Park Marwa
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 5, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

It's fun to watch like taking a bath after a looong day

i actually enjoyed this drama it was my first time seing this plot kinda new the chemistry is everything ngl ZeeNuNew did a great job i'm so big on the acting cuz most thai Bls have bad acting no offense
it wasn't perfect but i did not hate it it's diffenitly on my top 10 thai Bls for this year
i wanna talk about the singin too Oh GOD finally i could finish the singing part without cringing maaan Nunews voice is so beutiful and the OSTs r so well written nd catchy so a plus one for this too .
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Oct 9, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5


This series is amazing, I have completely fallen in love with it. It's sugar sweet, romantic, funny and the music is very very good. Nunew is an amazing singer.
As the episodes unfold, the characters get more depth and you understand them better. Really well done.
The kissing and make out scenes are among the best in BL shows, the lead characters have great chemistry, which makes this show one of my favorites.
Besides that, the friendships portrayed are just lovely and honest. No back-stabbing but genuine care for one another.
And have I mentioned the singing done by character Kuea?! It's so good. I wish I could have been at one of the concerts in the show :)

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Oct 19, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

A lovely story

So, I am seeing so many reviews saying there is little plot/storyline. I am not sure what exactly people mean by that because it definitely had a plot/storyline. This story did drag a little but not enough to make it a poor/bad show. The character growth and development was slow in the main couple, as a couple but there were so many other relationships, especially for the younger character, that were highlighted that it’s hard to complain. The storyline was really something that could happen (minus arranged marriage) to anyone…loving someone (from childhood) but hiding your true self for fear of rejection is a very common reaction, especially in young adults. Many young ones will act according to what they think someone wants rather than their true desires because they want to meet expectations and fear rejection and like in this series, it takes time to really convince them that it’s okay to be themselves rather than who they think people want them to be. The lack of communication between main characters did drag longer than necessary but I assume it was to create “drama” for the show.

NuNew did a fantastic job for a first time role and the others did well in their roles. My favorite character was Syn, the boy trying to steer his friends in a moral direction. However, all of the cast delivered their role’s convincingly so I say good job, well done.

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FirstKhao Fanpage
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 25, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Maybe its not for everyone but its sure for me

First off, This is my second BL i've ever seen and i watched it on the Mandee Channel on youtube. i adore this story so much, its Definitley one i can put on in the background and watch.

I LOVE all the mains, Newnu, Zee, Max & Nat, They all have great charater chemistry together, i saw a video where someone was hating on Nat and it made me cry becuase he os just a little bean. Yes he always plays the cute roles but thats just his style but he does it so well, If given a bigger, more "powerful" role, he'll be able to do that too. - maybe i'm bias becuase i have the same personality as Nat.

Zee & Newnu's chemistry is literally unmatched, they have so much tention and chemistry in real l;ife (Probably because they are dating) that there on screen Chem is electric.
Max& Nat also have really good chemistry on and off screen

My favorite part(s) of the entire show is anytime Kuea changes into Kiriin because Nu looks so good in this style of clothing, and i lovehim riding the motorbike, - i'm bias because i love anything with a motor bike

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Aug 18, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

This show was a Cutie Pie

I saw Cutie Pie when it came out in 2022 and I still enjoy it even rewatching it a year later. Everything about the show didn’t disappoint each couple were so cute. I will say I probably have a lot to talk about so there might be spoilers so I will just tell you that just in case. The whole plot is Kuea and Hia Lian were an arranged marriage since they were younger because their parents want them to be married since they were little so Hia watched Kuea ever since he was young and even when he was a baby. They even moved with each other, but when Kuea is around Lian he needs to act a certain way and even got tired of acting that way that they got into a fight and Lian when so far as to calling him a Annabelle doll and that was the end for Kuea so they put their marriage on a break. Lian seemed to not care while Kuea took it seriously and went to perform at his friends bar and was under the name kirin and wore a motorcycle helmet to cover his identity and when Lian found out about that he went their himself to the bar to find Kuea and take him home and Kuea got drunk and went with Lian, but kept telling him that he looked like him but seemed nicer than him and that’s when while they were taking him home they kissed in the backseat and Foei is the best driver because he’s too busy watching them than driving and then saw Kuea’s secret home and with all the photoshopped photos of them together and felt bad. Lian ended up making him come home and tried to get his forgiveness and did get it, but until their was another problem which was Kuea found out about his family going bankrupt, but turns out that it was so Lian can take care of their money and they got back together again and support each other until the end and ended the show with them being engaged.
Khondiao and Hia Yi had a much different story from Kuea and Lian which seemed more complicated than them. Khondiao is Kueas best friend so of course they gossip about their Hia’s, but I feel Diao has a meaner Hia because Yi seems like he will never be happy. The sad part about Diao is that he feels his life will always be lonely and sad because his name means “lonely” and he had that mindset especially around Hia Yi until Yi started to care about Diao which was buying him a dog, and loving him. Even though Yi gave Diao a horrible yelling and even made him cry he regretted it and wanted to change that when it was their steamy scene Diao said “Let’s just start our relationship all over again”.
Syn and Nuer were actually so cute and it was my first time seeing Tutor and Yim and I became obsessed with them after cutie pie because they were so cute together. They are totally different characters from normal shows which is Syn being a holy person and even lives at the temples and I think wants to become a Monk and even knows all the sayings and everything and even know how to make everything holy. While Nuer is just a normal school boy and while Syn thought he was flirting with Kuea he was actually flirting with Syn and even helped him design everything with their cars because their engineer students. I literally was obsessed when they kissed at the end and Nuer never stopped and I will never forget that one scene were Nuer and Syn were playing soccer and Yim kind of landed on that area on Nuer and even was sweating when Nuer took off his shirt. Anyways I really recommend Cutie pie it was such a cute show.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 10, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

Cute Kisses

This should've been called Cutie Kisses, cuz lorrrdd. Anyways, this was honestly 12 episodes of nothing. It wasn't a bad drama, I enjoyed it because I came in with low expectations and you can tell they spent some good money on the production, but it flowed like any other contractual marriage k-drama that I've seen and by episode 9, I was bored and fast forwarding through the episodes. The "secrets" were all a let down that didn't warrant all the drama. All the new actors did a great job especially New. He's adorable. Max and my little pocket baby Nat did their thing, but I'm still lost by their story arc. Like did the dog knock the memories out of Nat's character? Or did it maul him, which caused him trauma to forget? Their story wasn't really explained well. All I got was that Diao's father was using whatever happened to get money from off Yi. I also liked Zee as the cold CEO type. He can pull it off and him and New had good chemistry too

Now the COUPLE that I wanted was Syn and Nuer and my takeaway from this entire drama is that I'm ready for Yim and Tutor to carry their own BL or at least give us a spin off of their characters. I had to wait ELEVEN episodes for all those sexual stares to finally explode. They have great on screen chemistry.

Lots of skin-ship and plenty of kisses, but the story dragged and you tend to end up losing interest. But it's okay for a first time watch and New's singing voice is so soothing and beautiful. But it's an easy watch. No angst, no break ups, no love rivals. Just everyone GETTING KISSES!!!!!

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28 days ago
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Parece um labirinto, anda anda e não consegue achar a saída

Resumirei minhas considerações: roteiro ruim, muitas voltas e não sai do lugar, cenas desnecessárias que não possuem utilidade nenhuma. Teria dado tempo trabalhar todos os casais se diminui-se a duração das cenas hots e tivesse um tempo melhor distribuído, fica mais sem graça quando paro pra pensar que as ncs são ainda mais longas nos apps pagos.

Além do fanservice estrapolado a história termina incompleta pois o casamento entre os protagonistas não acontece. O Kuea é muito infantil, por várias vezes o Lian diz que o ama e inclusive demonstra, mas ele nega repetidamente a acreditar mesmo o Lian afirmando isso, o que se torna muito chato.

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0 people found this review helpful
May 9, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 2.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

The plot was bad, but the chemistry was good

The only redeeming quality of this show was the fact that Zee and Nunew have great chemistry. Besides that, there's nothing special about this show and I was pretty bored for most of it.

The entire time you're waiting for single conflict to be resolved: the fact that Lian doesn't like Kuea's fake personality, and the fact that Kuea refuses to be his true self. Literally if they were just honest with each other, this show could be two episodes long. Instead, the conflict is drawn out way too long. The whole arranged marriage plot felt pretty odd, but I could get behind it if it made sense or helped the show move along. Instead, it's just this odd point that creates unnecessary drama between the leads.

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Aug 7, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


I became a BL fan mainly because of 2gether Series. I was a newbie back then so I tried other BL series but can’t feel the satisfaction from what I felt from Bright Win. Then CUTIE PIE SERIES CAME OMG THANK YOU TIKTOK I SAW THIS ONE!!!

To be honest the story plot is common or not very unique but THIS IS SO SO GOOD, THE MAIN AND LEAD COUPLES, THE OSTs!!! I love Zee and Nunew!!! They’re so cute especially when they are together, I watched most of their behind the scenes and that was a lot of better than the series I SWEAR. Also the bond between the actors on and off cam, also the chemistry and short but so kilig interactions of Nuer and Syn!!!

I will definitely re watch this one!!!

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 3, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I loved this

I'm pretty easy to please, but I don't know why people are hating on this drama. I enjoyed every minute of it. The only thing I had against it was that a couple of times it sounded like an ad for LGBTQ rights, but given Thailand's official position on the subject, I understand why it was included in the script, and I support their efforts.

I've enjoyed Zee's acting, but there were a few scenes where I'm pretty sure he wasn't acting. He could just be really good and get into his role, but you'll notice in some scenes that didn't involve crying that his nose still got red, and that is a natural response for him (as well as some people in general) when he is emotional. I'm not going to make assumptions on his feelings towards Nunew, as the fandom and shippers do enough of that. But for me, it added an air of realism to a drama I was already enjoying.

And, I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much from Nunew, so his acting and singing abilities really surprised me in a good way. I happen to love a drummer.....there wasn't enough of that.

Getting to see Boun and Prem was a bonus, because I truly enjoy their chemistry. They are one of my top fav couples.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 24, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

My expectations were met!

Everything?! Was! So! Great!! The chemistry, the music, the acting! All 3 couples were amazing. Nuer and Syn were adorable. Hai Yi and Diao were questionable at times but turned out good. Kuea and Hai Lian were the best! Oh my God, they were incredible; their scenes! The communication, the consent, the Boun Prem comeo, FOEI!?!? And the humour! The pacing was excellent, the only thing I can compare it to would be 'HIStory 3; Trapped' but even then, Cutie Pie has its category because of the quick layers, like Trapped, but less action-packed? Cutie Pie flowed at a nice pace and had well-developed couples. The sexy scenes felt comfortable. Lian was caring and wasn't using sex as a way to be aggressive or dominant; it was a way to be closer to Kuea and show that Lian loves him. The way Kuea used his music as an outlet for what he was feeling and it felt genuine. It wasn't awkward to watch and gave more meaning to the show instead of feeling like a filler scene. Also, the cinematography was outstanding; some of those shots looked like they came from a Hollywood-level budget! I had a lot of expectations going into this and was so awed at how they were met and am so excited to see the BL world can evolve from college and lack of consent. I would highly recommend this drama.

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Dropped 4/12
5 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2022
4 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

(after rereading it not so) quick review

currently on episode 4, i dont really mean to write an accurate review of any sort, i just want to leave my impressions and what i think might be important for people who want to watch this drama. actually, it is overall pretty good: not cringe like other dramas (that are impossible to watch at times), the comedy is pretty enjoyable and i appreciated the actors' work too. i just think, as many other people, that the story/plot is quite questionable. they could have come up with different and better plot points to get the couples to spend time together, talk, etc. but even let alone the plot, the thing that bothered me the most is the justification of toxic relationships and lack of communication. like, it's honestly an above average drama from what i've seen so far and it could've been great if it wasn't for these things. and it wasn't even that bad from the beginning (you could expect a difficult situation that gets better later on) but like? they could have solved things? talked? communicated? instead of what they did, which didn't really solve the situation or just justified the toxic relationships further.
is it necessary to *flirt* all of a sudden to solve major relationship problems and show your affection or desire to be better and establish a better (sorry for the repetition) relationship? absolutely not. also the motives of the two business friends (let's call them that)? not even lame, but they do not excuse their behaviour towards their partners and don't even make up for their actions. they just give false hope to thei partners for feelings they don't even have for them, and then come up with the strangest and most fucked up shit to show them affection? like i realise that, at least hian felt love (be it romantic or brotherly) before and that his feelings are even stronger (?) now, but you decide to express them by forcing the person you are supposed to love to do things against their will? wow. also everyone treating kuean like a baby as if he wasn't an adult pisses me off. he can and must take his own decisions. and honestly, what's with the cliché couple of the soft short submissive (abused) boy and the alpha (abusive) business man? what the fuck?
they just could have solved the situation in a different way. i was actually enjoying watching this drama, it's just that these things really piss me off, more so because i expected more from it (like when i watch one and i notice from the beginning how it has bad quality in a lot of things i don't expect much and nothing surprises me).


edit n.2 while watching ep 5:

edit 3:
the more i watch the lower my ratings are. i feel like they aren't as low as they should be because i've seen even *worse*.

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Cutie Pie (2022) poster



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