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Falling into Your Smile
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2021
31 of 31 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

This is what I call a Gaming Drama (plus some romance)

When I watch dramas that feature e-sports as the topic, it needs to be the focus, the highlight of the drama. The e-sport needs to be what carries this drama through from start to finish and I can definitely say this drama showcase e-sports very well.

This is what I enjoy about this drama. It's not just the viewers are watching the drama characters play competitively on a computer, but we also see the animated game scenes from these competitions, which makes this gaming drama special for me. Another great thing about this drama is we see our main team, ZGDX, and their life as a e-sport gamer. We see the celebratory wins, disappointments from a loss, the building of trust & teamwork, the hardships some have to endure on being/becoming a gamer. Most of all, my favorite, just the bond the members of ZGDX have for each other. They're really like their own family.

For me, the gossip or the social media aspect of this drama were pretty bothersome to me. I was annoyed half of the time when there were voice actors/actresses to read out the comments because a lot of the comments being read were rude (like you just want to smack that commenter in the face). Having the FL constantly bothered by these comments was a bit annoying for me, as in her character lacks confidence and she cared way too much on what people thinks of her. Majority of the drama, she was looking at social media. Me personally, I prefer this to be left out in this drama but I can understand why they include this because in reality, you have fans who will support you through the good & bad times and then you have those toxic people who badmouths/cyberbully you on the bad times or they're just jealous and don't have a life because they want to control the life of the person they idolize so much. Social media was meant for a good thing, like connecting with others far away, but instead, as this drama shows, it gets out of hand a lot, with opinionated people thinking they're always right.

Sure, there is romance. The romance builds up for our leads slowly throughout the drama but it does get going after Ep 20. There's a side couple as well that's mostly together throughout the drama.

The acting from our main leads were a bit stiff for me sometimes. Like there were some moments that I felt like there wasn't enough emotions portrayed from Cheng Xiao and Xu Kai. But then there were other moments where I felt like they did pretty good. So it wasn't bad but it was inconsistent for me.

Overall, I gotta say, this is probably my second favorite E-sport drama, just falling short to The King's Avatar, but I will admit this does pass The King's Avatar on the romance level, since The King's Avatar didn't have any romance at all.

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Meeting You
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 7, 2021
28 of 28 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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A Sweet & Caring Youthful Drama

This is one of the dramas where you can watch with ease and not feeling entirely angry or frustrated. I'm already going to give kudos to this drama for not having typical C-dramas cliches. There's no breakups, no misunderstandings, maybe a few snobby prideful characters but not really evil, no evil parents or in-laws, secondary characters are not jealous evil psychos but instead are best friends with the main leads. There is a mini conflict towards the end so it does kind of follow the typical last minute issues in a C-drama but thankfully this conflict doesn't effect the relationship with our main couple.

What was great about this drama: I just love the support that Nan Xi & Xia Rui have for each other and how they just want to be together and there for each other forever. We first see Nan Xi as a shy student with social anxiety. I was really sad for him since he just looks so sad and depressed in the beginning but thankfully it didn't take long for Xia Rui to remember that Nan Xi was her childhood friend and she began to support him emotionally which is great because he really needed that close friend. At the same time, Nan Xi supports Xia Rui with her grades and helps her improve her poor study habits. I also love their two friends Cheng Er, the loudmouth & Yi Shu, the smart but quiet supportive friend. Just seeing these 4 bonding and their silly moments were enough to make me enjoy this drama.

Romance wise, though we do see a lot of chemistry between our leads in the high school episodes, you'll have to wait until the high school days are over to see any progression and kiss scenes. There are 3 couples. Our leads get the most spotlight, the secondary couple comes in closer towards the end of the drama but you do see some hints throughout the drama and the third couple kind of just popped out of nowhere with very little screen time, which in a way makes me wonder how our main characters ended up being close with them anyways since they hardly interacted with them in high school.

What was missing from this drama:
- The root cause of Nan Xi's social anxiety disorder: It wasn't really clear what the main cause for his disorder other than being bullied/teased as a kid (even though Xia Rui as a child protected and spent time with him)
- The lack of screen time for our third couple Liu Bin & Yu Fei: Development of this couple and the friendship of them with our main characters seemed lacking.
- The developing friendship with Gao Ting: The writers messed up on this part. Gao Ting could've played a bigger role in the college episodes. Gao Ting felt alone and unimportant. Liked the guy walked away by himself after saying that and no one has concern for him. Geez... show some compassion writers. This could've been a great opportunity for Nan Xi who hasn't really made friends on his own, to make his first friend by himself with Gao Ting. That could've show another step for Nan Xi to grow out of his social anxiety. Instead, the writers make him a bad guy because of jealously towards the end.

Overall, if you need a drama to pass time while you are waiting for another drama or one that doesn't give you heartaches and headaches, I would recommend giving this one a try.

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Mr. Queen
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 20, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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You know, I'm not a big fan of historical theme dramas. I tend to skip them but I just happen to saw clips of this drama on instagram and what do you know, I was LOL at every clip I watched and that's how I ended up giving this drama a chance and I enjoyed it.

It's a very comedic drama. Though it has the historical theme, it doesn't follow the traditional historical aspects for the most part because of the female lead as a sassy Mr. Queen from the 21st century. It's 20 episodes so when you start watching the first several episodes, you kind of don't have a sense of direction of where the story is going. Probably because there's just so much goofiness happening. Eventually, the plot will reveal to itself and you begin to catch on where this drama is going to go. Kept it's comedy from start to finish.

Let's talk about some characters. The randomness of the Kim Hwan is so funny and yet bizarre to me. What purpose did he actually serve in this drama other than giving us good laughs? It seems like he was just put in there to make us laugh. Then you had Kim Byung In who I just can't read at all. Was he bad? I mean he acted evil but then he keeps changing his viewpoint and position. I just didn't understand his character. But at the end of the day, if I had to care about support characters, it would be Lady Choi & Hong Yeon. I just love the evolution of their friendship with Mr. Queen, from being just concern servants to ending up being great friends, relying on each other.

The downsides for me is we never really got to see the real So Yong. Mr Queen pretty much took over her life for all 19 episodes. Then So Yong shows up in the last episode. Sure we saw her backstory and pain but when that character didn't appear for the most part, you just don't have that connection with her compared to the connection we had with Mr Queen. It would've been great and funny to see Mr. Queen fighting with So Yong verbally to each other, like split personalities occurring at that moment, instead of Mr. Queen just talking to himself. And of course, our secondary and third couple progression didn't occur much as I would've liked. I mean, I only wanted more for them because there were hints shown that these 2 couples should've been together.

Overall, I actually like this historical theme drama. Probably the first historical theme drama I enjoyed and thought it was written well for the most part.

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Beautiful World
1 people found this review helpful
May 26, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
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First of all, if you think this drama is about bullying, it's not, well the focus is not on that. The focus is uncovering the incident on how & why Sun Ho had a near death experience when he fell off the school's rooftop. That led to his parents investigating and finding their own clues when the police couldn't do much due to lack of evidence and law regulation they must followed. The only part where school violence actually comes in is when video of the boys playing "the avengers game", pretty much beating up 1 guy or in this case Sun Ho. Otherwise, it's more of a personal investigation which leads to many events unfolding, all connecting to each other.

Story: It was an interesting plot but somewhat predictable that the one with the most power ends up being the root cause of it all. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it but could've been handled a bit better in my opinion. The ending felt very rushed. Too many things happened in that last episode. Instead a lot of it should've been spread out to previous episodes. Same goes for Sun Ho's awakening. That took way too long too. If he would've woke up a lot earlier, I think the plot would've progressed smoother. That would've let more time with Sun Ho's interaction with other characters and give him more lines since most of his lines were only in flashbacks. He was in bed for most of the drama. I wasn't too fond of that, knowing he's a really good young actor.

Acting/Cast: All of the cast did a good job but only two of the cast members shined for me in this drama. Cho Yeo-Jeong did a great job as Eun Joo. She convey her role really well from being a person that shows that nothing is wrong to a panicking & frantic person. It's very believable. Seo Dong-Hyun also done a great job at showing his evil side of his character and the vulnerability side of Joon Seok. I went from hating the guy to feeling sorry for the dude. I'm usually impressed with Nam Da-Reum's roles but it was limited in this drama so I'm kinda disappointed by that.

Music: The osts are on point. Loved every soundtrack and they all fit very well. From Haeun, Hanbin - Over the moon to Tiger JK & Bizzy - A Beautiful Lie, I loved hearing it everytime it was played whether it was in the drama itself or at the end of episode when they're showing a preview for the next episode.

Rewatch: It's too emotional for me to rewatch as a whole but certain scenes and episodes I may come back to just because it was performed very well.

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Touch Your Heart
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 29, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Story: Basically average overall but still good. A celebrity tries to regain her fame after hard times so she does what her company tells her to do by working as a secretary in a law firm with the male lead as a cold hearted lawyer, both eventually falls in love with each other. Nothing special here but still enjoyable. If you're looking for a villain free drama, this is your drama, well almost villain free but even then, the writers didn't make much of a big deal with this villain though as you watch, you could see how this drama could've gone in another direction story wise.

Acting/Cast: I was kinda biased already because they were my Goblin side couple but they lived up to their expectation. I just love the goofiness of each character in this drama. There's never a dull moment within every character, lead & support wise. Plus, there's strong chemistry between the leads (no surprise here). It just makes me smile so much my cheeks hurt from all of their cuteness.

Music: Great osts however only one song was memorable to me and they didn't play it as much towards the end of the drama series which is a bummer.

Rewatch: I may not rewatch it anytime soon but it is a drama I will consider on watching again just because it doesn't stress me out or get me all fired up.

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Perfect and Casual
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 25, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
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Light and Heart Felt Drama

This is one of the Chinese dramas where I wished I would've watched it when it was airing. I'm always hesitant on watching C-dramas when it's airing because the writers can mess up a little after the halfway point and towards the last few episodes with problems after problems and countless of misunderstandings. I'm just not fond of that. That being said this drama didn't do that at all.

It is a contract love drama but handled so differently as in no one bullies each other. If you like a smart & nerdy, but not so smart when it comes to love, male lead and a not so smart but warm hearted female lead, you'll love this drama. In fact, a lot of dramas where the ML is smart & nerdy I usually enjoy, because they are so funny when it comes to love. At first the FL falls for the ML, but once the ML finally falls for the FL, their chemistry is out of the park. You just love every scene the leads are in and their relationship goes at a good pace too. I also appreciate the multiple kiss scenes.

Misunderstandings in this drama? Yes they do occur in this drama but it's not dragged out. It's usually solved in the same episode or by the next and it's not bad at all.

The love rivals are not the secondary leads which is great. The only love rival who got a bit annoying was the female love rival, Chu Chu but trust me, I've seen worst. She didn't give me a headache like other love rivals does, especially the evil ones in a lot of C-dramas. The male love rival Meng Ran was actually okay considering he did support the leads after failing to grasp the love of the FL.

Issues I have with the drama:
- Surprisingly, our secondary couple & third couple ends up having problems towards the end of the drama, which usually happens to our main couple. This isn't as big of a deal for me because our main couple isn't affected but I can't not say it didn't bother me.
- The issue of Zhi Yi & Gu Xiao was never resolved. Honestly, they did Gu Xiao dirty. Though he was a minor character, he didn't deserve to be treated like that. He was a decent guy. Even if the writers wanted Zhi Yi to be with Lin Nuo, this misunderstanding between Zhi & Gu Xiao should've been resolved but instead writers brushed it off like nothing happen. Not cool at all.
- Not a lot of screen time and relationship development for our secondary leads. Though, I did like their scenes together, I needed more to connect with them but this drama didn't deliver on that part.

Despite all of that, I'm still gonna give it a high score, just the fact that the writers handled our main leads pretty well, no draggy misunderstandings, no evil characters, and no last minute issues for our main couple. I enjoy every episode of this drama.

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Into the Ring
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 21, 2020
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Get over a rough start to get to the greatness of this drama

Well, it's a political drama. So you know there are bound to be corruption with the higher ups. No surprise there. But don't let that stop you from seeing the great things this drama has to offer.

Let me first off say, yes the female is a loud & opinionated character, but that's what makes her so special. She stands up for herself and for all of the other voices that can't be heard. Normally I would be annoyed with characters like this but this one, I just like it. I like the determination in Goo Se Ra. It makes sense because it's about her running for a seat in the district seating council. She has to be loud. She has to make herself known because remember she's just an ordinary citizen with no political background. While her motive does seem selfish at first because of the money, she does try her hardest to make an impact not just to her fellow council members but also the district she represents.

I just love how big the support the ML & FL have for each other. I just love all the moments of Seo Gong Myung being supportive to Goo Se Ra and vice versa. They just know when to be there when one of them needed each other. This is why there are so many romantic, sweet, and cute scenes further in the drama. They are the couple of the year for me. Some may be annoyed by Goo Se Ra's friends and family at first but trust me, they get on board with Se Ra after seeing how serious she wants this. They are very supportive and loving and you'll get use to them as you continue watching.

I applaud the writers for returning the minor characters that was from the beginning. Examples are like the Son Eun Shil, the candidate who dropped out in the beginning only to return in the end to win chief position and the girl who got fired because Se Ra wanted her old job back after being let go. Even though it's minor, it gave closure to these characters and for me, I consider this as good writing as this was thought very well.

Some setbacks I had with this drama:
- The last 4 (30 mins) episodes seemed very random. The plot seemed to flow well until the last week of airing. All of the sudden, things are being thrown at us that just didn't make sense because the past several episodes didn't lead up to it. Not even a hint that this (ex: election campaign for Chief) was going to happen.
- 2nd leads seemed very useless. I just didn't see the importance of their character. Yoo Hee Soo was a confusing, annoying, bothering second lead who you couldn't tell if she was friend or foe because her character was all over the place. Kim Min Jae didn't have much a purpose in this drama either other than being Se Ra's ex. At least his character went in a direction where you could tell he was becoming a better person.
- Ending was good but not my preference. I would've liked it ending with Goo Se Ra and Seo Gong Myung together but at least it make sense on how it end.

But besides that minor setback, definitely give it a try. If you want romance, there's a good amount of it between the leads once you overcome the first several episodes. It paints a good message: Even though there may be a lot of political corruption, it takes one to not have that mindset and make a good difference and change in many people's lives. It also takes one to be that support one needs to make a better change to the world.

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Le Coup de Foudre
0 people found this review helpful
May 16, 2020
35 of 35 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Chinese dramas that averaged higher than an 8, I usually take notice of. I mean it's even higher than 8.5 so this had to be really good to receive that high of an average rating and it is. At first, I was a little hesitant because of the character Yang Mo. His blank look on his face made me think he was going to be a boring lead but I'm glad that wasn't the case. He's actually pretty funny throughout the drama.

So what does this drama has to offer? It shows events that actually would happen in real life. I mean it is based on a true story. This drama has a series of topics it highlights on each episodes, from struggling in school studies, friendships, crushes, the love and support of family, misunderstandings that causes heart aches (but not as bad as other typical C-dramas), and the repairing and mending of relationships. This drama was written really well. It's definitely one of the best as you can tell the writer & director thought carefully about how to handle this drama and it's 35 episodes. No episode felt like a drag to me. This drama is very light hearted and humorous and the ending was not rushed and fantastic. The best part is no last minute problems Chinese drama writers like throw in the last few episodes. This one didn't have that which I appreciate a lot.

This one is definitely one of my favorite Chinese dramas. It's up there with Put Your Head On My Shoulder & Love O2O and that's saying a lot since Chinese dramas and their writing usually frustrates me on how it's written towards the end. This one is almost perfect. Just need more music because I just thought the music was okay overall.

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Hey Pro My Mountain Girl Second Season
0 people found this review helpful
May 13, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Ah this is the season where the romance really kicks off. You don't have to wait too long for the leads to confess their love to each other. In fact, their love and their chemistry is why I kept watching it. There are so many cute moments with each other that you're always just so happy seeing them together and going through happy & tough times together. Though the main leads characters was kind of a pain in the first season, they've greatly improved in the second season.

But at last, where the love of the main couple blooms, so does the arrival of the evil 2nd leads, mostly the 2nd female lead. Her witchiness came out as soon as she discover her one sided love to the ML was taken away from the FL. I couldn't stand her but she's not as bad as your typical 2nd lead villain in Chinese dramas. She was just more annoying than evil. I'm just glad the female lead has a backbone to take on her and not easily be persuaded by her evil words and actions. The 2nd male lead wasn't that bad. He's a nice guy overall. He just always get the girl he likes taken away from his best friend which I kinda feel bad for him in a way.

Besides that, the plot is kinda boring and wasn't written well. The plot in this season continues to focus on the how to make the Green Mountain resort better and get more people to come visit, even though it felt like the good guys always suffer because their great attempts fail in the end. The female lead's character Mi Li really had no backstory at all which is weird because usually both the male & female lead have a backstory. It made it seemed like her character wasn't important at all. Shen Mo's story about his tragic past love didn't pull through for me. For a guy who's suppose to have a tough time finding a new love and moving past his old one, it didn't really seem like he struggled at all until maybe around Ep 10-11 (Ep 22-23 if you count it as 1 drama series not 2 seasons). And WTH? Why do Chinese writers always throw in a problem in the last few episodes? I feel like 90% of these dramas does this which ruins the pace of the drama (not that this pace was good anyways). Because of this, the final episode felt very rushed. You see all the great ideas this drama could've had squashed into a 30 min episode instead of evenly being spread out. It's a happy ending nonetheless but I don't know why this is a recurring pattern for a lot of Chinese dramas.

How the drama could've been more interesting: Shen Mo is a well known and competitive skier. He always loved skiing and was inspired by his fiance. But due to a tragic accident, Shen Mo lost his fiance. With the tragic lost, he lost the motivation in skiing and the competitions and decide to be an owner of a ski resort instead. 3 years later comes Mi Li, a skiing coach and a competitor who takes on the coaching role for the resort. Mi Li eventually learns the tragic past of Shen Mo and helps him face through it and recover and gets his feet back in skiing and the competition. Through the times together, they fall in love with each other and support each other in several competition races through the drama.

And that would've made this drama a whole lot better. But still it's not terribly bad. It's an average drama but with a lot of romance and cute scenes from the main leads. I mainly watched this because of the lead characters. It's not a bad drama but kinda hard to remember it though. Give it a shot if you have nothing else to watch.

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In Youth
0 people found this review helpful
May 7, 2020
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 3.0
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If this drama was solely focus on the lives of 4 best friends and their love interests, then this would've been a smooth and simple drama but at last, the writing for this drama was pretty boring and frustrating.

The good part: I love how they showcase the friendship in this drama. You see the history of how they become best friends and how they rely and support each other even through the midst of hardship and arguments. That's true friendship right there. The cast for the 4 best friends are great. They are good at portraying their emotions. This drama also uses a bit more music than your typical Chinese drama. I gave music a 10 because all of the songs were great and there was never a moment I skip the music, the intro and ending credit.

Now for the bad parts of this drama: The female lead's character Lin Zi Yu ruins this drama to be honest. There were a few moments where she had her strong points but overall, she was a weak, frustrating, & pathetic character. Poor writing on her character. She was not likable to me as she keeps hurting the male lead, Shu Chen's heart several times. The character Luo Zong Liang should've had a character change long time ago and not at the very last minute. The misunderstanding of him being framed could've been resolved which would've led to his hatred towards Shu Chen ended a lot earlier. The plot could've been finding the real culprit behind the misunderstanding by working together. That would've made it a bit more interesting.

Romance, while there were some cute moments, it wasn't enough to support his drama overall. The romance was very lacking and not that great. At the end, a wedding to celebrate Xuan Li & Yi Han's breakup? That's not a creative idea but just lame in my opinion. It loses the whole meaning of a wedding. Shu Chen and Zi Yu had some cute moments together but not enough and again I blame the character Zi Yu for not getting her act together this whole drama. Wei Cong & Yang Yang were cute together as well but again, not enough moments together with them as a couple since they got together like around Ep 35. I mean even Yang Yang's assistant spent more time with her and I thought they were going to be a couple more than Yang Yang with Wei Cong. Don't even get me started with Xuan Li & Yi Han. Just a toxic relationship. The guy cheats several time and the girl forgives him so easily. The leads have a hard time with their relationship but this couple just brush it off just like that with a "I forgive you" after all of that cheating. Again bad writing.

I honestly only watched this because of Leon Zhang. He's one of my favorite C-drama actors. It's too bad this drama's writing & plot didn't do justice for him even though he acted pretty well. If I were to rewatch this I would just watch the cute and happy moments with scenes of the 4 best friends because the plot overall is dull and it seems like the good guys just can't win for a good while.

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Go Go Squid!
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 24, 2020
41 of 41 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
What can I say, I really enjoyed this drama. It's not a 10 for me but it's not bad either if you can get past the hurdle of a beginning.

The main focus of this drama seems to be about Shang Yan. For the first oh 15 to 20 episodes, it's heavily focus on his past and explains why he is this cold heart person, living 10 years with a broken friendship that does get repair past the halfway mark of this drama. This section can be draggy for some people. It was for me but I felt like it was needed even though it felt repetitive.

Romance is there for the second half of this drama. The first half was more of Tong Nian's one sided love. I'll admit, I was annoyed with her in the beginning because of her falling in love at first sight and then being a stalker to Shang Yan. It's like she wasn't thinking for herself in a way where she seemed kinda dumb. But that persistence eventually opened Shang Yan's feelings then once that happened, then it's smooth sailing for them. I kinda wanted to see more though as I didn't think there were enough romantic scenes with the main leads and the secondary side couple (Yaya & Shao Fei). I find Shao Fei & Yaya scenes more cuter and wanted more of these 2 goofy characters.

Best part is there aren't any evil characters in this drama. I mean you have the typical mom who doesn't want the guy to get with the daughter because of bad first impressions but honestly the way this was shown was not bad at all compared to what it could've been. You also have this crazy fan chick who tried to win Shang Yan but that was brief thankfully to Shang Yan's coldness. She's not even an important character as her appearance was only for a few episodes before the halfway point.

If I have to say a con of this drama, it would be that Wu Bai didn't have much of role. It almost seemed like he was only in half of the episodes but when he does show up, the camera sure does like to focus in on him. His character is kinda bland though. We just didn't know much about him. But thankfully, there's a sequel where it will be focus on him. Maybe we'll learn more about him that way.

Otherwise, besides the draggy beginning, there's not much bad things to say about this drama and I'm usually a harsh critic on dramas. I just felt like the writers wrote this one well. Plot progressed well and my favorite part, NO CONFLICT in the last few episodes. I don't know why a lot of writers like doing that but I'm glad this drama doesn't do that. It was all happiness and comedy towards the end, which it's hard to find in Chinese dramas these day.

Definitely would rewatch again but probably starting near the halfway point of the drama instead of the beginning.

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Lucky's First Love
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 18, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
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I usually have problems with Chinese dramas. For one, there are a lot of episodes so the plot can drag and the ending can be a piece of crap which is why is better to see the ending of the drama before deciding to waste your 24+ hours on it. I can say there's only been 2 Chinese dramas that I've enjoyed and that is Put Your Head On My Shoulder and Love O2O, however I can add this one to the list.

What I loved about this drama is the great chemistry between the leads. Although the confession took way too long, there was already a connection, a spark between the leads in the first episode. These two made the drama so enjoyable. I also like the friendship in this drama. I mean literally even the characters with non-speaking roles were so supportive of every character. The female lead's character seems kinda foolish at first but her character develops toward the end being a strong female lead character which is great. She's not a pushover towards the 2nd half of the drama.

What I hated about this drama was the fact they had the nerve to throw 2 girls to win's the male lead's heart apart from the female lead. This was stupid especially showing the 2nd girl at the last 4 episodes of this drama. What was the point in that? Very stupid. The first girl wasn't as annoying or frustrating as she didn't seem to have any bad intention to the female lead but the 2nd one seems like pure evil, doing anything she can to win back the male lead's heart. Good thing there weren't more episodes because this could've turned bad but didn't.

Also the drama was supposed to focus on 3 couples as stated in the description plot but it wasn't evenly distributed. Almost the first half of this drama focus on 1 couple (not even the main leads). Once that was resolved, then they focused on the main leads relationship, with the last 4 to 7 episodes focusing on couple #3 (second leads getting together).

I've seen bad Chinese dramas but this one was pretty decent. Not the best but certainly not the worst. Definitely would recommend this one if you haven't seen it yet.

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Love O2O
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 15, 2019
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This is the only 2nd Chinese drama that I can say I am very satisfied and would re-watch it again. Here's why. The male lead and the female lead are smart, tough, unique in their characteristic, and understanding to each other. They both know they love each other which is great because it's usually only one or the other that won't realize that until the very last minute and I'm not a huge fan of that. They don't let anybody boss them around which is definitely a plus for me. The chemistry is so on point. I just love seeing every scene with the leads together. Besides the chemistry of the leads, what makes it even better is the level of friendship shown in this drama, from the brotherhood with Xiao Nai & sisterly relationships of Wei Wei. You don't see that too often in dramas. Their friends is what kept the comedy in this drama. I also love how they come back to the game and re enact the game scenes as their characters. That was really amazing to see the actors & actresses in their modern day outfits but also their historical outfits. Yes, there are villains in this drama but the difference here is, while they still make you feel annoyed at them, they aren't as powerful as other villains from other dramas and I really appreciate that. What makes it better is that the 2 main villains do realize their wrong and turn their lives around for the better. Even they become likable eventually.

Definitely my favorite drama by far. The 30 episodes were written well since the writers knew what they were doing. If you need a break from frustration, then this drama is for you.

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From Now On, Showtime!
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 12, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Overall Drama is 95% Romantic Comedy, 5% Has A Bit Dark Story Plot

If you can get through the first 4 episodes, then I think you might like this, especially if you enjoy watching romantic comedies. The lead characters, Cha Woong & Seul Hae, do have an annoying aspect to them in the beginning but it wasn't to the point where I would get very frustrated with them. They both are very funny in this drama. Adding more comedic relief are the 3 ghost employees and then the Advisor, Mr. Choi.

Romance wise, there is a love triangle. It's a pretty tamed love triangle. Nothing too crazy until the darker sections of the drama occurs. That's where it kinda gets creepy & scary briefly. There is a 2nd couple in this drama as well. Both couples do have their cute & romantic moments with each other.

The overall plot idea was a great idea. How the writers and the directing of the drama went? Well, it could've been better. They definitely stalled the plot for too long, showing a ton of comedy (which I enjoyed) but not really progressing the plot. This made our characters seemed oblivious to what was going on for many episodes and allow for the evil spirit to get away with many things. Even towards the final episode, it was very messy as the characters still didn't know who the evil spirit possessed. The final battle with the evil spirit should've been longer and more detailed but was mediocre and anti-climactic. I mean we don't even see the last suffering & pain of the evil spirit as he stabs. We just see a black aura disappears. I'm kind of frustrated of this after all the people this evil spirit ended up murdering. Some positives on the last episode, the last 20 mins of Ep 16 outweigh the rest of the episode. This is why I give story a 3.5/5 stars

It's a drama that will make you laugh overall but just some flaws with the plot progression and the last few episodes. I think most will still enjoy it overall.

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Put Your Head on My Shoulder
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 4, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
Let me first say, thank you writers for actually writing a great Chinese drama. You have no idea how many c-dramas I tried to find and watch, only to be never satisfied with the way it was written and handled. The problems I usually have with c-dramas it would be: the female lead doesn't admit her feelings until the very last minute, the villains does too much evil deeds but doesn't get punish for it, very draggy filler episodes, a rushed ending or the ending is very random and doesn't make sense on why it happens.

This drama is nothing like that which I'm very impressed. There are no villains. There may be a few characters who annoyed me but never to the point where I curse at them like I usually do at evil characters. You could kinda see the writers could've took that route, with so many characters I've seen as enemy potential, but I'm so glad they didn't do that. This is such a stress free, humorous, & lovable drama. Such a strong chemistry between the leads. It makes me smile so much, always cheering them on. The story flowed so well at a great pace that none of the episodes were draggy at all. I really was satisfied with each episode and I normally don't say that often for c-dramas. Comedy is in this drama from start to finish. This is great because some writers tend to lose this focus by the middle to end of the drama.

Here's where the SPOILERS are:
The only downside about this drama is that the writers seemed to show a relationship issue between Gu Wei Yi and his mom. They didn't really go into depth about this and kinda brushed this aside. I kinda felt this would've been nice to see resolved, maybe finding out why Gu Wei Yi is the way he is. I just saw that awkwardness between son and mom (or maybe Gu Wei Yi is just awkward in general lol). Also Fu Pei getting over Mo Mo that quickly so he can be with Wang Shan wasn't believable. I mean he finally fell for Mo Mo, who liked him all this time, but was too late as her feelings have changed for Gu Wei Yi. He was hurt for what an episode or two and then gotten over it. That was handled too quickly, but then again maybe it's a good thing.

Definitely give this drama a chance, especially if you're looking for a drama where you won't get angry and that every scene is so cute & funny to watch. I definitely would re-watch this.

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