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22 people found this review helpful
Sep 3, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Don't expect fan service or fast pacing

So right off the bat you need to know that this is a slow moving, sentimental film that builds emotional attachment to the characters through repeated use of flashback scenes.

What you won't find: passionate kissing scenes, sex scenes, bare abs, etc.
What you will find: lots of staring into each other's eyes, good acting, scenes that make you cry,

The actors are both new and do a phenomenal job in this film, which is a story about how memories helped two people reconnect and get through a crisis together. The story is set in the early 2000s and they manage to set that time period really well, with the main characters in high school at the beginning and then again 4 years later.

The ending seemed a little truncated and I wonder if there was meant to be more, but Thailand was thrown into lockdown earlier this year and a lot of dramas had to adapt. But the story of Nut and Phob is complete, and if you like very sentimental stories I recommend you give it a try.

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Ongoing 8/8
14 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 1
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

A beautiful series!

A beautiful series, one of the best I have lately seen. The two lead actors, in spite of being rookies, are outstanding, with a special mention for Title, who is able to express the most subtle feelings just with the eyes. The filmography is beautiful and interesting, with a vintage patina when showing the earlier life of the two leads; the many flashbacks are functional to the general storytelling, but perhaps they could have been cut by at least 25%, especially in the final episodes, which largely consist of flashbacks, although this is done in an intelligent way, showing the same scenes from a different camera angle, or with new micro-scenes, to better depict the feelings of the other partner. The general pace is slow, but never boring. On the whole, the mood is quite sad, but not excessively so: the prevailing feeling is that of calm and nostalgy. I also liked the parsimonious use of makeup (the actors do not look like clowns, as it often happens). A plus are the comments of the actors at the end of each episode. The positive ending (for the two leads) is a nice counterweight to the generally sad mood of the other episodes. The abrupt ending for the secondary couple looks strange, perhaps it hints at a continuation. It seems that they are planning to release the series as a movie: this could be the occasion for fixing some evident problems, such as the excessive use of flashbacks.

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9 people found this review helpful
Sep 2, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

A lesson in life and also a lesson on how to make a BL

What started as a small university project for Mean (who we've seen in plenty of BLs like "Until We Meet Again", "Love by Chance", "Love by Chance 2", "Make it Right" and as a guest in "TharnType") became a full series that has really surprised me on many levels and here is why.

1. The plot is something we've seen in the past with one of the main leads running away and leaving the other lead all alone for several years until its time to come back (see Taiwan's "We Best Love: No. 1 For You" or Thailand's "Waterboyy" for a few examples). However, what makes this plot a bit unexpected is the reason for the character to leave. Normally it has been because he goes abroad to study or because the parents are against their son being gay and in a relationship, so they send him away for some time. This time, Phob, our main lead who runs away, comes back around episode 4 to reveal he left his best friend, Nut, all alone because he has cancer and was undergoing treatment. BLs have not really ventured into one of the main characters having an illness... we've seen the topic of suicide in "Until We Meet Again" and murder in "He's Coming to Me" but not the issue of having one of the main leads with cancer. So, having a character that undergoes cancer treatment and then suffers the amputation of an arm is quite new for a BL.

2. The acting is something that is also a surprise. Man and Title make their acting debuts playing Phob and Nut respectively, and both do a very good job in portraying the different emotions their characters have to go through. From Nut slowly falling in love with Phob and thinking of a future together studying medicine. To Phob finding out his cancer diagnosis and deciding to leave Nut to get treatment without telling him. To Nut being surprised that his best friend missed the university exam but not getting an explanation of why and then finding out he just woke up and left him all alone. To the moment they find each other again and Nut tries to ignore Phob by pretending to not recognize him. To Nut finding out about Phob real reason for leaving him and then all the issues with Phob's diagnosis. Both actors, but particularly Title, showcase their emotions quite effectively and move from being angry, to being disappointed, to being sad, to being hopeful and to being happy in the 8 episodes of the series. Their acting is not perfect but it was an outstanding debut if we consider other actors like Gun Napat in "Golden Blood" or Plan in "Love by Chance" and "Love by Chance 2" who despite being a bit more seasoned actors, still have many flaws in their acting. Title and Man do a terrific job in their first series, particularly in the last 2 episodes when the emotions really explode and Nut gets to see Phob alive but having lost an arm due to cancer. Instead of falling into depression, both characters try to be happy but this time, together.

3. The secondary actors like Tonnam (playing Nut's older brother Note), Fah (playing Phob's older sister Pat), well-know BL actor Prem ("Until We Meet Again", "Long Khong", and "7 Project") and even director Mean who also acts as Dr. Sarut all provide enough support in the series without being annoying or interfering with the main plot. Note is especially good when having a conversation with his brother about the situation with Phob and asking Nut if he is really ok with what is happening. It was nice to see a good brother-bonding moment with the older brother providing good advice and listening to what his younger brother had to say. All the secondary roles do not have many lines and actors like Get (playing Note's best friend and boyfriend, Tar) do not even appear in most of the episodes, but still deliver when needed.

4. The only minor issue I have with this series is the amount of flashbacks. I understand some are necessary to get an explanation of what happened with Phob in the past, what Nut was feeling when reading the files he found on Phob's USB, or what Phob was feeling when he finds out his diagnosis, decides to leave and then comes back to town. However, the final episodes were almost full of flashbacks that we already saw not too long ago, so it seemed a bit unnecessary to include so many flashbacks. But, that being said, the series is nice enough that I can overlook that.

In the end, I believe "The Yearbook" is not perfect, but it has to be a lesson in life for all us given the circumstances both Nut and Phob had to experience and also a lesson for many other companies in Thailand who produce plenty of BL shows without a hint of quality, that have directing issues, low budgets, terrible plots/storylines, and rookie actors that are not well-trained by capable acting coaches and directors, resulting in mediocre series (and I'm being kind with some of the disasters we've seen lately). Mean just showed us that a very decent series is possible, even with rookie actors or even with low budgets.

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6 people found this review helpful
Sep 2, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

TEARS And Then...Wha?

Initially I just thought this was a series about 2 friends who grow apart but come back together again. Much like ITSAY but with less budget. These stories make me sad already, but I was prepared for that. And then BAM! They throw in (well I should say Mean throws in) a curve ball. That makes it so much sadder! Let's get into it.

First of all Mean directing a series is awesome. I could tell he was kinda getting sick of acting in BL's. So now he's using his experience being in them to make them. We love that and overall I think he did a good job! Once the scene happens between Nut and his brothers boo about the black dot analogy, I oddly knew this series would be good. Off the bat I thought Phob was just being stubborn and dumb, which results in losing his best friend. Then he loses him AGAIN because he's moving and didn't tell anybody. So when he comes back I made a joke referring to him talking to that former classmate 4 years later. We as the viewers don't know what he disclosed so my dumb*** said "okay so he's either disclosing that he has feelings for Nut DUH or he's sick or something lMaO!" .....O_O ((I also lowkey predicted that Nut's brother wasn't just "friends" with that guy XD)

Once you find out Phob is sick with cancer, the series takes a turn and for the better. It makes everything he does make sense! Like why was he so funny about Nut becoming a doctor? Because he's sick and around doctors a lot already! So when he's looking around Nut's room at all the doctor student stuff. Ugh my heart! Why did he not want to tell people hes moving? Because its for his treatment and he doesn't think he's going to make it! I felt awful thinking he was just being dumb. Poor Phob man seriously.

The best scene hands down in this was Nut and Phob talking about his illness in the bed looking at each other. Nut asking Phob if he gets sick from his cancer, what kind it is, when did he know. Not wanting him to disappear again and then they hold each other crying and kiss. Oof it made me cry dude! That was so well done. After that we eventually find out that Phob needs to have his arm amputated if there's any chance of stopping the spread of the cancer. This is devastating and he's reluctant at first, which is totally understandable! I cannot even imagine that. As well as, it'll affect his dream of becoming of musician. This was all really interesting and I gotta give props because when its done, he really does look like an amputee. The fact that Mean plays his doctor too lol he popped up out of nowhere and jump scared me! If he was my doctor....*sigh. Prem came out of nowhere too!

Let's get into some of what I had issues with in this series. One of them being the ending. Its so abrupt and I guess it was time constraint from COVID? Which sucks, because I really hoped for a solid ending. But we get an abrupt cut after we find out Phob is doing okay 1 year later and Nut's brother and his boo are probably broken up now? We'll see I guess. Other things includes timeline stuff not adding up to the year this is supposed to be set in. Like saying "cringe" or the breaking bad shirt lol. The intro song is way too long, I skipped it every time sorry. The music overall in this (background I mean) is too much. Like let the actors act, we don't need a loud song every time there's an emotional scene. Also a doctor would never ever divulge any information about a patient over the phone unless they are okayed to do so via a proxy. So Nut wouldn't have gotten that info about the amputation like that.

Overall, a touching series but I really wish that ending wasn't what it was! Let's hope for a second season that rectifies it.

"Take care of each other's hearts" <3

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5 people found this review helpful
Sep 2, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Touching and happy

You'll go up and down but always wish the next episode was posted!

The actors are wonderful and directing as well. You really fall into the story.

Great job on the year props for setting. It was fun seeing older tech rememberenves.

Many tears were shed but mostly good ones. I felt like i was part of the story.

I look forward to director's future work and enjoyed him very much in his past roles. Make sure to check them out.

I hope they plan a S2 to show the characters growth.
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5 people found this review helpful
Jun 15, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Seemingly endless pianos and violins...

This drama has a lot of good to offer the story is they type to both piss people off but also has a whole lot of sweetness, longing and at times meaningful dialog. Though I may not always agree with the dialog they do show a slightly different approach to some pretty important stuff... again not that I always agreed with the way they handled things but I could recognise some of the strings of thought in there and I liked that...

The family and friendships shown here are adorable. There is also an adorable second couple that more or less outshines the leads and could probably get a series of their own.

Unfortunately all is drowned out by endless monologs, piano music, violins... And flashbacks... I wonder if we ever get to her the people talking without the sound of a piano... Honestly I was wishing for just one moment of silence, but do not think I got it.

I have seen that there is a movie version to this that is 2,5 hrs long, that should cut out some of the flashbacks but not all as I am sure you could easily boil it down to 1 hr of pure storytelling if they would just have done som soul searching and editing.

The chemistry is decent, the acting inconsistent but good when it really matters and Nut/B1 is adorable from start to finish. The scenery is lovely and there is a really cute dog in there too.

In conclusion, if you can find the movie watch it instead of the drama, if you watch the drama prepare yourself for flashbacks and montages...

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4 people found this review helpful
Sep 2, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

This is a series that will linger in your thoughts long after you're done watching it....

FYI: This project started off as a short university film project for Mean Phiravich Attachitsataporn, who then not only adapted it into a series, but also directed and starred in as a support role.


The dedication and passion for this project is so blatantly obvious from the very first scene, to the last and beyond. There is a level of quality in this series that is only truly matched by other works that have the same dedication and passion fueling them. Mean has provided the foundation, but it's obvious that the entire cast and crew put their hearts, souls, and undoubtedly more than a few gallons worth of tears into this.


If a script is only as good as its writer, then a series/movie is only as good as its cast. These aren't just characters on a page, the raw emotion and performance of the cast has truly brought these characters to life as fully developed, living, breathing and deeply feeling as real as any people.

The biggest compliment that could be given to the actors who this is their first project would be that throughout the entire series you can't tell who are the veterans and who are the newbies. They all appear and feel so natural in their characters that you could easily think they are just portraying themselves and not some fictional character.

For the veteran actors, it doesn't matter how many other series, movies, etc. works you've seen them in, you become so immersed in the characters in this series that you forget about any other roles they've done while watching it.


There's something truly haunting about the beauty and realism of the story that makes this stick with you long after you're done watching it. It draws you in like you are experiencing this extraordinarily difficult time in the lives of two of your closest friends and not just characters on a screen. The emotional pacing of the series is incredible, especially when it comes to invoking the stomach churning uncertainty on how situation to situation is going to progress. Mean absolutely lives up to one definition of his name in the middle of the series and the way he lets you linger wondering until the end.

SEMI-SPOILER (Not a spoiler if you've watched the final episode through to the end including the special content)

This is apparently only the end of one chapter of the story as there is a mention of "The Yearbook: The Movies" in the special extra content.


This series doesn't just mark a dramatic shift in the quality of BL/LGBTQ in Thailand, but should also stand with the best examples of the BL/LGBTQ genres in the world. There are series/movies that are provocative in the way they try to portray BL/LGBTQ to spark a reaction to create discourse and change, and then there are series like this that portray it as a normal everyday, no big deal just a small part of life in a beautifully done way. In the end I personally think a series like this will have a much more meaningful and impactful place than any "throw it in their faces until they accept it" work.

Thank you to the cast, crew, and anyone involved in this work for your dedication, passion, and for giving us viewers such a beautiful experience.

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4 people found this review helpful
Sep 8, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A beautiful nostalgic tale of unconditional love!!

This show is criminally underrated! I myself did not have any plans to watch it but decided to give it a try due to lack of options and boy was I glad!! It's a beautiful story of unconditional love which is told through means of memories and flashbacks!! Every single scene of the show is heart touching!! I was an emotional mess through most of the runtime of the series starting from episode 1. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying it's sad! But it has got that beautiful melancholic tone that just tugs at your heartstrings even in the simplest scenes and that feeling is very hard to describe in words. It will definitely make you nostalgic if not anything else!!
The early 2000s setting is spot on and I actually believed that I'm watching a story from that time. The writing is pretty good. I won't say its something original but not once did it feel that I have watched it somewhere. The direction by Mean is pretty commendable and is able to express the desired intention most of the time !!
However, the real highlight of this series are its 2 leads. For being rookie actors, both of them have done a phenomenal job. Their chemistry is really good and makes their love all the more believable. Especially Title as Nut carries most of the heavy-load and is able to pull off even the most demanding scenes exceptionally well. I can see another Fluke in him.
The trope used by the director is also pretty unique. The second half has a lot of flashback scenes but the perspective is changed or extra things are added to make the viewers understand what actually happened in those scenes which make them even more heart wrenching.
Be warned though. if you are going in expecting a lovey-dovey typical BL with lots of fluffy moments between the leads, this is not your cup of tea. However, if you want to watch a moving love story which actually shows the strength of true love and how it perseveres and does not change with circumstances then dive right in but prepare a box of tissues!!! You will need it !!

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5 people found this review helpful
Sep 2, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 8.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

i cry a lot

I have never cried so hard in my life like I cried in this last episode. Man this is a true gem!!! It's a beautiful story with pretty good actors (but not the man of lbc, plssssS), and a good soundtrack. The world that they creat it's a wonderful world. It's sensitive, touching. spectacular, i don't even have words to describe and write a good review. If you haven't watched it yet, go watch, don't lose a second, the way that they treat their youth it's so beautiful, the soundtrack it's wonderful, like wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they sing I just stop to listen to the world around me. This series caught me in a way that i even can tell, the time that the series wanted to show with the colors, films it's like the 00's, i guess..... but i'm not sure. The second couple was so cute and niceeee, I'm looking forward to the movie. (Please don't let that guy from lbc again in the movie, he act is so BAD, he was the reason that I dont give 10)

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3 people found this review helpful
Sep 4, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Good, short series.

First hearing about this i was not interested, but i wanted to watch this. Im not dissapointment, for me its short and i love short series. (most of the time lol).

Story : 9/10
I loved the story, But the flashbacks was too much.

Acting/cast 8,5/10
Love the cast. Maybe a little act sessions lol.

Music : 9,5/10
Nothing special, its good.

rewatch: 7,5/10
I would rewatch it when i want to.

For some it can be bad, for some good. Decide for urself if u want to watch it.

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Not a Robot
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 7, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Beautiful Love Story

This is about as good as it gets. You have a rookie cast that does a phenomenal job telling a story of 2 boys/men who separate and what happens after they reunite. When children are faced with adult situations, sometimes they do not make the right decision when confronted with a major event or illness. Both leads are very good, especially for their first project. The supporting cast is great as well.

This is the first Thai BL series (Japan has the film, I Heard the Sunspot) that has a lead character with a disability, actually the amputation of his dominant arm.

Mean does a fine job his first time out as a director. There may be a season 2, if there is, I will watch it.

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2 people found this review helpful
Sep 3, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Director Mean

Are you looking to cry, then be catapulted into the abyss? LOOK NO FURTHER!
So for starters I'm here cause I saw Mean was the director of this series and since he was my first BL actor crush, I had to represent.
Overall I really enjoyed this. It had a story I'd never seen and supplied all the feels! I just wanted to come through the screen and hug or slap everyone lol I think there was some natural chemistry between all cast members (obvious bonus). My ONLY complaints are that the eps themselves where short. You think they're going to be long but actually it's behind the scenes stuff. Also the ending had me scratching my head...is there a S2 on the way? Do we leave it to our imagination? WTF?! I wouldn't recommend to a newbie BL fan but either way, the story itself is enjoyable none the less.

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