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What Happens to My Family? korean drama review
What Happens to My Family?
0 people found this review helpful
by wormcat
Jan 15, 2021
53 of 53 episodes seen
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

The Children's characters development was worth it, i almost dropped it cus they were annoying

Basically I would say that is a good drama to pass time but the love relationships are completely dragged as long as possible like every other Family drama. I would never say this dram is one of my favourites or its a must watch, but I would 100% say it's message in the value of being grateful for your family and understanding + caring for your parents is valuable.
Now the Children's love lives... I can't say I hated any of them, but I every time the oldest son's wife opened her mouth,
and called her mother ask for "advice" I really wanted to punch her. Her victim mentality was so irritating and how spoilt she was was even worse, although i understand her sometimes I was disappointed how her personality barely developed other than her making her own choices for once. I know it is because she was always rich and always got her way but I almost drama because of her and her husband.
I totally could not stand her husband either. Gang-Jae was the most self absorbed prick ever, I hated him so much, and when he got so upset when he found out the secret I hated him so much. BUT, his character development was so good, be regretted his actions, worked hard, and tried to be more emotionally open to his wife, even when she was being super immature.
Dal Bong and Seo-wool were really cute for most part, but it was gradually getting quite dull, but it was not too bad.
I would say this drama would defs make you cry.
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