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Very funny
Lol funny
Some slapstick comedy
Misunderstandings and shenanigans ensue
Also, more recent comedies
More lighthearted than typical dramas
Recommended by dross_40 - Apr 18, 2024
While the female protagonists couldn't be more opposite Uri wo Waru's being a virgin, Raise de wa's being a self-proclaimed 'slut' both series focus on mature relationships. The focus is less on will these two get together, but on previous established relationships. The casts are working class adults navigating not only romantic and or sexual relationships, many of which are considered atypical in Japan. There's also subplots regarding exploration of sexual orientation as well.
Recommended by RisefromBlackAshes - Apr 18, 2024
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Both have elements of fantasy. Both have a school-life background. In both dramas the female lead knows what's going to happen and is trying to change the future. Also in both stories she's struggling and is unable to share her perspective (her knowledge for the future) with other people, as in Extraordinary You nobody will remember what she told them, and in Lovely Runner the rime stops and nobody can hear ber when she tries to talk about future events. The FL is very energetic and cute in both shows (it's also the same actress). Both are romance, fantasy stories. A small detail is that in both dramas the main leads have a big height difference and the school is the same (I'm talking about the set). Both have prominent mystery elements to their story.
Recommended by Sia K. R. - Apr 18, 2024
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Although the plot lines are very different, one about amnesia the other death, I believe they evoke similar feelings as you go through everything with the ML (and side characters) on their journey of healing and closure.
Recommended by Pumla - Apr 18, 2024
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IMO similar plot (both revenge just different reasons for revenge), with the same ML just on different sides of the court.
Recommended by Pumla - Apr 18, 2024
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Both series have themes of dealing with the dead and romance with a past connection between the leads
Recommended by Pumla - Apr 18, 2024
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Similar premise...
Lost is tad more mature and way more emotional than one spring night.... the feeling and the emotions they provoke are kind of same though Lost has some scenes where you won't be able to stop your tears.... I would totally recommend watching both of them...
Recommended by Hena - Apr 18, 2024
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ML of TIL is like a softer, less jaded version of the ML of HJS. The two actors also have similar mannerisms with their eye-acting.
Recommended by JojoOnDatBeat - Apr 18, 2024
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Tricky in Love is the remake of Ngao Ruk Luang Jai. Fun fact: NRLJ was the debut of all 4 main lead actors while TIL is the debut of the ML Au Kittipon Tippayatayarut.
Recommended by JojoOnDatBeat - Apr 18, 2024
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In both the film and the drama the main protagonists are high school students. One of the two always sleeps in class. At first they hate each other, but then they get closer and end up living in the same class.
Recommended by alis89 - Apr 18, 2024
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- Both Dramas related to Music & Orchestra
- ML/FL plays Music with the other musicians perfectly
Recommended by Selby Thomas - Apr 18, 2024
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- Both dramas related to Orchestra
- ML/FL are insane towards Music as a Conductor and will do anything to go any extent to perfect the music
Recommended by Selby Thomas - Apr 18, 2024
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- Opposite of Lovely Runner
- A man who can go to the future, tries to change his present in order to change his future and his and his wife's inevitable death in the future.
- Absolutely heartwarming story
Recommended by He Lian - Apr 18, 2024
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Fantasy Genre, and Kim Hye Yoon as the female lead. Both of them have a similar vibe and watching Lovely Runner reminds me of Extraordinary You.
Recommended by He Lian - Apr 18, 2024
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Related to the 1st arc
- Yan Zi Xian is the ML in both
- Puppy MLs that are absolutely smitten with FL
- SFL who tries to get in between ML & FL (almost the exact same character ngl)
- Feisty and rather unconventional FLs who don't need saving and can hold their own
- SML trying to ruin ML's life (CL is way more angsty about it)
- Both MLs are high ranking (in MUD he's a king, in CL he's a rich merchant)
- Comedies but CL is more angsty
- Power couple
Recommended by Arclei - Apr 18, 2024