Comedy thriller? yes!
Rarely can a writer successful combine comedy with mystery thriller. The genres simply don't mix well. Often, such titles suffer from Cerberus effect: they start funny, but when they turn serious halfway through, the entire setting built on comedic premises falls apart.Fortunately, Behind Your Touch (should be touch your behind....) avoids this pitfall. While it does get more serious later, the genre transition is very fluid, and it never completely divorces itself from its comedic roots.
The funny first episodes help us bond with the characters and introduce us to the setting, so then when the serial killing starts we can actually care about people who are killed while never being quite certain who to trust and who might be the culprit.
And what a masterfully written mystery it is! Until the very final episodes, I wasn't certain who dunnit. Watching this with MDL on week by week basis was quite an experience. I pity people who will watch this drama after it already finished airing, they will miss on all the brainstorming and speculah that kept us going all this time!
But of course, they should still watch it. This is legit my favorite k-drama of 2023. I didn't expect much, in fact, I didn't even anticipate this title until it suddenly aired on netflix, and I was very, very pleasantly surprised.
For people who say that premise of touching butt to see memories is creepy: relax, it's not done in sexual way, and she does it through clothes and she just touches their buttcheeks without fingering deeper or whatever you people imagine. There is no sexual abuse or anything! Give it a chance and see for yourselves!
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super unique and hilarious drama
I notice that many people express negativity toward this, but I genuinely adore it. The humor is fantastic, and the storyline captivates me. Unlike other repetitive dramas, I hold a deep affection for this show and its cast. The criticism it receives in reviews seems unjustified. Additionally, I appreciate the infusion of various genres, including comedy, suspense, and occasional romance. I came across a review that criticized the female main lead having a the buttocks power role, but in a show as unrealistic as this, it shouldn't be a significant concern by any means... In my view, the show is fantastic. It boasts an excellent storyline, compelling characters, and a great sense of humor. I eagerly anticipate watching it every day, and I've already encouraged many of my friends to give it a chance. Please don't judge it before giving it a try!Was this review helpful to you?

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Funny, entertaining and cool characters but writing went downhill with the crime
Up to the latest episodes this would have been a 9 for me, I was loving it, it was funny and light and had an interesting plot and characters. There were a couple of things of why it wouldn't have made it a 10 for me but overall I was impressed and very pleased with how funny it was and how it was developing, that is until they started unravelling the crime storyline.The mystery and crime in this show was interesting at the beginning and they did an ok job playing with the audience making you doubt if who you thought was the killer was correct. Personally as the episodes went I had it more and more clear so I was not surprised by the reveal and, although it was expected, not going to lie I was a bit disappointed at the same time because how his character was tackled.
The problem for me in the last few episodes is that they created multiple plotholes in the story and basically the writing went downhill, as well as how they decided to tackle the obstacles at hand. For most part of the show the premise has been that if a person had eyes closed FL couldn't see anything, but only in the last episodes it's revealed that actually she can hear in those blackout points, then it makes you wonder how she didn't hear anything the previous time she touched the killer, it made no sense. Sunglasses were an ok touch, but depending on where he was wearing them in the night you could have still seen flashes of lights in the distance or anything that would have made anyone suspicious and would have given away what they were using a lot earlier on. And this brings me then to, when they're chasing him in the last episode and knowing he was going to take the boat the next day, apply the same formula? Look for him in the night, desguise yourself and wear sunglasses?
The last episode is also made worse by:
- If she could hear there was absolutely no point in taking the killer out of the police station.
- She didn't even try to find Ok Hee with the information she had, it was not that difficult and she had a starting point, sweep the area with the police force and I'm sure they would have found her.
- Ok Hee Squad and Yong Myeong arrive to the area and keeps saying there is nothing around, but you could even see in the background there were some buildings so maybe stop asking and look around?
- Completely unbelievable the killer was able to take Ok Hee all the way there with his eyes closed. They spent half a show saying how it was impossible and there must have been a way, then he does it with his eyes closed like no problem for the final?
- ML and FL somehow manage to beat that group of people (super unrealistic to be able to beat all guys coming at you at once, but luckly they were doing like in videogames and only coming in one to three at a time...) and then after somehow they wait for a very long scene doing nothing other than touching their painful bodies in the background. No one tries to scape, not even the boss and ML/FL don't call the police...
- Earlier in the series I did think that this group of thugs would appear again at some point earlier in the story but they only brought them back for that? It was weak.
- The scene at the end with the prison was unnecesary and really added nothing, it felt dragged.
- What happened to the killer? Apparently he can even open doors and get other information to do anything he wants, how is he going to be contained in prison? Doubt the prison would believe he has powers and they need to do special arrangements for him. It's never tackled or explained, as are not the consequences of the actions of FL and ML in the last episode when essentially they go against the policemen in charge of the case, same when all of Ok Hee squad appears with the motorbikes and stop the policemen from moving.
- At times they were interacting with the killer in a manner that it felt they didn't even hold grudges against him.
A lot of plotholes were also caused by characters just playing dumb for the sake of the script, especially FL and SML. And I'm still wondering what happened to the cow, she had the most powers so maybe she's floating in space at this point... haha
This brings me to the characters. Generally I liked everyone except for FL, she was annoying many times, the classic dumb damsel in distress that puts everyone in danger and then blames others. At some points I was frustrated not going to lie.
Contrary to what I think is the general opinion I was not a fan of SML, his personality was pretty much made to keep you guessing and to be honest it's no wonder everyone thought it could be him, he was not clear and didn't give explanations, he was kept mysterious in that sense just for the sake of it. Who runs behind someone with a knife in hand and without even shouting or saying something? Who in their right mind knows who is the killer and still lives with him and doesn't go straight to the police? Why trying to tell her instead? The killer said he was smart, I think maybe he was intelligent but not smart., except for the message in arabic, that was smart but what are also the chances that FL would have touched the killer's butt then and not two months later? The plot said it would happen I guess, it was such a gamble.
The killer is ok for the most part, but I didn't personally like that the justification for his actions is pretty much that he's a psychopath doing things for fun. It's not the first kdrama I've watch that uses the same justification and I find it lazy, it's like creating the ultimate villain that is that way because yes. There is no real explanation to any of the murders and it did make me feel a bit dumb because throughout the series I kept trying to make connections between them and I think there were options to make the connection among them in one way or another. Instead it's just because they were there and maybe a couple because they rubbed him the wrong way a bit. I was wondering why he was obsessed with using that specific knife too, but there is no explanation. It's ok-ish I guess but not satisfactory to me.
I loved the comedy here, so many moments of laugh and fun, the references to 25/21 had me rolling. I also liked ML despite his flaws and I thought Ok Hee was so much fun with her squad and Kim Yong Myeong calling her eonni in that hilarious way. I did miss him in later episodes, he just disappeared once they put the comedy a lot more to the side.
I'm debating really if they should have chosen a different path for this series, in the sense that they could have kept the mystery and even crime (maybe not a serial killing but smaller cases?) and kept the comedy and lightheartedness all throughout the series. Even at the end when they bring it back for closure it felt a bit weird after all the crime and drama, I was not feeling it so much as the earlier episodes.
Overall I would recommend the series, it's entertaining and funny for the majority of the episodes. If you're looking for a romcom or romance focused series this is not it. It's not that there isn't romance, it's just not the main or secondary plot points of this show. FL likes SML but it's kept light, ML likes FL but it's kept light (although I have to say I enjoyed very much the way he would look her at times and the hints here and there, it was cute). Secondary characters like other secondary characters and their relationships are mostly in a comedy way, what it's fun romance that I enjoyed.
Not sure I would rewatch it, I would rewatch maybe until around episode 12 for the comedy, but I wouldn't rewatch after that.
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A Korean “English Countryside” Drama (quaint, it’s all cosy and quaint)
Usually I never write a review until a drama is finished but I felt that this time around I must. Given that the usual MDL ways of down rating a drama happens when the female lead IS NOT super young and hot (insert a generic Zao Lusi or Kim So Hyun prototype here. They both are very talented and pretty ladies. I personally am a fan of Ki So Hyun. I am just talking about how people react on this forum).Moving on, anyone who likes cosy village settings with super wacky and weird characters will like this drama. A lot of the characters do questionable stuff and so many characters are so weird. Even the pets are funny and strange. This drama “reads” and feels like a book. Fans of PG Wodehouse, Legends and Latte, Indian Malgudi Days, will know what I am talking about. So it may not be everyone’s cup of tea at all. However it must be noted that this drama is doing exceptionally well in Korea. I am glad. So many times Korean productions have to bow down to international tastes that they lose their unique touch. Not so in this case.
Han Ji Min is amazing in this, I had always seen her in sad or dramatic works and I was pleasantly surprised to see she has good comedic timing. Her male lead, is usually wooden but he is emoting very well.
Han Ji Mins’, curly haired sister is amazing. I really liked her in one spring night too.
Anyways I am really enjoying it. Hope it does not do a nosedive towards the end like many K Dramas do.
My thoughts after watching this - a very nice thriller whodunnit mystery and the bickering about chemistry between the leads (non romantic for most of the show) was good. The setting, the characters were very unique. A throughly enjoyable drama
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kinda strange but cool in an odd ball way.
Its only been two episodes so obviously things can change, but its quirky and interesting, a little cheesy but that's okay and chock full of crazy off the wall characters. I have no idea where this is going other than I guess the two will solve crimes together, we've really only been introduced to the leads who of course do not like each other at all at the moment. Its strange and that's a big tick for me. I'm enjoying the zaniness of it and all the other characters that surround these two are just as clearly nuts. I'll come back and redo this review further into the story. I'd definitely recommend this right now. Oh episode two when MFL is basically drooling over convenience store guy, her character is supposed to be mid thirties I found that very cringe but thats all i've got to whinge about right now. Why I labelled the music so low is honestly it hasn't stood out for me, not that its bad. It does feel a little dated apart from the intro music by Joo-heon from Monsta X which I really like even if it doesn't seem like it matches the series but is still appealing because of exactly that, it feels like a weird mismatch..Ending review OMG its 'finished' and it was whacka doodle right up till the very last second. This show was actually a blast to watch, but if you are a judgemental person and enjoy a well thought out plot, you will loathe this with every fibre of your being... It has serious elements like a serial killer running rampant through a town, cheating husbands, abusive grandfathers. It has some pretty eye wateringly dumb writing to further the plot bunny, just go with the flow and don't think about the ridiculousness of it all, just keep chugging along and not wonder how the ML's have survived yet another bizarre plot twist. Its meant to be weird and crazy, It can't possibly be by accident , it has to be by design right? . I can't say Ive ever watched a Korean show like it, its kinda insane and I think this series will stick in my brain for a very long time to come.
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a bit flat but...
not entirely happy with this...I really liked 'my liberation notes' (same director) and I normally like both leads, Lee Min-ki particularly.That said, this one has some weaknesses for me. Han Ji-min not only has the same haircut as in 'the light in your eyes', she also plays the exact infantile way . While it made sense in the mentioned other drama due to her just looking much older than she was, it doesn't make sense to me here.
So the character here lost her mum at a young age, had a tough time then, still managed to become a vet which must have been tough, very adult environments to get through, her character is now 35 and steadily acts like a 6 year-old girl, why? With her history there is no room for her being like that. Also her character being steadily dressed like a toddler (really, it looks like toddler's clothes adult size) - It's bearable, but at times just too much.
Main problem is, the main characters stay quite flat. The vet is childish and rather annyoing, and there is not any other sides to her. Lee Min-ki's role is a broody, upfront officer who is pissed he was transfered to that little weirdo town. His acting is good as always, but also his character is thin yet.
I don't care for any of the side characters. And it's just a lot of slapstick that is not to everyone's taste.
I'll keep on watching after having seen episode 3, where the story improved a bit and got more substance, and Lee Min-ki is enough to keep watching anyways - at least for me =D
(and I couldn't disagree more with another reviewer here: yes, it's the same director as 'my liberation notes' - if you liked 'my liberation notes' for its rather philosophical and melancholic storytelling, you might particularly NOT like this new drama, which is the total opposite.)
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Love this Drama!
What a great surprise for me. I started off watching this drama because frankly I could not find anything interesting to watch. I thought I would give it a try for lack of anything else that seemed interesting and because I absolutely love Lee Min-ki. He is one of the finest Korean actors and can play any character, drama and comedy and extremely well. I also find him very handsome. I also enjoy watching Han Ji-min. I find her very pretty and also an exceptional actress. Sometimes though, you can have excellent actors but the storyline is not good. Thankfully it proved to be so enjoyable and I waited anxiously for each episode to air with English subtitles. I cannot understand Korean, hopefully one day I will be able to.Also, I was hoping for a romance between ML and FL and it happened!!!
I recommend this drama to everyone that loves a good mystery and comedy.
A definite "10" in my book.
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plot takes a serious turn
what started as a light hearted rom com took a turn to a brutal serial killer story. I never imagined this show would go game of thrones with character elimination, but it did for no good plot advancement. so disappointing. the female lead also felt very miscast.... she didn't show the table in this site to navigate the switch from a rom com to thriller/murder. too many meaningless deaths revealed to be actually meaningless in the big resolution. we should have dropped it much sooner and not finished it at all.Was this review helpful to you?
One Of The Best Kdrama
I really love this drama. I challenge people who think most shows are predictable to give this a go, you will not find this boring. The balance of comedy and murder mystery is incredible!Unlike some kdramas each character has a unique and well developed back story. So far, little to no plot holes. The supernatural elements are believable and a breath of fresh air as this concept is something I have not seen before.
Every episode of this drama is perfect till now, no lag, no unnecessary suspense, no over dramatic scenes.
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Very Disappointing
For the most part I didn't care for this show. There was very little romance. Detective Moon Jang-Yeol treats Dr Bong Ye-Bun like crap, insults her and is a bully. He was also indirectly responsible for the murder of the man she first liked. Only towards the end does he become nice.I know you have to sometimes suspend belief with a show but this show had many unrealistic happenings from start to finish.
There was no chemistry between the leads. The leads are two talented performers so I blame the scriptwriters for a poor story and the director for not bringing out the best of these two.
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Fresh and funny first half, cliche and dumb later half
It was a solid 8 in the first half of the drama because of the witty, on point humor. But then it turned into your typical murder crime drama, with dumb leads to boot, which became more apparent as episodes went on. So, of course, many people died before the culprit was caught and even that was through sheer luck and out of the grave help of a single smart side character. Some deaths could have even be prevented if characters weren't acting atrociously dumb, especially near the end of the drama. It was frustrating to watch how clumsily it was resolved.The culprit wasn't revealed too early as it often happens in such dramas, which is nice, but showrunners did start giving heavy hints in late episodes and after most of the suspects were killed not many characters were left to suspect anyway. The motive was very meh, considering that the culprit character didn't give any serial killer vibes until he was caught and there was no sus behavior in his past.
I also didn't like that for a few episodes the drama veered into a side story that basically lead to nowhere. I'm talking about FL mother's and assemblyman's story - a sudden end, no justice for those who got killed and cheated of their money. And then this story was promptly swept under a rug. Left a feeling of it being a filler.
And lastly, I didn't like that showrunners decided to shoehorn sudden romance between ML and FL in like 1.5 episodes left to go. Was completely unnecessarily and at that point felt unbelievable. And I guess FL wasn't really into SML, even though she was running after him and making googly eyes at him like a stupid cow for most of the drama.
And here's a list of very stupid things that went on at the end of the drama that made me lower the score:
-FL has several victims' blood on her hands.
She could have saved the cafe waitress in the field by asking the whole bus for help. The culprit was among them, but he wouldn't have been able to kill the victim with a crowd around.
She could have saved the assemblyman and her grandpa as well by telling the police she saw the culprit in exact same raincoat, with exact same knife about to backstab the assemblyman. But she dismissed that he might have been the actual killer by listening to his sappy lie. Lolwut, woman? Not to mention that no matter what his intentions were, serial or not, he was about to stab a man!
And last victim is SML. Because of her stupid irresistible desire to meet him no matter what time of day it is and that a serial killer is on the loose, she agreed to meet with him late at night far away from residential houses, and without telling ML. Then, even though she said she believed him, she of course ran away from him when he ran after her to show her the murder knife.
-FL also was made frustratingly very dumb near the end of the show in general. Walking at night alone, being uncooperative because her love interest may be the killer, slapping ML and blaming him (serious wtf moment) for so many victims, the list goes on...At least in the end she apologized to ML.
-ML should have arrested SML for the farmer's death right then and there after he saw blood on his hand and because SML's house was very close to where ML lost the killer. But instead ML let him go and let that rare, concrete evidence, with no psychic mumbo jumbo, go to waste. That was very dumb on ML's part.
-SML's behavior throughout the drama was very frustrating as well. One can say that it was his suspicious, antagonistic, secretive and uncooperative behavior that got him killed in the end. He may have been smart to figure out the killer first, but his aloofness and inability to trust people didn't help his case whatsoever.
-The farmer with psychic powers was basically asking for it. Ffs, why'd you be grabbing a leg of a person you strongly suspect to be the killer in the middle of the night in a remote area?
So considering all of the above I can't give it more than 7.0. The humor was funny and memorable though, while it lasted.
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Good detective storyline, bad character writing, does not know what it wants to be
This is a show that, at least to me, does not know what it wants to be. It has campy humour, some dark portions, detective/mystery portions, super abilities, all mixed together in a weird soup.The premise of the story was very interesting, and quite well executed in how the various characters get their powers and how they use them. The detective/mystery portions were pretty good too. However, the characterizations were sometimes sacrificed for the campy humour, and also making some really stupid decisions out of nowhere. For example, how detective moon went around sniffing white powder like an idiot. They seemed to seesaw in portraying him as a good detective , then a useless one that only knows how to depend on FL's powers.
Overall, it probably did not deserve such a low rating, but my personal hate for that is pretty high so it outweighs the other good stuff for me. Still, managed to finish it, worth a watch at least
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