1 people found this review helpful
Aug 14, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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What I love about this drama are:
1) Fierce and very knowledgeable women. Women who knows how to run IT business, women who read books and know how to argue. I love how Tami conducted one-on-one interview to know her subordinate better (I bet she read so many books about human capital), love that she has willingness to learn and grow from people`s criticism and dissatisfaction toward her. I love how Scarlett always coming up with bright ideas (how to make trending topic bar much simpler), and I adore how SGG keep consistent with Unicorn image though they lost market share by slight margin. She says (in much simpler word ;p): "If Barro`s image is "friendly", I want Unicon keep their "unapproachable" image as it is". Go Unicon! I believe you still have many loyal users! :)

2. The main leads problems and roller-coaster relationship are mind-stimulating and successfully gather people to discuss their Point of view. I love to read comments and reviews on several platforms JUST to see how people react to the story development of our main lead, I am happy to see people discussing Morgan and Tamy personalities from various perspectives. I feel content, I feel brilliant after reading posts on the discussion forum hahaha

3. ISJ-JKY Chemistry. I love how they "play" with the viewers emotions through their instagram posts during the drama broadcast. I bet JKY really adore ISJ a lot hahahaha, go JKY you still have several years before military enlistment! go get your bae ta mi :)

really my friend! If the comments and review section of this drama is all about "Oh how cute you two!" Oh my puppy you are adorable"" "Awww why you so handsome!!", i will definitely drop this drama from the first episode.


This is my very first time watching ISJ, JKY and LDH drama and wow they played the role really well. For ISJ, I applaud her for superb acting skill!!! I cant imagine other actress playing BTM Role... ISJ especially has soothing voice but when she talks in a meeting as the team leader, you can hear her tone become more firm and charismatic. I really really hope she could win Baeksang for best actress.

LDH is also a great actress, I hope she takes various roles and I believe her name will be on the Baeksang nominees again next year.
As for JKY..I watch his post drama interview and there he said he feel quite dissatisfied with his acting on the several first episodes. romance drama is hard he added. and yes I agree with his statements because as much as I love the explosive chemistry between JKY & ISJ, I can feel sort of emptiness on JKY`s face on the first 4 episodes. BUT! he indeed improved from Episode 4 onwards, and I am a proud viewer hahaha

A very nice music with lyrics that fit the story line. Especially Kim Na Yong -I Get a little bit lonely, wow is it Bae Tami herself who wrote the lyric???

IF you are a fan of Japanese drama and feel hesitate to watch korean drama coz you hate cliche and cheesy line, you should try this one. This will change your perspective on Korean romance drama forever.

IF you like drama that has a good balance of business-work and romance then you will enjoy this drama for sure. If you are NOT OKAY with deep dialogues and constant interesting argument between main couple who has different point of view on marriage then you will not enjoy this drama. OR you will enjoy this drama a little bit but you will leave comments on every forum you signed in: "Please please this couple is boring, I need more screentime of other two couples" hehehehehehehehhehehehehehe

Thanks for the spectacular script, writer-nim!!

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asmitha chandini
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 6, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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This drama just hits different...
It’s incredible how this is Kwon Do Eun’s first work as a head writer bc she truly created a masterpiece. Apparently she used to work as an associate for Kim Eun Sook and considering how KES is the writer for works such as Heirs, Goblin... and the female characters in these dramas aren’t portrayed in a great light I’m glad Kwon Do Eun got to write a drama on her own. She clearly knows how to properly portray women as strong and independent.

The thing about kdramas and “weak” female leads...I usually don’t mind seeing characters with flaws. If a female lead cries a lot or doesn’t have a back bone, so what? We all have our weaknesses and that’s perfectly fine but my problem is how there’s always the chaebol main lead that initially treats her like shit and eventually becomes her knight in shining armor. It’s repetitive and annoying to see that all the time.

In this drama however the women are portrayed as confident and independent while also clearly having flaws. It’s also refreshing how their strength and “badassery” differs for each of them. For example: Scarlett is a textbook badass female character. She’s athletic, beats people up and can’t stand witnessing injustice.

Bae Tami’s character is what’s refreshing for
me. Her strength is in how she carries herself and how she doesn’t waver for anything. The scene in the beginning where she says “this is the internet” with her bold
red lipstick on when she’s being questioned at the court is what sold this drama for me. It’s so subtle yet so impactful. I also really love how intelligent she is, she’s always one step ahead and knows what she’s doing. It’s also admirable how she’s a great mentor and a gal’s gal who builds fellow women up...that’s beautiful. Tbh she’s one of my favorite female leads, I genuinely look up to her.

And then we have Song Ga Kyeong who is more of an anti heroine. She makes a lot of problematic and questionable choices throughout the drama but her complexity is what separates her from the typical one dimensional bitchy rivals of female leads in other dramas.
This writer really just gave us all of these gem of female characters in one drama and I honestly didn’t know how to act because THANK YOU?!!!!!
Let’s also not forget about the male characters. Some ppl have said that they were unnecessary and their presence takes away from the message...what message? That a career driven woman don’t need no man? According to whom? A strong independent woman who loves her career can also love a man, those two aren’t mutually exclusive so both Park Morgan and Seol Ji Hwan are needed characters in the story.
Ik this may sound contradictory given my previous statement but the difference in this drama is, these men aren’t there to act as a hero. They’re not magically appearing when
These women are being beat down and dragging them by their arms...they are just individuals who became entangled through mutual interests and attraction. Through that it developed into love and they started growing together.
If not for
Park Morgan who else was gonna deliver such smooth ass lines and some fine ass visuals? Also might I add, Even tho the story wasn’t centered around his character Jang Ki Yong showed some range...I mean esp
If you know his previous roles, his character in this one was a refreshing change. Park Morgan is also prolly one of my favorite male
Leads along with Ryan Gold from HPL. They’re just the right amount of mature and smooth. (Also an excess amount of fine)
This is also not a typical noona romance I honestly didn’t notice the age difference at all and if it wasn’t mentioned in the drama I wouldn’t even know. Ok maybe I would know bc I’ve seen Im Soo Jung in I’m Sorry I Love you looking the same so she clearly doesn’t age but I know she’s older than him when it comes to numbers since that drama came out a long ass time ago.
Either way it doesn’t matter because they have incredible chemistry
Storywise, this drama shed a lot of light on what goes on web portal/search engine companies. It explores many aspects of work ethic and makes you think about what goes on behind the scenes of these companies that run the search engines in real life. Just overall this drama is very well written and has some really great dialogues. Not to mention the visuals and incredible choice of music.

Anyways before I go ranting on even more I’m gonna finish this up by saying this drama is a gem and the writer should make more dramas like this...

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Mar 11, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

It’s all in the editing…

The overall harmony required to make a stunning drama rather than a great drama is all about balance, where nothing dominates. Each aspect works with the others, so that everything blends together into a seamless whole. The final cut of this drama felt like individual soloists in a group competing for attention. The quality of the writing, cinematography, directing and acting was all really excellent, but the editing lacked the requisite harmony and balance to create a seamless, sumptuous experience. Too often, the script and actors played second fiddle to the cinematography.

The cinematography in this production was admittedly stunning but way too prominent, particularly in the early episodes. So frequent are the carefully framed and composed long shots that it becomes overly self conscious. While I want to commend the striking and beautiful set shots, they caught my attention with such an impact that they drew me out of the story. This is fine occasionally, but when it is every few minutes, it’s too much. I am watching a drama, not wondering through a photography exhibition.

There was a lot of hand held camera work, close ups, tilted frames and unusual angles which followed each other in rapid succession. As though the cinematographer was trying to push every possible ounce of novelty into the available space. I’m wondering if the editing suite was then provided with a wealth of material that may not have included enough straightforward shots to edit the scene without employing a superfluity of fast cuts. Okay, I’m being generous here, it was deliberate.

Often, in dialogues between two people, the shots continuously cut between them so that you didn’t get a sense of conversation. Admittedly, it could be symbolism for some non-communication happening, but to be honest, it intruded into the flow of the dialogue to such an extent that the actors and the words seemed to be battling for attention and the meaning was lost. It had the effect of keeping the viewer at a distance, watching what was happening as an observer, rather than being drawn in.

There was extensive playing around with depth of field which created some nice effects and the out-of-focus areas added to the texture which is normally the job of lighting. Frequently the visible area of focus was greatly reduced by including blurred pillars and walls in the frame. Shot mainly in warm tones with plenty of colour in the sets and costumes the overall feel of the production was vibrant and dynamic. A good contrast was achieved between the appearance of the two companies, Barro which was assigned golds through orange to brown and Unicon in cooler blues through green, which went a long way to setting up the tension and defining their differences in approach and character.

Overall, although I welcome and thoroughly enjoy good cinematography (and there was bucketloads of that) there is a balance to be struck between all the aspects of storytelling if a drama is going to be successful at engaging its audience. Although it calmed down towards the end of the drama, the beginning was way over the top. Here it is notable that despite the imbalances, the drama was still powerful and I put that down to the scriptwriter, Kwon Do Eun.

The script is crisp, clever, intelligent and often witty (even in translation) and contained three beautifully realised and different relationships. Scarlet’s followed the norms for romance and was cute, easy and relatable, but I found much more to interest me in the other two, more mature relationships. Song Ga-Gyeong’s partnership with her husband was the most moving for me, with a poignant performance by Jo Seung Hyun as Oh Jin Woo. I really like him as an actor in general and in this performance he did a great job of conveying the inner world below the dignified surface.

The dialogue between Bae Ta Mi and Park Morgan was fresh, original and well executed and it provided the core of the romance aspects of the story. The demands that Park Morgan makes on Bae Ta Mi and the constraints he puts himself under, as well as the compromises he makes, present wonderful opportunities for building the tension (both sexual and otherwise) between them and I enjoyed their interactions and flirtations. The progression of their relationship was not, in my opinion, created by the writer for plot convenience, but represented believable aspects of their characters and reflected the real difference in their ages and dreams.

The heart of this story though, was the exploration of the relationship between three powerful and strong women and the three actors playing them gave excellent performances. If you need to thoroughly like your heroines then this is not the drama for you. With the exception perhaps of Scarlet, who is a lightweight in comparison, the other two present the ruthlessness which they had to have in order to survive and thrive. And it’s not always pretty. But that provides the interest and character development in the story and what makes it a compelling drama. The various ethical dilemmas raised in the plot serve to test both their characters and their humanity.

Much of the plot is episodic and revolves around moral issues regarding personal information and privacy. It does a good job of giving the facts in fairly credible conversations and highlights the core problems and political pressures in the internet business world. It explores the implications of the totally connected society that we live in and highlights the shifting sands of rights and responsibilities. It’s a good show to watch if you want to be stimulated to think.

The soundtrack uses of a lot of music familiar to western ears, from jazz to classical as well as some original material. In a show bursting with strong production values, this was its weakest point. There was some good stuff in the mix but not original enough to strike my ear and hold my attention.

This show isn’t about nice neat solutions, it’s about incompatible dreams and principles and ethically messy grey areas, so expect to be conflicted.

What my rating means: 8+ A great drama with interesting content and good writing, direction, acting, OST, cinematography. But didn’t quite have the requisite sparkle to bump it into my all-time fave list. Worth watching.

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Hadiya Knight
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 29, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
The acting was beautiful and realistic, the soundtrack was just ethereal, and the cinematography was superb. I really appreciated the confident lead. It's an anomaly in a lot of Kdrama to have even one strong, self-assured female lead. Incredibly in this drama, there were 3! This is also one of those rare dramas where the OST fits absolutely perfectly with the drama. One of my top favorite pieces is "Millenial Love", a song that shows up for the first time when the male lead lets the female lead listen to a composition he wrote for a video game (this is not a spoiler, no worries!). The music comes alive with masterful camerawork. The original piece was composed by Lim Ha Young, who composed (if I am not mistaken) all of the instrumental pieces on the OST (Original Sound Track). The whole OST album is gold.

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 14, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
This is my absolute favorite K-drama. The writing is top-notch, the story is grown-up and compelling, and the performances are superb. It was refreshing to see a drama about complex, multi-dimensional women tackling very real professional and personal challenges in believable ways. There is romance, but it's handled more believably than in most dramas. (I particularly like how the writers represented the challenges that attend significant age differences and and a couple having divergent needs and expectations; and I liked that all the central couples approached their partners' needs and expectations with respect and understanding.) But while romance forms a big part of the story, the larger story is about women navigating a difficult world where every decision comes at a cost and where the hurdles don't end. It felt relatable and empowering without ever feeling didactic or like a "lesson of the day"--it was good story that, like all good stories, also managed to cut deep.

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1 people found this review helpful
Sep 11, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5
It's been a long time since a drama had me so excited that I couldn't stop squealing and grinning like mad the entire time. I'd been putting it off for a long time even though I had planned to watch it even before it released, because of Jang Ki-Yong. "Kill it" had made me his lifelong fan, and who can resist that dreamboat face?????????
This was even more so in WWW: Search. You can't stop drooling every time he's on screen.
But no, the reason that I loved it so much is basically three words:. Bae Ta Mi. She was just soooo amazing. The very first episode made me love her. She's just...I have no words. And the complex love triangle between Tami, Hyeon, and Ga Gyeong.....
Honestly, I found it more intense than their respective relationships with Morgan, Ji Hwan, and Jin Woo.
But the raw confidence that these three women exude with so much ease, their was just mind-blowing.
And Hyeon,.... she's just so adorable. And the music score, ecspecially their 'victory song' (as I mentally dubbed it) is so apt and catchy.
So yeah, although it does down towards the end, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Of the women, I liked Tami the best. But among the men, surprisingly enough it was Jin Woo I liked the most. He's a complete jerk to everyone who's not Ga Gyeong... but I suppose that's exactly why I like him so much.

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1 people found this review helpful
May 29, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5


so I have seen a lot of comments about the main lead couple and to me, I don't think they were that bad. From what I see the reason their romance wasn't as good as Scarlet and Ji Hwan's was because Tammi already knew how it would end and because she was older she didn't see the point of starting it but he had already drawn her interest.
she loved the guy too much to want to hold him back but because he was younger he didn't see any reason to not waste time with her.
their romance scenes were quite and not boring (yall should stop hating)
in terms of their overall romance, I would say this was the best noona romance I had watched as Tammi really portrayed that she was older as she was more mature and more realistic
the main guy also kind of portrayed why he was into older women as they are more mature
I hope you guys can see the deeper meaning behind their romance.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0


First of all this is my first K-Drama. and absolutely loved it.
Bae Tammi aka (Tammy) : A woman in her 30's who have dreams to achieve and grow in her career and have determined powysnd mindset to win the target. Tami dedicated her whole life to her Unicorn webportal company but she gets kicked out due to some error work done by one of her colleagues and she is blammed since she is the director of the or team leader of the group. Then she goes to her opponent company which is Barro and make sure that Barro leads has top 1 position in webportal. One night she meets Jangyoung man who is 10 yrs younger than her and is the CEO of millim sound company who produces sound for gaming. will Tammi

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 27, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Women Rule!

From the moment the opening credits started with the OST playing I knew I would love this drama, but I didn't know how much. I love the message of women supporting each other and in particular how each were in positions of influence. This is a great modern story. I love all three main female characters who each brought a different perspective and approach to the workforce. This was the definition of WERK!

The love story takes a back seat for me, but all of those plot lines were realistic, meaningful, and didn't wrap up in a neatly tied bow -- and that's a good thing! By far the sweetest story was Cha Hyun and Seol Ji Hwan. I couldn't get enough of the drama within the drama too!

Other highlights:
-The OST - which I downloaded very quickly.
-The fashion of all three characters - whether it be hair or workforce clothes.
-The cinematography - so gorgeous to watch!

I hope more people watch this and appreciate what it offers!

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Lynn Felix
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 2, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Sometimes random suggestions are gems

So, i started this drama after a suggestion on instagram, they told me it had a great story and the romance was not the center of it, and i already loved the idea.
Overall i loved it, although i wish we had more content about some characters like jin-u or his mom, or park morgan that was used only as romance but could have had some potential besides romance..
I feel like they exaggerated with the breakups and get back together of the main couple, eevrry two three episode they'd break-up, and even tho i understood their reasons, i feel like they could have saved us from at least 2 break-ups lol
as always the only thing i wish we had was a "what happened after" like what happened to chairwoman? Did morgan and Bar Ta-Mi got married? What did Ga Gkyung did after she brought down her ex in-law.. also it leaves out such a potential beginning for a second season But it was a great drama to watch.. the music didn't stick to me besides the OST, that i never skipped.
I loved the choice of casting, they all did a great job and made me really anxious through the whole drama
I wish i could forget everything about this drama and rewatch it in one sitting😭

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 21, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Powerful Women Empowering Other Women

Female-centric melodrama w/ romance: Follows a few mid-30’s career women who work high up in the information tech sector, looking at their career shifts and relationships. The main lead starts dating a guy 10 years her junior who has dimples to die for. Overall, an affirming celebration of female relationships and capabilities. I learned about how web searches and trends work, which I didn’t expect…to learn, that is. Also, the female lead does get her guy in the end, along with 2 new kick-butt female BFFs, which just makes everything better.
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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 27, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
I'm just gonna call this drama "search: wow wow wow" that's how much I loved this drama
It's been quite some time that I watched a drama this good.
• First of all the power of women in the story was fantastic and the story was strong and well written.
I loved that every character had their own story from romance to life and struggles.
Also in my oppinon, the choice of cast was absolutely spot on.
• "Search: www" had many sweet and fluffy moments and also had many bitter and sad moments witch was completely balanced to make a drama perfect.
• Music was another strong point of this drama all the soundtracks were Beautiful and well fitted with scenes.
I'm thinking to write something that didn't like but I can't I loved every bit of this drama
So as you can say in my opinion "search: www" is a choice that won't disappoint.

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Search: WWW (2019) poster



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