesting contrast to the swoon-y romance of our OTP. The writer-nim even find room for a 3CP but their relationship is tenuous to say the least.

In a sea of draggy dramas, this is a breath of fresh air. The storytelling is direct but still has depth. It is not burdened by extraneous side plots like crazed stalker or murders. The drama is not angst free but it is rewarding to watch our leads fall in love and grow stronger day by day. I enjoyed this drama and can recommend it if you want a weekend binge.

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Eye Love You
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Aug 11, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Needs more gochujang

This is a nice and sweet romantic j-drama. It has heart and there are plenty of emotions on display, but it doesn't seem to hit any highs and flounders toward the end.

The premise of a person who can read mind is not new, but it has potential. However, in this case, I never felt the writer-san fully explore the theme. It almost feels like a parlour tick at times.

A case in point, soon after the ML met the FL, every time she read his mind, he is thinking thoughts like "so cute" or "I like you". Ok, I get it, but he is a full-blooded 20-something male . . . that's all he can think of?! Ergo, you’d think a mind reader will go far in the business world, but the FL's business is just staying afloat. I get that she wants to use her power for the greater good so why not start a charity? Read the minds of all the crooked business elites and take them to the cleaners.

To be honest, it felt like someone came up with the initial pitch and they ran with it. However, once they start to spin the yarn, they don't quite know how to close the deal. The whole story book plot is weak and contrived. It dialled up the angst and provides a way out but it is a stretch.

Ditto, the 2CP is way too “quirky”. They have next to no chemistry and no reason to be together. Yet, there they are unto the bitter end. Go figure.

Yes, this show has issues, but I loved the Korean crossover aspect, and I can't fault the ML. I’d go as far as saying that he is the saving grace of the show. If he was not there, there would be no show, mind reading superpower or not. Even then, the show could be improved with a better script. It felt a bit lame after the 2/3 mark. Thank the drama gods for the HEA ending or I’ll have to pull out what little hair I have left. It is a decent series but a one-time watch for me.

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The Midnight Romance in Hagwon
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Jul 3, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Too close to RL or not close enough?

I think this drama will have a solid core of supporters but also its fair share of detractors.

I find myself in two minds about this show as well. Fundamentally, this series is uniquely Korean. Its main subject matter will be much more relatable to locals who has children who has lived through exam hell or spent half their youth in tutoring academies themselves. However, even then, there are those who would consider this not realistic enough and is nothing more than dramatisation.

I suppose from my perspective, this show is much more "real" than the usual romcom. Even those set in a tutoring ecosystem like Crash Course in Romance feels almost cartoon-y in comparison.

This is a double-edged sword. The day-to-day aspect is a bit dull. There is a lot of jockeying of positions and details about the Korean education system, especially the last years leading up to the all mighty CSAT. The fact that our leads teaches Korean literature makes it harder for non-Korean to form a connection. Any nuisance about a particular author or a piece of writing is mostly lost in translation.

This is not helped by a slow burn romance. There is a lot of push-pull in the beginning. The age difference and their original teacher/student status adds to the complication. While the ML is all in, the FL is very hesitant to accept his advances. While some scenes are touching and heart fluttering, the majority are mundane, and work related. This improves once they are a couple and there are more emphasis on them. Nevertheless, most episodes are dialogue heavy.

The acting of our leads definitely help to steady the ship and made it watchable. The ML is handsome in a manly way and the FL has good chemistry with him. Their portrayals are on point. The rest of the ensemble cast is a mixed bag. Most of the senior cast members did well. The grey witch’s role is a challenging one and SJY is a class act. However, some of the lesser support roles are one dimensional.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed this show. This is not your typical idol drama full of beautiful people. This one will not grab you from the opening scene and hook you till the end. You have to be patient, invest your time and walk a mile in their shoes to appreciate their struggles. These are mostly normal people doing a challenging job. BTW, I’m glad that there are no murders or psycho stalker. I’m getting tired of that trope.

OST is fine and catchy. I doubt I’ll rewatch this drama anytime soon.

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The Double
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Jun 27, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

What do you prefer? Style or substance

Within minutes of watching this show you should realise that this is a different beast from the usual idol costume dramas. There is a rawness and stylistic flair that is missing from many mainstream productions. This drama does not hold back on challenging themes. Confronting acts are on full display and it made no apologies.

This is a double-edged sword. No doubt the director has an unique style. Some scenes are rigged for maximum visual impact. There are bold contrasting colours, dramatic weather effects, poetic imageries and big close-ups of the leads. Get used to it.

This can be polarising. You will either be hooked by impactful scenes or be put off by the over-the-top theatrics. This show is not about finding a comfortable middle ground. For me, it was quite a ride and I was loving it! To be fair, the story does settle into a more comfortable pace towards the middle of the run.

I won't lie, the storyline is fundamentally tropey. The overarching A-plot is a classic revenge tale with a side order of the Cinderella trope and an extra large serving of palace intrigue. The writer is clever enough to mix up the plots and kept the pace fast so that we have little time to examine the plot holes. The production team is also a daft hand in hitting us in the feels which further distracts us.

It is obvious that the show is being manipulative. So much of the pain and suffering is purely there to pull at our heartstrings and to remind us that no character is safe. Even a well-loved character can be killed off to get a rise out of us. It works but it is exhausting.

To wit, the FL is in no position to fight back at the start of the show. We watch and cheer on the FL as she gains strength, made new friends and plan the ultimate revenge. It is very gratifying to watch and there are certainly many bittersweet moments.

This is further aided and abetted by the ML. He might be in his early 20's but he acted well beyond his age. I am most impressed by his acting. I can't fault the pairing of our leads either. There is always tension between them, but it is the delicious kind. You know that they are attracted to each other, but they must play by the rules. Their interactions will get the heart fluttering. While sparks fly between them, there is not a lot of actual skinship until the end of the show. It is poor reward for fans who are shipping the OTP hard.

A fundamental problem with this type of drama is that it is usually unrealistic. The FL was a meek wife one minute and the next moment she is full of fight and steely determination. There are also conflicting views on societal values such as a woman's reputation. We must switch off our forebrain to truly enjoy this show. There are just too many lucky escapes and fortuitous coincidences. It keeps us in our happy place, but it doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. It is very entertaining but a pair of industrial strength rose tinted glasses will help.

Speaking of the ending, it is both satisfying and ambiguous. All the antagonists got their just deserts. The OTP is allowed moments of bliss but then the production team went gaga on us.

It would have been a no-brainer for the story to end on a high. I'd paid to see the OTP ride off into a glorious sunset to live happily ever after. They have certainly earned it. So why was the ML shipped off to the furthest corner of the kingdom to fight a never-ending war? cliché? Yes. Dramatic? Yes. Necessary? NO!

This is not helped by the last scenes of the show which is beautifully staged but so ambiguous. Is it a dream?

Acting wise, it is fairly solid but there are moments when it feels like characters changed tracks as the script shifted in a different direction but the subtle change was not communicated to the audience. The impact is not significant but can be a little disconcerting.

Overall, I enjoyed the show very much. It is impactful and engaging. The production team certainly knows how to keep our attention even if the plot itself might not stand up to close scrutiny. Some might find it too stylistic, shallow and tropey. It will be a love/hate thing. Caveat emptor, my friends.

*** SPOILER ***
There is a 5 mins postscript ep that confirmed a HEA ending but why is that even necessary?

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Blossoms in Adversity
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
May 12, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

It is blooming good! Serious

The title of this show basically summed up the drama. It is all about one girl and her family's rise above terrible adversity and the many challenges they faced. It starts simple enough. All the main characters are introduced and the world building begins. Once the show hits its stride, calamity hits. The FL's family literally went from a position of power and influence to object poverty overnight.

Rather than just accepting her fate, the FL comes to the fore and takes charge of the situation and changed her family's fortune. Along the way, she found love and changed the lives of many people she touched.

The series is full of positive messages, and they are delivered quite effectively by an engaging storyline. Yes, the plots are tropey but the way they unfolded is well scripted and its pacing is good. You won’t feel bored nor confused.

It is a good drama overall and quite enjoyable. A large part is attributed to the solid FL character. She faces every challenge head on and uses her initiative and intelligence to overcome them. Of course, the ML is there to do the heavy lifting and lend a sharp sword. In that sense, the show is a bumpy ride, but the trajectory is always upwards. We are never left in utter despair. This is a double-edged sword as we are almost conditioned to see a silver lining around every storm cloud. The show does go dark from time to time, with death and suffering just around the corner. It is just our leads who are mostly Teflon coated.

There is a good deal of fan service in the second half of the last EP before the HEA ending arrives on cue. All the main threads are tied up with pink bows and most characters have their arc concluded satisfactory.

I am pleasantly surprised by the acting abilities of the large support cast. It would not be an exaggeration to use terms like cast of a thousand. There are so many actors with speaking parts! It ranges from highly regarded veterans to young green actors. There are the odd hit and miss but, overall, they lifted the series and provide able support to the leads when the going gets tough. The production value is good but not quite S rank. They didn't cheap out on the sets and costumes.

I believe this is the FL’s first historical drama. I have seen her in contemporary dramas. I not a real fan before this show. I find her other performances to be a bit stilted. However, she is good in this drama. The style suits her and the low-key makeup as well.

While the ML is handsome and the fight scenes are decent, his performance did feels oddly detached at times. To be honest, a bit wooden. All the actors are dubbed but his dialogue just feels too measured and flat. It is as if the lines are recorded in a vacuum. It is odd when almost every other aspect of the series is solid.

I started with low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised. It is tropey and a bit cheesy. A guilty pleasure for me. That’s entertainment!

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Story of Kunning Palace
1 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Jan 19, 2024
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Who said only bad girls have all the fun

Do-over seems to be the plot du jour at the moment. While most shows in this genre would focus on righting wrongs and get revenge on antagonists, this one took a different approach.

In this case, the FL was a cruel and ruthless Queen in her past life. Her path to the top was awash with the blood of both friends and foes. In that sense, she is trying to stop herself going down the same path again and right her own wrongs! This is certainly a more novel take on this genre. I’m excited to see how will the writer spin this yarn.

This review will look at this drama from two different angles. On one hand, the series is very entertaining, full of engaging characters and it is gratifying to watch the progress of the FL in her “new” life. However, if we look at the series with more critical eyes then we can see issues with the pacing, narrative and acting.

There is no doubt that this is a S class production. Sets are lush (love to see their Hengdian bill), costumes are beautiful if a tad generic. There is a big cast so important scenes are well populated with extras.

Bai Lu has the titular role and she owns it. She plays both the evil and good roles with aplomb. My only reservation is that while she is supposed to be a maiden about 18 years old in Life 2.0, she can look and feel a lot older. I suppose that is because in Life 1.0, she did and saw things that would age any mortals. It does make her character a little out of focus in earlier episodes as she dances between an innocent teenager and the ghost of an evil Queen. The question of whether she would flip to the dark side cannot be ignored.

This highlights one of the major issues for me. The show is filled with flashbacks of Life 1.0. This is particularly true during earlier episodes where it is almost like watching a mashup of two dramas. The drama tries to distinguish them by dulling the colour palette of the L1.0 scenes. Nevertheless, this can be quite jarring as the trigger for a lengthy flashback might be a simple chance meeting and suddenly, we are watching an epic battle. Even if we don’t get a flashback, she might pause and have an internal monologue about what she did wrong and what she should do now.

These sudden scene changes can give you a whiplash and it slows the forward momentum. It is also confusing when we try to decipher the significance of each event based on snippets of dialogues and jumbled recollections. What is worse is that Life 1.0 is actually more intriguing and exciting compared to the early part of Life 2.0. She is trying so hard to be good, she is boring. I almost want to watch L1.0 more than L2.0 until about the 1/3 mark. I understand why they did it but by making Life 1.0 so dramatic and impactful, it takes the wind out of Life 2.0's sails.

What I have to say next is not going to be popular. The ML is tall and handsome but his acting left me cold. Most of the time he is stoic and occasionally he gets angry. That’s about it. His dialogue delivery feels flat. Another issue is his approach to romance is quite caveman like. It makes him looks brutish when he isn't. The sad fact is that the two other 2ML's radiate serious second lead syndrome.

On the other hand, acting from the ensemble cast is good. There are the odd weaker links, but the more senior members have certainly earn their keep.

To be honest, the series is much more enjoyable in the second half. By then, the FL's plan to change her destiny is finally in place and she surrounds herself with a group of fast friends. The last few episodes are the best. Packed with epic battles, court intrigues and swoon worthy moments. What more can you ask? The ending is satisfying with all the loose ends tired up nicely.

I commend the writer for being innovative and I did enjoy this drama. However, I was distracted by issues which I can't ignore. It lost a point because of that.

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