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  • Location: Azerbaijan
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  • Join Date: March 31, 2024

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Hello, my name is Sara. I am 18 years old. I am a lover of historical dramas. I used to watch Korean historical dramas. I love the oldest history of Korea. I adore the Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje periods and appreciate their costumes. Since Korea does not make many dramas about these three kingdoms, I switched to Cdrama. Yes, at the beginning of 2024, I made the transition to Cdrama. And now I am addicted to Cdrama. They produce historical dramas with them every year. And there are plenty of dramas to watch. I should also mention that I am a very picky person. It's not like I will like every record-breaking drama. Sometimes it takes me months to find a drama to watch. Thank you for your patience in reading this far.

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31d 4h 41m
919 episodes, 45 shows
2h 9m
1 movie

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