
  • Last Online: Jun 8, 2024
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: DramaLand
  • Contribution Points: 7 LV1
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  • Join Date: September 15, 2015
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Favorite Dramas

Best of the Best that I have watched.

24 titles
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If you like 'Vincenzo' you will like:

Eclectic, stunning mix of action, romance, cinematography, crime. The romance is slow burn or not the focus. The action, or violence, or revenge,…

7 titles 2 comments
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Chinese Republican Dramas

Dramas set in 1912-1949 China, give or take a few years. This was the Republican Era when China was ruled by the Kuomintang, suffered under…

47 titles 20 loves 2 comments
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Romancing the Boss (or Love in the Office)

Loves and lives between boss and employee or between colleagues.

41 titles 15 loves
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High School Love

Romance dramas between high school students, set in High School. Japanese and Korean. No particular order.

40 titles 1 love
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Crime to watch

Crime/Investigation Romantic dramas to watch. (Thanks @ladymay)

36 titles 1 love
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CEO falls for ordinary girl

CEO / President / General Manager falls for a normal girl who may or may not work for his company. Over done troupe, but still highly popular.

30 titles 10 loves
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Rich lifestyle

Features lives of rich people in dramaland. May be rich guy / poor girl, may not be.

30 titles 1 love
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Chinese Romance to watch

Chinese Drama I am interested in but have not had time to watch. Some of them are not subbed Subbed on Viki: Love is Back My Best Ex-Boyfriend…

24 titles 2 loves
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Favorite Actors
22 people
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Older Man / Younger Woman (Oppa / Ahjussi Romance)

Romance with age - gap. The Guy is older than the girl, the romance must be sweet (or bittersweet depending.) The story must be great.

20 titles 4 loves
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Best Bromance

I like to see strong, solid friendship and loyalty between guys. I hate when they let girls come between them.

17 titles 1 love
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Spy dramas

spy dramas

11 titles 2 loves
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Tension-less Supportive Lovers (they don't break up or mistrust each other)

Features couples who get together fairly early in the series, and stick to each other. No breaking up, no misunderstandings, mistrust, no 'staying-away-from-you-for-your-own-good'.…

10 titles 2 loves
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Fav Historical Romance
10 titles
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Favorite Movies
8 titles