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Wave Makers taiwanese drama review
Wave Makers
5 people found this review helpful
by cry0nic
Jun 9, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

A Hidden Gem

I came in with no expectations, fully expecting the usual run of the mill political dramas with their usual tropes. Instead, what greeted me was a high quality, entertaining and meaningful drama about the silent heroes behind a political campaign. I literally have nothing but praise for this show; from the writing, the acting and even the production - everything was well executed. Delicate topics like workplace sexual harassment, grooming and homophobia were handled well, too well in fact that it was (sadly) unbelievable as it would probably not go over that smoothly in reality.

I also appreciated that the show raised some interesting philosophical questions - does the end justifies the means? Can change only be enacted if one has (political) power? Presidential candidate Lin Yue Chen has strong views against the death penalty, but fears voicing it out publicly will cost her the election, and will in turn prevent her from enacting the requisite change. Similarly, Wen Fang has her doubts about helping Ya Ching over fears it may ruin the election results but soon realizes that even without power, change is possible too - and the election is not everything.

In summary, I highly highly highly recommend this show - and this is coming from someone who doesn't watch political dramas because they're usually too boring LOL. The pacing is juuussst right and while there are some slow moments, there isn't a "dull" moment where nothing happens. There are also strong feminist/female empowerment themes which is a breath of fresh air in asian dramas. Sooooo if you're looking for a political drama, give this a shot!
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