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Durian's Affair korean drama review
Durian's Affair
15 people found this review helpful
by cry0nic
Aug 14, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Was the scriptwriter on drugs?

the good(??): Crazy ass plot where all semblance of logic has flown out the window. I really marvel at the scriptwriter's ability to cook up all these plots. Time travelling, mother in law/daughter in law love plot, past lives ... the list goes on. In particular, the mother in law/daughter in law love plot is so mind-blowingly outlandish that it became the sole reason why I even bothered to continue watching this drama. The scriptwriter has written other similarly crazy stories but this really takes the cake. I'm even more surprised that the actors were able to pull this off with a straight face.

The bad: The ending was a shitstorm that made no sense at all and was horribly rushed. Pacing in the earlier few episodes were so dragged out and slow. In particular I noticed that there were many long drawn out conversations among the characters that did not seem to serve any purpose. The time-travelling was also badly explained and till now I still don't quite get it (prob because I skipped around quite a bit) The actress playing Du RI An had only 1 facial expression and 0 charisma and I'm not sure how she even managed to land the lead role.

Conclusion: Watch only if you like to see a hot mess and are ready to turn off your brain for 16 eps.
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