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Thank you AthenaTheStorierX for making us discover these seldom seen or heard of movies which is frankly the shame. We have been drowned under the BL wave but there are gems like this one out there nobody talks about! This is a story of Por and Jane who have been dating for a while but Por is still in the closet. So one day she decides to come out to her mother (who raised Por alone) but she refuses to hear it. Jane, distraught goes to a club with friend and wakes up in a stranger's bed. Overcome with guilt she cuts off all contact with Por but a month later she discovers she's pregnant and goes back to see Por. In a tearful showdown the three women learn to accept each other.
The Greatest Love is a nice short movie dealing with the difficulties families have in accepting their LGBT kids, the way they are seen by the society and how hard it is to decide what makes their child happy. Is it what society expects of them or what they need really? They are rarely the same thing!
For once, the film is about an established couple who would like to get out of their love bubble and be open with the world but it is a difficult decision to make so the clashes within the couple are frequent. We do not know much about Jane and her family but she seems to be at ease with her life choices. Por is having hard time trying to find a way to come out making Jane unhappy. The main character of this story is Por. It would be interesting to see the same movie but from Jane's perspective. She is present here but not enough explication is given.
The actresses are excellent, the cinematography is a bit colourless, to go with the mood I guess but the music is good especially the thai version of The Greatest Love...
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Bad acting meeh story and a questionable agenda...
Someday good actresses will choose to star in a GL.. There will also be great writers lining up to tell amazing stories about love, friendships, and mysteries... There will be a great budget there too, great dialog and amazing kisses...Obviously not in this, this was pretty much 3 sweet moments, a mom that looked to be the same age as the girls... And a story I felt like I had seen in hetero dramas and while I did appreciate seeing a lesbian couple there where just some twists that made me wonder what are they actually trying to tell us?
And what agenda are they actually trying to convay?
Something in this just felt off, and it was not just the acting.
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Confusing what it was actually trying to say
I'm still a bit confused what the main theme of the movie was supposed to be. We have a sapphic relationship here, along with disapproving mother, infidelity, dubious consent (not between the main couple), and a very questionable decision at the end.Of course, it's mostly about the relationship between Por and Jane, who want to tell Por's mother about their relationship, but she isn't happy that her daughter is with another woman. The reason why isn't explained much, whether it's because she is afraid of what the world will think of them or whether she wants grandchildren, which is hinted towards the end of the movie, when she tells Jane (who got pregnant after having a drunken one-night stand with a guy) to not get an abortion. The mother compares Jane's situation to her own when she was pregnant with Por, but I feel like that was an entirely different thing because she was dating Por's father at that time and it was her own decision to keep and raise the baby on her own, while Jane had a drunken one-night stand and even offered Por that she would get the abortion only if they got together again. I feel like the mother had the most say in what happens when it obviously should have been Jane's decision and she should have discussed it more with Por but at the end Jane should be the one to have the most say in this.
I would appreciate more sweet moments between Por and Jane before everything went downhill and also if the story focused more on their relationship rather than the abortion part.
The fact that this was a student film and also based on a true story is what made me give this movie a higher rating than I initially wanted which is 7/10 stars.
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Something a bit different
The biggest plusses for me with The Greatest Love are that it doesn't follow the standard tropes of lesbian romance and while one of the outcomes was predictable, the other was definitely not. The script and the characters reactions to tough situations was natural and believable; and the fear and anguish of the lead characters at the plot climax was palpable. The ultimate outcome was more hopeful than I expected, given the plot set-up.I'm going to leave this review a little light on substance because I don't want to risk spoiling the experience of finding something new and different in the genre. Suffice to say, I've already watched it twice and I'll likely revisit it again. Well worth your time
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