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MBTI Inside korean drama review
MBTI Inside
0 people found this review helpful
by xiaoyezi
9 days ago
6 of 6 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

MBTI comes alive within the stories of people

Experiments begin with a hypothesis. And then a conclusion.

If I had to guess the hypothesis for MBTI Inside… perhaps the hypothesis are:
1) How different (or similar) are people from each other?
2) Is MBTI a reliable personality system? In other words, the real question is, can you box people into 16 personality types?

What’s my conclusion then, after watching MBTI Inside? Without representing the producer’s answers,
1) People are.. people and
2) MBTI is just another tool to help us communicate, understand and relate with others.

I like the simple structure that the organisers have with this social experiment. It’s 5 Days, 4 Nights of 16 people, each representing one of the MBTI type, interacting with each other in a place. They are divided into 2 groups for most part of each day: Day 1 explored Extroversion vs Introversion, Day 2 explored Sensing vs Intuition, Day 3 explored Thinking vs Feeling, Day 4 explored Judging vs Perceiving and Day 5 is the day they wrapped up. Each night, everyone cast a likability vote and optional dislike vote. It’s informative and insightful watching the interactions of people grouped in the respective categories. It helped one to simply understand MBTI while also asking yourself where would you feel more at home at.

The other thing I loved are the participants selected for MBTI Inside. Similar to any other variety show, people will be the heart of the program. Everyone comes with the right intention of wanting to understand themselves as well as the right level of curiosity and respect towards others. I love hearing their sincere answers during their interview segments, as well as their own wrap up / conclusion after going through the activities by the end of the program.

Watching this show also made me better understand myself (as well as the people in my life) through the participants’ heartfelt reflections and interactions. And though I felt closer to figuring out if I am indeed the “type” I thought I am, I think the essence of this program is ultimately to accept yourself, be curious of others, and that we can get along with each other even if we are different so long the right space is given.
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