This drama is set in the same universe as Unnatural (directed and written by the same team). So if you like Unnatural, I’m sure you’ll love MIU404 instantly! Somehow the atmosphere and style of these two are very similar. Each episode of MIU told different cases and story but it also carried a big case(s) that linked all episodes or at least from episode 3 onwards.
Both dramas tell about criminal and how they solve the mysteries with the help of forensic doctors. The forensic doctors played the biggest role in the drama and they acted like the real detective here. There were no prosecutor in Unnatural but in general they are the same. They also consisted of couple independent crime stories that lead to the main story.
Unnatural is set entirely among forensic pathologists, and the characters work towards solving cases of deaths with unnatural causes. 1/2 of our Investigation Couple, Baek Beom, is a forensic pathologist and his work contributes greatly to the cases Prosecutor Eun Sol works on. His work is shown in detail, similar to Unnatural.
Both are dramas which emphasizes the importance and value of dead bodies. Both dramas have characters who ridicule the main characters occupation as being disrespectful to the doctors who care for living bodies. Yet the main characters stick through these accusations and continue to work as hard as they can.