
  • Last Online: Apr 26, 2017
  • Gender: Female
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  • Birthday: November 30
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  • Join Date: November 17, 2012

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Hmmm, I have been watching dramas almost all my life. Problem is... I'm terrible with names and never remember to add stuff to my list. I have seen some of the greatest and some of the worst. To me, even the worst drama can still have parts that makes me want to watch it again. While to most popular dramas can make me wonder the heck it's so popular.

I enjoy a god mix of Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese. However if i had to choose my fave it would definitely be Japanese dramas/movies. Something about the "feeling" they give just makes me love them more than anything else. 

My genre is all around the board. Sometimes I want a good cry, while other times i wanna punch my fist in the air like I'm fighting with the show.

If you ever need a suggestion, I can try and help. Just remember it will be from my opinion haha. If you have suggestions for me, let me know. I will almost positively watch it..... unless its like 5032487 million episodes long. xD


57d 5h 17m
1,481 episodes, 133 shows
10d 16h 40m
135 movies

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