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He Lian

Chengdu, China

He Lian

Chengdu, China
Blood Free korean drama review
Blood Free
6 people found this review helpful
by He Lian
May 9, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

Gripping storyline with flawless character settings

Fast-paced, logical, rational, concise and gripping storyline with flawless character settings. There is nothing in this drama that seems too much or less just as perfect as a drama can get. Amid the build-up of a thrilling plot line, there is a sprinkle of a subtle romance (which I wish to believe is there) between an indifferent, cold-hearted, and ambitious female CEO and her bodyguard which can drive anyone crazy expecting more.

Treading along a fine balance between the protagonist and the villain this drama gives a vast space for speculations about the ethics behind the topic of genetic engineering and the danger behind it.

Han Hyo Joo, playing the role of the above-mentioned indifferent, cold-hearted, and ambitious female CEO, did a spectacular job as always with the rest of the cast who brought this drama to perfection.

The ending was a cliffhanger but the most rational and acceptable that one could not find a fault whatsoever. Considering the characters and the story development, the ending was acceptable and gave leeway for speculation. The ending was not forced, unlike most dramas that try to fit into the viewer's expectations.
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