Please see post:
On my profile under the Reviews Tab, the sorting is messed up. When I use Sort By Helpful, it is not showing the correct order. Sharing a post as I could not share an image/screenshot here. 

Ideally it should be in descending order, i.e. the review having more #no of people found this helpful should be first and then others. (In my case Heartbeat Review should come before Money Heist, and this continues in other reviews as I scroll down in my profile:

Please guide with the solution. 

Aoi Community Manager

I think there is a bug related to the episode count for "Money Heist." It appears that the number of episodes watched is incorrect or has been edited by the community. The calculation included "12 of 6 episodes seen," which seems to be part of the problem. The calculation algorithm currently has a "not helpful" weight, so the episodes may not always appear in the correct order.

To fix this, you would need to update the episodes seen in your reviews or wait for a bug fix.

Hi Aoi, Thanks for reviewing.

But this is not the only case. My other reviews are also random sorted and not as per the count of helpful votes. Please see this:  Here the episode numbers are all correct.

 Yet Queen of Tears should be before Mask Girl, since 8 upvotes > 7 upvotes
And Marry My Husband should be above Queen of Tears and Mask Girl, with 11 upvotes.

Please see my profile - Reviews tab here: It is sorted by most helpful, but if you scroll down, the upvotes are random order, so in a way these are not sorted as the most helpful review, I am assuming.

Also - Money Heist, I have only marked the show as completed so it comes 6/6 but somehow the review is coming up as 12/6. I made the change and it is 6/6 episodes now but the problem remains - sorting is still not descending order. See here please:

Aoi Community Manager

This is correct. It is not random; it is sorted by most helpful with a "not helpful" weight. If a review has 10 helpful and 5 not helpful votes, then the "not helpful" weight would lower its ranking compared to a review with 8 helpful and 0 not helpful votes.

Also - Money Heist, I have only marked the show as completed so it comes 6/6 but somehow the review is coming up as 12/6. I made the change and it is 6/6 episodes now but the problem remains

Changing the review may not trigger the score recalculation right away. It seems to have updated from my end.

Hi Aoi,
Just taking an example, assuming upvote is weight 1, and downvote is -1.

Review 1: 5 people upvote, -5 downvote, this is null (Avg: 0)
Review 2: 8 people upvote, -2 downvote, then up > down (Avg: 0.6)
Review 3: 2 people upvote, -8 downvote, then down > up (Avg: -0.6)

If we take the average:
Order should display: Review 2, Review 1, Review 3. (cause 0.6 > 0 > -0.6)

If we take the upvotes:
Order should display: Review 2, Review 1, Review 3. (cause 8>5>2)

Even with this, the sort should still display the reviews more or less the same? Or is it that the weight scores to upvote and downvotes are different? And if that is the case, is there any provision now or in future to make the downvotes visible to author of review? 

Asking this because personally I like to revisit and sort my reviews and see which have been helful. Currently it gives me NO idea - as the ones that have been helpful to people are up and down in the sorting list. So I cannot conclude which review's writing style has been useful to the audience and therefore finetune my writing...

Let me know :) 

Aoi Community Manager

Sorry, we cannot release the math behind it, but we do plan to make the "not helpful" votes visible to the author. The weight of upvotes and downvotes depends on the total number of votes. 

For example, 10 upvotes and 0 downvotes are lower than 20 upvotes and 0 downvotes, but they are higher than 20 upvotes and 10 downvotes due to the higher weight of downvotes.

Review 1: 5 people upvote, -5 downvote, this is null (Avg: 0)
Review 2: 8 people upvote, -2 downvote, then up > down (Avg: 0.6)
Review 3: 2 people upvote, -8 downvote, then down > up (Avg: -0.6)

Actually your example is also giving the same result for Downvote sorting, i.e. R2>R1>R3

You also can view it as
R1: 5/10 people found this helpful
R2: 8/10 people found this helpful
R3: 2/10 people found this helpful
Because you use the same sample of 10, you can visually see that R2>R1>R3 without even doing the math.

In practical, the number of voters in MDL is unknown for every review, so until we can see the number of downvotes we really can't tell.

Thanks both!
Guess seeing the downvotes number will make it easier to kind of self-analyze then! Looking forward to when it becomes GA!