I took me a while to actually finish the drama all the way through because either I didn't have the time or I couldn't go to the next episode because I was too scared to find out what happens next. But don't get me wrong. It's an amazing drama, it's just the issues that the drama presented was making me cry so much that I need to watch something else for a while. I marathon this all the way through finally and it's a beautiful story to tell, but it's for a mature audience.
The story was done really well. I didn't read the whole manga, but I started reading it after a couple of years starting this drama for the first time. So I can't compare the manga & I won't, Since it's this drama's turn to shine and be talked about. It dragged a tiny bit, but it didn't really affect the flow of the story.
The characters were really fleshed out to.me. Barbie Xsu & Vic Zhou had amazing chemistry. Well, they were dating at the time. I think this is Barbie Xsu best role she has gotten, I only watched a few of her works so. . yeah. She potrayed her character very well, to the point where I thought I was see her character, not the actress. I felt her emotions as I was watching her performance. It takes guts to take a role like this(watch this to find out why I say so if you haven't seen it yet). Vic Zhou was amazing as well. I think this is the 2nd best role he played. He's gotten a lot of mature roles, but this was when he was starting out with his mature role image(I think). I felt his anger, sadness, his fear and his love her Barbie's character. I couldn't stand Maghan Lai's character at all, she scared the living crap out of me sometimes in the beginning of the drama. But I'm glad that she didn't stay that way for too long. I could really care for Xie Kai's character, becuase he was overshadowed by the leads & the plot, but he also had less screen time than any of the leads in the drama.
The opening and ending themes were the best in the drama. There were a couple bgms where they set the mood, but it wasn't very memorable.
I the re-watch is low because I have watched it all the way through twice & it was so hard to watch a second time. It took me a while to actually finish this drama from beginning to end because I was so hard to watch some of the parts in the drama.
Overall, I recommmend it if you like mature themes & melodramas. Also if you want to watch how Taiwan takes on melodramas, then this drama is the start for you.
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