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Washington, USA
Tumbling japanese drama review
11 people found this review helpful
by hiphop123
Feb 2, 2014
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This drama was amazing when I first watched it. It never gets old every time I rewatch this drama. Story: It's based on a manga with the same name by Mizukami Wataru. But, even though it's based on a manga, I felt that it's original because I haven't seen any drama or movie with tumbling especially when it's about men tumbling. Some arcs are better than others, but not one of them was horrible. Acting: The acting was amazing & top-notch. I was crying a least once in every episode. Everyone in the team have friendship chemistry. I've seen Seto Koji & Yamamoto Yusuke team up in Atashinchi no Danshi before this & they are great together. This would be a great bromance couple. In AND, they have comedic chemistry. In here, they still have that, but there are some scenes where they argued & I felt that. Some people acted better than others, but the plot saved that. Music: I love the instrumentals. Not all the music was memorable, but it was still good. Rewatch value: I have rewatched this drama 4 times already & I still love it. Why watch?: the comedy, tumbling, the bromance galore & a heartfelt & feel good drama. I have so many favorite scenes in this drama, but I can't spoil here, so this is where I stop. When you do watch it, you won't regret your tears or laughs or your time. It's one amazing Japanese drama.
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