About five years after I've seen WKW's Fallen Angels, I am glad to have seen Chungking Express finally. Of course, there's the Wong Kar-Wai's very own auteur, unique style, experimental aesthetic, and great soundtrack that really draws the viewer in appreciation of his works. But, in addition to that, regardless of Wong's characters personified by their dreamy and romanticized foolishness or cluelessness; rather than finding them annoying, it was so easy to be pulled in the ethereal and quirky comedy of Wong. Indeed, I was laughing almost in the entirety of the film. Wong really proved that romanticization is not at all completely bad if it was done right. Despite not being heavy on its plot, the unusual persona of his characters and unpredictability of events and arcs, in addition to his very own excellent filmmaking techniques, had led to the classic charm of his films.
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