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Keiji to Kenji, Tokidoki Hanji japanese drama review
Keiji to Kenji, Tokidoki Hanji
0 people found this review helpful
by sudayandesu
Jul 23, 2023
9 of 9 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Light and entertaining approach to the familiar investigative Jdrama setting.

Nakaido Gouta brings his enthusiasm as a former teacher to his new career as a detective. But rather than the life of being a detective, Keiji to Kenji Tokidoki Hanji as the title says, focuses on the connection between the detectives (Keiji), prosecutors (Kenji), and judges (Hanji).

For those like me who don't want to watch the first season because of a certain actor. I'd say watching this season alone is fine. I did just that and enjoyed the show nonetheless.

What to expect: This is an episodic type of drama. The cases vary from petty crimes to serious ones. There's no detailed investigation like other detective Jdramas, rather, the drama shows the process from investigation of detectives, to interrogation by the prosecutors, up to the court trials with the judges. Well, just a bit of the court trial but still dives into how these three professions work along side each other.

What I love: Like a lot of Jdramas, this gives you a wide range of characters that you'll get to know as the story progresses. Some of them might come as annoying but gradually you'll find them endearing as they change with each case they handle.

While it introduces Nakaido and Meguro as somewhat of a buddy. This is definitely not your buddy drama. Although the two do bicker from time to time, the interaction between every character is balanced which emphasizes how everyone is part of the same team despite the differences.

The actors play a huge part everytime I watch a drama. Kiritani Kenta has always been fun to watch and I'm glad to see he's finally getting lead roles. Isomura Hayato's charms made me love the cast even more. The cast and acting is the strongest asset of this drama. They have gathered seasoned actors with some rising young stars. Acting was natural which makes the comedic scenes more appealing.

Overall, this drama is recommended for those who like detective themed dramas that is short, entertaining, and doesn't make you think too much.
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