The film tackles all the issues tackled in more recent Korean dramas, bullying, carelessness, students crushes on their teachers, troubled students, poverty, obsessed mothers, etc... Some of the famous scenes in Korean dramas are taken from the film.
The acting from the veteran actors was great. Ha Hee Ra gave a powerful performance. Lee Kyeong Yeong was awesome. It was one of Choi Soo Jong's first works so it explains why he was still struggling. But the most hilarious one to watch was Kim Min Jong -my favourite and the reason I watched the film-. His role was serious and dark but he couldn't act at the time obviously and I kept laughing at him. He was 18 and so cute.
The music, well, you know the music in cartoons where you feel there's a battle in the background! That's the music in the film. Hysterical.
I don't think I'll watch it again. Maybe some of KMJ's scenes to laugh at how adorable he was.
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