Ichiko is a 30-year-old unemployed woman. She meets Ryoichi at a drinking establishment. Even though he is a lot younger than her, she can't forget him. Meanwhile, Ichiko has 5 different characters in her brain that govern her actions. The 5 characters are Yoshida, Ishibashi, Ikeda, Hatoko, and Kishi. These 5 characters then have a fierce meeting. Yoshida presides over the meeting as the chairman. Ishibashi is the optimist. Ikeda is a pessimist. Hatoko is the character who lives in the moment, and Kishi thinks about the past. ~~ Adapted from the manga series "Nounai Poison Berry" (脳内ポイズンベリー) by Mizushiro Setona (水城せとな). Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 脳内ポイズンベリー
- Also Known As: Nounai Poison Berry
- Director: Sato Yuichi
- Screenwriter: Aizawa Tomoko
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Life, Fantasy
Cast & Credits
- Maki Yoko Main Role
- Furukawa YukiSaotome RyoichiSupport Role
- SonhaOchiSupport Role
- Nishijima HidetoshiYoshida [Character in Ichiko's brain]Support Role
- Kamiki RyunosukeIshibashi [Character in Ichiko's brain]Support Role
- Yoshida YohIkeda [Character in Ichiko's brain]Support Role

I laughed a lot at this movie, I also had a lot of uncomfortable moments where I paused and didn't want to see what was going to happen next because I knew it was going to hurt. I didn't cry but I can say that when movies/ dramas make me pause a lot, it usually means I'm far too into the show and am emotionally invested.
Would I re-watch this? of course! I watched this without subs as soon as it hit the internet so I plan to re-watch when it's subbed and maybe more times after that because I enjoyed it so much.
The casting was perfect as far as I'm concerned. Furukawa Yuki was stunning as always with his mellow and somewhat uncaring character. Maki Yoko played the awkward turtle role very well. All the actors playing her inner thoughts or emotions had great chemistry.
I voted music rather low because I don't really remember the tracks that well so I guess they didn't leave any sort of impression on me, but I do remember that the mood of the scenes was always accurate.
Overall I recommend this movie to anybody who has ever experienced an awkward love confession or just being awkward around your crush.
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I was not actually expecting this movie to be this great or at least to actually have me satisfied with. I had been putting this story off since I have seen it on some site being uploaded and subbed. But since I have started liking Kamiki Ryunosuke, and remembering he is one of the casts here, and as well as Furukawa Yuki, I told myself I will give this a try and try to bear it at least a few minutes of it. But wow, it was actually great. The plot was interesting. Makes you really think that somehow, maybe, there are different characters inside your brain too. Because there are times you feel like when making decisions, you feel like there were people arguing and giving you pros and cons. Of course it is not literal like that, but somehow some conscience are fighting it out, helping you which to choose. So that is how it is in the story.
This movie also brought out different emotions on me. I feel like sometimes I wanna scream at Ichiko (Maki Yoko) or the ones inside her brain, specially at Ikeda, for always being pessimistic. And I love the child character in her and as well as Kamiki's character, the always positive one.
And oh of course, Yuki is always adorable. I love him here. This characters always suit him. But I hope he won't be typecasted in these kind of characters.
I give this movie a overall rating of 9.5. I would have given it a perfect 10 but well it would feel a little weird for me because I want a different ending to it.
Again this is one of the movies I think I could really recommend to people I know who enjoys or don't even enjoy Japanese movies. Because I am confident will also like it.
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