BL Compilations
16 people found this review helpful
Aug 6, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

set up to be spicy but then not spicy (watch suggestions)

Overall: something didn't quite work for me, but I'd love to see the actors in a new series. This is based on a manga which I read though I tried to review it on its own merits (the manga has a lot of NSFW scenes). 8 episodes about 24 minutes each. Aired on GagaOOLala

Content Warnings: (there were a few, check this review's comments for them)

Watch Suggestions (removes work drama, love triangles)
- watch episode 1
- watch episode 2 beginning to 8 minutes and then 21:30-the end
- skip episode 3
- watch all of episode 4 or 4-5:10, 7:40-10:40, 15:20-the end
- watch episode 5 beginning to 4:17 and then 17:20-the end
- stop episode 6 at 20:45
- watch episode 7 11:50-13:25, 20:15 to the end
- watch episode 8 beginning to 5 minutes and then 18:15 to the end

What I Liked
- a character was honest in episode 1
- clear premise
- several characters introduced but I wasn't confused
- sweet moments
- supportive family & coworker
- had some good communication

Room For Improvement
- a tsundere character tells the other guy to "prepare himself" and then basically does nothing, they eat spaghetti, there's a hug, the intensity is missing in their relationship and then we have a blushing virgin trope
- work drama was uninteresting
- why did multiple characters find another character so irresistible?
- episode 5 was too late to give the other character's perspective/explain his motivation
- the voice overs
- that Natsume trusted a total stranger over his boyfriend and repeatedly ignored boundaries
- that stupid contest in episode 8 with a no physical affection clause
- I ended up being worried about Natsume's low self esteem and didn't have faith that they would stay together

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10 people found this review helpful
Aug 6, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 7
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

a simple and playful JBL

It's easy to watch and enjoy this drama, the story is a bit forced, but the characters are cute and their messy romance draws you in.

The story follows Mamiya, a sweet dilligent type who followed his childhood dreams to become a Beauty Consultant, his coworker Sahashi is the opposite type, known for relying on his pretty face to attract customers. Though Sahashi teases Mamiya for his hard work ethic, he finds himself drawn to Mamiya as the one person who actually acknowledges his efforts and skills. Not wanting to lose to Mamiyas long-term unrequited love, Sahashi wastes no time making bold moves, and the romance between them starts suddenly.

The characters have a decent charm to them that keeps you interested, to be honest theres little depth to the story or characters, but enough to keep you watching all the way through. The actors are cute and don't overact much, and production quality is good.

If you're bored and looking for a short binge with some cuteness to it, give it a try!

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7 people found this review helpful
19 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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More Playlover Than Cosmetic

I've poked myself in the eye one too many times using eye-liner pencil, so I thought this show was going to offer some indirect tips on doing make-up, boy was I wrong. Also, am I the only person so tired of these 'perfect-can-do-everything' male leads?

And, for a show that promised 'cosmetic' there was barely any up close. They 'talked' about make-up, showed us some shots of them 'advisor-ing' what products to use, we just never got to see any of it in depth. Which was a shame, but okay, cuz this show wasn't about that, it was more about what happens behind the scenes.

Listen, Natsume is one of the most realistic characters I've come across in BLs. He's annoying, optimistic, over-thinker, too nice, insecure and did I mention annoying? I LOVED, how human his character was. Watching him go from feeling supportive and proud of Tome to becoming jealous when he reached places his career hasn't, was very realistic and the biggest reason I liked the show. It showed how human he was, and how the green-eye monster almost always get the best of us.

But then, Gaaawddd I wanted to slap him with a rubber chicken when he kept assuming/making decision for Tome without hearing his side of things. Yes, I understand he meant well, but dafug you mean go to New York cuz his crazy arse brother who wears sunglasses in doors wants him to? Literally that boy mentioned Tome was alone during his childhood, and then you wanna believe family is what he needs? At least let him solve his own family issue if you want them to work it out. Yes, you're welcome to give your opinion but don't make decisions for him. Also that fight/misunderstanding they had which made Tome go to Paris was not it. Natsume is so insecure at times that I just wanted to shake him. But then again, it's not his fault, Tome's character came off as an arrogant god-like individual who could do no wrong, so how could he not feel inferior beside him?

Tome. Tome felt like most male leads in these BLs. He's handsome, good at basically everything he touches and the lead talks about him as if he hangs the moon. Nothing special, we've seen it a million times and me personally, I wanna throw rocks at those male leads, cuz perfect characters annoys me by default. It's the reason I've stopped reading YA books, the female leads are always so effing special and all the males want them.

Anyway, yes, Tome being the 'perfect' type of character made him my least favourite immediately, but then, in that episode when he finally told us why he came off as arrogant, I got him. And I understood him even more when we learned he basically raised himself. I understand why he became aloof to everything after how those jealous of him treated him. So, by the end, I didn't dislike his character at all. I came to sympathised.

I liked how in the end it seemed the two have reached a good place in their career and relationship. They could have done more with the plot, but given how each episode was under 30mins, and we only had 8 episode, I'm not surprised this was all we were given. I'm okay with what we got, it was enjoyable nonetheless. Though, what I keep wondering with the finale. Did Tome leave that dinner to go stand by the water and wait? LMAO, they couldn't just walk there together? I found it so random, and it made me laugh.

The plot of course wasn't very much, but I liked the leads, which made watching the show enjoyable. They were good in their roles, and acted it well, with good chemistry as well. As for the side-characters, they were basically props and expositions. Literally Natsume's mother and sister showed up one time to be fangirls, that random dude who wanted revenge or whatever, was there so we learned Natsume is good at noting stuff down in this black book, and I won't even talk about that dude who mentioned Natsume is his type, he was just loud and there to cause not-every-interesting drama. And that boy he went to see the firework with was clearly created as nothing more than to be the exposition.

All in all, this show is basically about two people in the workplace trying to make their way doing what they love. They fell in love along the way, and like always, there's misunderstandings and fireworks while kissing, but overall an enjoyable show. It's also different in how we got to see another industry portrayed in a bl. If you wanna watch it for the cosmetic, there isn't much of it, but if you want an un-heavy show to rewind, then this one is for you. I'll recommend it.

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Jojo Finger Heart Award1
6 people found this review helpful
19 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Cosmetic Chemistry: An Almost Perfect Blend

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this series! Despite being only eight episodes long, it delivers an engaging story.

The tone of the series is warm and the premise is refreshingly new to me- two men working as cosmetic consultants. Sahashi and Natsume are what you call 'The polar opposites'. Sahashi with his cold demeanour and apparent nonchalance is actually very observant and sensitive while Natsume, the cheerful "sunshine" character is accommodating to everyone while fighting his own internal battle. What I really liked about their story was how both were committed to excelling and performing well in their careers and Natsume, as Sahashi's senior did such a good , selfless job and guided him. Their interactions in the last two episodes felt absolutely honest and organic. Their "boyfriend" era was the sweetest with hugs and kisses.
The pace is rather fast for a J-BL considering the run time is short but somehow the story doesn't feel rushed! Special mention to the ending, it was beautiful.

Both actors did an excellent job portraying their complex characters to life. The side characters also did a good job although some seemed unnecessary or didn’t add much to the story.

While the chemistry between the leads and the quality of the camera work were highlights for me, I found Natsume's constant self-doubt a bit frustrating. Although he manages to overcome these doubts quickly and the realization comes eventually, the repetitive nature of his internal struggles was something that made the story feel repetitive and monotonous.

Overall, if you're looking for something with solid chemistry and a good storyline with decent execution, I’d recommend this.

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4 people found this review helpful
19 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Refreshing different...

This years BL shows were mostly disappointing (story), but having said that, this show is different. While I personally don't care about makeup or fashion, it shows a different world (for me). The only cliché is, all male makeup artists/beauty advisors are gay. ?

Both MLs did a good job portraying their characters and it was fun to watch them grow together. A minus for me is the lackluster finale were the drama feels forced. I would have wished for a more emotional finale with some hot scenes like in episode 3 and more background for Toma in episode 7.

While their story is not as interesting as it could have been, its sensible and enjoyable. The directing and execution overall is very good. When you are tired of the 100th school/university 08/15 story, this show offers something different at a mellow pace with some cute and fluffy moments and you can come down from a stressful day in your life.

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1 people found this review helpful
6 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0


If you wanna watch something and not worry about the plot and stuff like this a light predictable drama, the only “difference??” is that they communicate which can be rare in those kind of romance. They’re mature, straight forward, it feels so realistic and I love that… it’s so cute I finished it in 2 days. I don’t if this’s an exception or japanese actors especially in bl are becoming more comfortable with the kissing scenes cause this one felt very natural and normal which’s not always the case so i love that as well. anyways i think it’s a cute drama, and i definitely do recommend it if you want something light.

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1 people found this review helpful
10 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
Subjective Gut Rating: 7.75

It’s nice to have a peek into the beauty advisor world in “Cosmetic Playlover”, since this is not a profession that’s prominently featured in many Asian dramas. I actually would have loved to see a deeper dive but with only 4 hours of playtime, the drama doesn’t have the luxury to have a good business romance. Instead, we get a very shallow look into the industry and the drama focuses more on romance.

I quite like the initial setup of the romance. The leads have good chemistry together and the acting is decent (but not great). I enjoy the straightforwardness of Toma and his brave declaration of love. It’s not surprising that Natsume is taken back by this sudden confession. But Toma’s bravery seems to have subsided after initial episodes. He didn’t really aggressively chase Natsume, but acts more like a lovesick, jealous puppy.

I personally like the development of this short romance and how the leads finally get together. They have some sweet and flirty scenes together, and a couple good kisses (though the camera pans out and you can’t get a closer look). Unfortunately, the lack of a plot with substance affects the second half of the drama. It becomes repetitive when Toma has to constantly fend off guys who he perceives as interested in Natsume. And Natsume constantly displays low self-esteem before and after they get together. I would have liked the drama to have better writing and not dwell on these two issues.

This is a light and short watch. If you need a palette cleanser from a serious watch or want to know a little bit about beauty advisors, this is a good one. But I feel that there are stronger JBLs out there.

Completed: 9/4/2024 - Review #481

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The BL Xpress
1 people found this review helpful
6 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
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An apt adaptation that spins a pretty satisfying tale!

Love isn’t a competition, but it can be a transformative force that inspires the people we love to reach the happiness they deserve while we, too, find and hold onto that same joy.

In the drama adaptation of Narashima Sachi’s manga series Cosmetic Playlover, star employees Sahashi Toma (Toyoda Yudai) and Mamiya Natsume (Okuno So) are male beauty advisors who start as rivals and end up as lovers, all while coming face-to-face with their insecurities, their pasts, and what each of them wants from the future–from themselves and each other.

Read the complete article here-

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1 people found this review helpful
17 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Cosmetics and Crushes

What a surprisingly wonderful series this turned out to be!

The story follows Natsume and Sahashi, who work for a cosmetics company as BAs (beauty assistants), and bring in considerable sales to their branch on account of talent and charisma. Starting off as senior and junior, Natsume immediately recognises Sahashi's potential and takes it upon himself to mentor him as best as he can, but Sahashi finds Natsume meddlesome.
They eventually have a run in with each other after certain events transpire at the store, but that is the catalyst that kickstarts their relationship. When Natsume accuses Sahashi of never taking anything seriously, Sahashi instead proclaims that Natsume will be the thing he takes seriously henceforth.

Their relationship was actually fast forwarded enough for me to be confused about when it even started, but once they started, it continued on incredibly. They brought out the best in each other, constantly challenged each other, grew as individuals and made each other more vulnerable and approachable.
Although it was frustrating to see Natsume get into his head as often as he did (almost every episode), they eventually communicated much better than I expected them to. It wasn't really a compromise that is usually done to move past an argument, but an honest conversation involving them both.

I also loved that they showed professional growth right alongside personal and romantic growth. Seeing them get better at their jobs, gaining more opportunities and experience had me grinning. And the fact that they integrated their relationship into this narrative without it feeling forced or taking away too much attention from their strengths as a couple was great.
They also had several supporting characters along the way help them out with their connection, establishing it as something stronger than it would seem on the surface level. I especially need a spin off of Nanjo, the man was an enigmatic presence who needed more screentime.

This was a very enjoyable short series with a good story, acting and cinematography that I'd recommend.

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1 people found this review helpful
18 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Workplace Romance: A Cosmetic Tale

This series is a refreshing addition to the BL genre, offering a mature and nuanced portrayal of adult relationships. It stands out for its focus on workplace dynamics and the importance of open communication.

The series follows the lives of two male beauty advisors, Natsume and Toma, who work together at a cosmetics company. Natsume, a dedicated and passionate employee, finds himself mentoring the more laid-back Toma. As they navigate their professional and personal lives, they both develop feelings for each other, leading to a series of misunderstandings and challenges.

What seriously surprised me was the captivating performance by Okuno So, capturing the character's shy and gentle demeanor with remarkable nuance. His portrayal of Natsume's internal struggles and emotional growth is particularly impressive, making him a standout in the series

The series wasn’t without its flaws. There were a lot of drawn out internal monologing by Natsume describing the scene and his feelings. Would have rather loved to see it being played out rather than feeding it to us. A lot of characters are introduced out of nowhere and leave soon enough, case in point the introduction of Kakizaki Keigo.

In conclusion, this series is a breath of fresh air and away from school rom-coms. With superior acting and a great plot, it never fails to hold your attention.

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1 people found this review helpful
18 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Choosing Yourself VS Others

Watching this BL was a pleasant experience for me right from the start. I appreciated that the story was not dragged for long which can be exhausting for viewers. But also that they didn't drag out the bed scenes, creating unnecessary suspense and ultimately making kissing scenes feel unnatural. I enjoyed the surprise element of the intimacy, so much I felt like I was intruding.?

Also enjoyable was the beauty product setting which was refreshing to see. Toma's runway shots blew me away! He may have looked annoyed, but our mans was hot on that stage.

I was deeply happy to see Okuno So (Natsuke) who featured in another BL titled Although I love you, you? as the blonde, beautiful and mesmerizing ex-boyfriend to the restaurant owner. He's such a pleasure to watch.

The point of this review is to say, we are the generation that refuses to be in relationships where we are not heard or not seen, particularly by those who are meant to care for us the most. I could relate so much to the language of 'not interested' because that is an active decision that you are consistently making regarding your life. It takes the longest time to make that decision, but once you leave a toxic environment, you become super clear about your boundaries and I have to say that I'm super proud of Sahashi for ultimately choosing himself. But more importantly, for choosing a new family not based on blood, but on your heart.

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1 people found this review helpful
19 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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I'll Vouch For These Two BAs

This drama gives me fluttery feelings and no anxiety which is a huge win in my books. It is not a perfect drama by any stretch, but it serves its purpose of being entertaining.

Let's start with the bad, because there aren't too many:
- Sahashi's eyebrows. He has such nice eyebrows in real life, I can't figure out why they made it so dark in the series. I have such a huge hatred for his overdrawn brows that this has to go at number one for the "bad" list.
- Some plot points were not properly fleshed out. There were a couple of things that I wish they just don't introduce because they end up not properly resolving it (family stuff and work stuff mainly).
- Okuno So as Mamiya is too beautiful and amazing at his job for the whole lack of confidence thing to be fully believable. Yes, hot and talented people can be insecure too but it seems like external people don't really compliment his looks which is incomprehensible to me because he is just too damn gorgeous.
- I do think they could up the intimacy a little bit. I don't mean sex - but casual touches, close proximity to each other, and stolen glances. I just don't think they do these enough for me to fully buy into their chemistry.

Now onto the good:
- Gorgeous gorgeous men on my screen. I'm sorry that this is my first point on the good list but Okuno So is just ethereal. He is like the combination of TVXQ's Changmin and ZB1's Gyuvin in the best way possible. I am utterly in love.
- Actual character growth! Both characters have their own flaws but the conflicts in this series actually helped develop their characters and relationship. It is refreshing to actually see conflicts used as a personal development moment and not just as a way to progress the plot.
- They are actually decent people. Mamiya is genuinely one of the kindest people I have seen on screen. He is so selfless and genuine, almost to a fault. Sahashi has a prickly exterior but he is never malicious on purpose, which I appreciate.
- Internal/relationship conflicts handled promptly, which is awesome for people who are prone to anxiety like me. I hate misunderstandings and miscommunication - thankfully there aren't a lot of those here. If there are, they are usually handled quite promptly.
- Most side characters add value to the show!

Overall the good heavily outweighs the bad in my eyes and I would recommend if you like mindless workplace fluff.

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