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Seattle, WA
The New Member taiwanese drama review
The New Member
4 people found this review helpful
by KainGuru
Jul 2, 2022
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

BL stage play, a musical

Yes, this is a recording of a production of a live stage performance of this musical. It's done well, and professionally. I've been to plays, musicals, and opera, but I much prefer them live amd in person than watching a recording on TV. Just don't go into this thinking it will turn into a regular drama at some point. It is a musical stage performance with a live audience.

STORY: A standard BL story though it had an interesting sub plot about an older generation couple worrying about what the newer generation BL couples must suffer. I really felt for them amd what they went through, more than the young couple.

ACTING: All were good stage actors. I hope they have long and vibrant careers. Sam is HOT.

MUSIC: This is a musical, after all. I thought it was good. Some songs were hits and some were misses. It's a Tiawanese production in Mandarin, so thankful for the subtitles.

REWATCH VALUE: I gave it a go, but the format isn't my cup of tea.

OVERALL: It's much different than a regular BL. Maybe you'll dig it, maybe not. The older BL couple's storyline was more interesting than the younger. Tip: if you made it through part 1, the payoff in part 2 is worth it.
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