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Feb 12, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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I miss you

You don't know how much i miss this series♡♡♡
At first when i start it i was like 'oh...' cause i was afraid it might be dumb (+awkward and uncomfortable) when i saw the plot but

☆I laughed sooo many times
☆It was something fresh & new
☆I loved the ost [It was my second time that i knew the song at the beginning (which i loved it)before the series]
☆The plot is UNIQUE
☆I really loved and i am thankful for the fact the character who played the girl was very sweet/nice and i really liked her (i'm saying that cause in some bls they show the girls like they are sourpusses and evils)
☆The bside couple was very cute
☆They acting... awesome
I recommend it fullll if you want something special

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Jan 6, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 10
Adachi is so timid and restrained. I love his demeanor and how he becomes more confident through his interactions with Kurosawa. Moving onto Kurosawa, he is the most enchanting and charming man I have seen. I kid you not, I am gay, but I feel for this man every time he smiles. The things he does, the care he shows for Adachi is amazing. This show is timeless and I will rewatch it over and over hoping for more content like it. The leads have chemistry, and act their roles very well. The ending theme is something I listen to on the daily to get me in a good mood.
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Feb 18, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

The show that helped me get some happiness

This is the most wholesome, most domestic, most... everything, I've ever seen. It made me happy, it made me confused, it made me cry, but in the best way possible. Kurosawa is the boyfriend material we all need, it's not toxic, it's not rapey. I love how casual the story is (apart from the magic tho), Adachi and Kurosawa are just regular working people with regular lives so I could imagine myself in their place.
I have to admit: this is my first dorama and especially my first bl dorama and I am new to this kind of stuff (got bored of the always rapey and stereotypical shounen-ai and yaoi stuff), but this show made me realize that maybe love is for everyone and I shouldn't fear my imperfections because there will be a Kurosawa for me too (I hope lol)

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Oct 28, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Absolute favourite

I think this is the benchmark I will hold all BLs against
1. Great production
2. Incredible acting
3. Believable chemistry
4. No non-con
5. No toxicity (or at least resolved by the end)
6. Good story
This drama imo fulfils all these requirements. Every time I thought something inappropriate and typically r*pey BL style was gonna happen, Kurosawa turns out to be a sweetheart. I also love the depiction of older/real/ordinary people. Also lots of eye candy wow. One more thing, I usually hate the side couple in most BLs: bc it feels unnecessary and only for fanservice, but I realllyy loved the side couple here (even perhaps more than the main).

I think people didn't like that we didn't get an onscreen kiss, but it was fine for me bc I still believed the two were in love so ya. Also nice bits of humour sprinkled in with occasional angst. Cannot recommend this drama enough.

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BL addict
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 8, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
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contains lots of fluffy love and bad for your heart

IMO, I think this is the best Japanese BL that I've ever watched. Even though there's no actual kiss scene between the main couple, but I think this is already a good representation of gay romance because a good romance don't always need a NC scenes, right? The story is sooooo sweet, this would make you smile for the entire series. I also loved the second couple but I do think that Tsuge's reactions is a little bit exagerrated. AND THE FINAL SCENE WHERE KUROSAWA GIVE ADACHI A MATCHING PEN INSTEAD OF RINGS MAKES ME T_T
I would recommend this series for a first timer or someone who like to focus on the story more than the sexual intercourses.

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Apr 11, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Best Heartwarming Japanese BL

This drama was really something, the story, the acting, really all of the above. The story is not toxic AT ALL and the character development as a whole was really nice and heartwarming. Theres a really nice magical element to it as well, which makes it different to watch and also makes it intriguing.

Adachi! The ML in this drama was really kind and bubbly. The fact that at the start he was really nervous and shy about his power as he was seen as an outcast by his fellow work’mate’ and by the end of it he was really open and used to his power. This is really great character development on his side. He grew to accept himself as he is and grew to accept Kurosawa’s feelings. As much as his thoughts were happening all the time, they were never bad in anyway, which shows he was pure and innocent. This made his character even more interesting.

Kurosawa! The other ML, really accepting and patient of Adachi. He is an all around lovable character who is willing to do anything for Adachi, within a safe and not prying way. At the start he was quiet with his acts of taking care with Adachi, but nearer the end he made his acts big and bold, which personally i really enjoyed as it made his character development really nice and refreshing. He never pushed anything on Adachi which was nice, and made Adachi fall even harder. He was a really great observer of Adachi, knowing what he likes, if he didn’t do his hair in the morning. He was so blinded by love.

Tsuge & Minato‘s relationship was somewhat okay(?) I personally found both sides of the couple strange, but that’s what made them perfect for each other.

Tsuge! The man who stays at home and just writes, but then falls in love with the delivery man. His story is decent, but somewhat cliché. When he sees Minato for the first time, it really makes him want more (as in he wants to know more about Minato.)
Minato made Tsuge swoon. He also made Tsuge leave the house which for Tsuge, was great character development, as he is seen as a homebody but Minato makes him come out his shell. He doesn’t really accept himself at the start but grows and makes everyone know Minato is his.

Minato! Minato was a really strange character, quite like Tsuge. The young man who danced managed to get Tsuge out of his home by being cute and kind. He really was looking out for Tsuge at some points, like the time at the dance recital(?) He knew how to make Tsuge squirm. And at the end, they both had a nice ending!

Fujisaki! One of the best female support in BL dramas, i really enjoyed how she supported Adachi and Kurosawa throughout the drama, it made my heart warm that they both had such a supportive friend/workmate.

Theres really nothing else to say other than this was one of the best heartwarming BL dramas i have ever watched!

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Saliphie Jie
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 20, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Absolutely beautiful

No words. This is bloody hell good. Didn't really expect much but I left wanting for more. Kurosawa's smile melts my heart and Adachi makes my heart itch. The whole show is so sweet, AND there's actual character development!??!? WOW.

The scenes are also heart melting. I really really want to cry now that I've finished it. Last time I've been so so so hooked on a drama was like, last year ago. I cannot forget their smile and interaction. Just remembering it makes me want to re-watch it again.

OST bloody fucking good. Acting?? Absolutely. Story? Yes. Rewatch Value? Does that need to be asked?

15/10, this is a whole ass masterpiece.

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Prince Eldie
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 26, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers
Things that I really want to see in a movies or series are: looks, chemistry, acting, and storyline.

LOOKS: Adachi Kiyoshi (Akaso Eiji) he is very cute and handsome and the mole under his nose added an exquisite look to his face while Kurosawa Yuichi (Machida Keita) has a cute eyes and those lines under his eyes when he smiles makes my heart melts.

CHEMISTRY: Their chemistry is very perfect. They are too good to watch smiling together and holding hands together.

ACTING: I feel annoyed with the comedy thing portrayed by Adachi but if we slide if off they are both good.

STORYLINE: The characters of the series were both handsome and they portrayed their specific roles well. I really like how considerate Yuichi to Adachi. I never also thought that he was willing to let go of Adachi just to see him smile and be happy. For me it's very sad seeing the person you love go and all you can do is cry and let him/her disappear in your life. But in the end love always prevails. Rooting for both of you.

# PrinceEldie's Review 2021

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1 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This drama was very wholesome... It had a lot of good points on fronts that I often have problems with in other BL dramas. For example, the story is purely focused on the relationship between the leads, the growing of their liking towards each other and the character's quirks. The writers didn't try to incorporate a 'darker' or 'more serious' B-plot.
The magic plot was well worked out and resulted in very cute and funny moments. The leads are very loveable characters and the the typical Japanese 'overacting' fits and isn't as annoying as it can sometimes be.
The songs were also lovely! The intro song is stuck in my head...
Would recommend to everyone looking for something simple!

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1 people found this review helpful
May 26, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0


I mean how can something be this sweet and entertaining.
What i liked the most about this drama is that it is cute but not dumb like some other bl * don't want to mention names , sorry* and the actors did a really good job plus the story was captivating , and yeah i blushed a lot while watching this. the side couple was really good plus i want to add thing is that i have watched thai and Taiwanese bls a lot but something like this came from japan and it is just *sugoi* , anyway i think everyone got it and i freaking loved it. Highly recommended!!

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1 people found this review helpful
Sep 18, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

SUCH a Delightful Show!

Genuinely, this is one of the best shows I’ve ever watched. I enjoyed literally every second of this show, and I cannot recommend it enough. If you have any doubts about this show at all, know that they are for nought. I can’t imagine someone watching this and not thinking it’s sweet, wholesome, romantic, and just all-over amazing!

Shows with this sort of speculative/magical twist are always a favorite of mine. A slight magical edge to an otherwise contemporary story is so much fun when done well, and Cherry Magic incorporated Adachi’s newfound mind-reading power wonderfully. The limit where it only works when he’s touching the person was a good touch, and led to a couple hilarious moments when it was “nonchalantly” trying to get a hand on someone to read their mind. And the show even addressed the drawbacks of an ability like this! How Tsuge struggled to communicate after his disappeared and Adachi was afraid Kurosawa wouldn’t like him without it. It was very well done.

There was also something so… sweet about the set-up for the story. Adachi (and Tsuge, his best friend) is a 30-year-old virgin who’s never so much as been on a date before the story starts. It was nice to see adult characters falling in love for the first time, and learning as they go. These stories are so often constrained to high school (and /maybe/ college) students, but that’s not everyone’s experience. This was like a breath of fresh air in that way.

The characters and the acting were all very well done, too. Even minor roles like Fujisaki were written thoughtfully and as a full character, which was really nice to see.

All in all, this was a very nice, very low-conflict show that just warmed my heart in all the best ways!!

Also— B R U H, Adachi called Kurosawa “sexiness personified” in, like, the second episode and then had the gall to act shocked when he realized he liked him back???

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 1, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 10
'Cherry Magic’ – is a BL that blends the supernatural genre with office life in the perfect way. It takes all the good traits from those genres and discards or subverts the less favourable ones. This show feels nostalgic to me, it comes across like a good 2000s ‘slice of life’ manga. There isn’t too much conflict, there’s the right amount of work and free-time scenes, the “Will they? Won’t they?” isn’t harsh and the lack of a lot of settings helps keep it feeling quaint and like it comes from Adachi’s point of view [especially with the cinematography]. The characters were archetypes, yet they didn’t feel stale through the actors’ stylistic choices, making them feel human and relatable. They made an already good script, sing.

Adachi Kiyoshi could've easily been written as a stereotypical weak character, but he had so much personality, compassion, and love in him, that only grew when he gained confidence in himself. His ability [psychometry] allowed him to come out of his shell and help others, even if it wasn't always smooth sailing for him personally. These powers also didn’t magically fix all of his personal qualms, he’s still a nervous 30-year-old, after all. He had to self-reflect and evolve. Kurosawa Yuichi; The Man, The Myth, The Legend. Kurosawa was a team player through ‘n through. He’s love language was commitment with a capital C. He’s a genuine stand-up guy. He wasn’t rude nor was he overpowering of Adachi’s boundaries, he listened and tried to be the best version of himself. This also meant he held himself to an incredibly high standard. I liked how the writers also made him just as complex as Adachi. He had his weaknesses and strengths like anyone else. Every time his eyes lost their spark but he kept smiling, I felt it deeply.

This was a really interesting, well executed part of the drama, aided by the flashbacks and narrations of their thoughts. I love their relationship, it felt so right and that they had room to develop together. Their romance had the classic rom-com lack of skinship but with Adachi’s personality, it didn’t feel out of place at all. Through their caring words, actions, and gazes, I could tell those two truly loved each other.

The supporting characters. Rokkaku Yuta was a fun inclusion, I liked how determined he was, and he complemented the others' chiller vibe well. Fujisaki Nozomi was a great depiction of how a women character doesn’t have to be threat to a mlm couple and can just exist with her own life. Tsuge Masato was a very wise and caring friend … when he was calm. I thought he really lacked depth when he’s emotions got the best of him. He wasn’t annoying enough for me to skip his scenes, but for a man his age, it was a bit disappointing. Minato didn’t do much, but he danced well and was played by Yutaro, so I have no complaints.

I highly recommend this drama, to those who want to watch a show that they can both; enjoy and get them in the feels. It’s also good for those who like the smaller details and easter eggs. This drama is great for being calm, subtle and comforting. The music is also straight bops. Anyways, Udon is best boy, that is all.

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