A story of a woman who was raised as a tool for her mother’s revenge and her dangerous love life will be introduced. Carrie Jung lost her husband and child. She now lives only take revenge on those responsible for their deaths. Carrie Jung raises Han Yoo Jin as a tool in her revenge plan. Han Yoo Jin is a smart and beautiful woman, but she falls in love with a man who she should not love. (Source: AsianWiki) Edit Translation
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- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Native Title: 우아한 모녀
- Also Known As: Uahan Monyeo , Perfect Mother and Daughter , Elegant Mother and Daughter
- Director: Uh Soo Sun
- Screenwriter: Oh Sang Hee
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Melodrama
Cast & Credits
- Cha Ye Ryun Main Role
- Kim Heung Soo Main Role
- Oh Chae YiHong Se RaMain Role
- Lee Hae WooDenny JungMain Role
- Ji Soo WonSeo Eun Ha [Yoo Jin & Se Ra's mother]Support Role

You know how it goes...
Coming to this after "Shady Mom-in-Law", I actually kinda liked it for the first 38 episodes although the story was very similar but it did everything "Shady Mom-in-Law" failed to do with the daughter-mother dynamic. Unfortunately, after episode 38 things slowed down a lot and got boring until the last 20 episodes were things started moving again. I'm too used to see Cha Ye Ryun playing the baddie as a 2nd FL across many projects but it's nice seeing her being the lead for a change. Anyway, none of the 4 young leads had any chemistry to begin with. That's the problem with most of these dailies. For the drama itself, don't expect too much it's your typical daily makjang were most things just don't make sense, especially when it comes to legal matter. The main theme of this drama is revenge and I think it was its weakest aspect, I wish it went all out on that aspect without holding back. The ending was alright, although I wish if it had been better.Was this review helpful to you?

Lo vi porque me dio curiosidad la descripción, los primero capítulos parecían una telenovela mexicana o a eso me dio aires con actuaciones sobre actuadas, pero eso se espera de un melodrama.
A medida que avanzaba se calmo un poco y la historia fluyo mas. Me gusto mucho como llevaron el hilo de la historia, todo tiene un clímax y esta muy bien logrado. Si bien el final fue un poco decepcionante a mi parecer, no se arrepentirán si la ven es una historia muy bien lograda y mas para su genero, tanto así que logro engancharme en él y ya empece otra que esta en emisión.
Creo que hay que darle la oportunidad a estos doramas ya que son diferentes a los que generalmente uno ve. Además que dura mucho mas tiempo. Cabe denotar que en lo que he visto no están las grandes producciones y no nos va a maravilla con grandes paisajes pero son bastante entretenidos en sus actuaciones como historia.
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