This knee-slapping comedy follows a unique story about three friends, Chi Ho, Dong Woo, and Gyung Jae. Each of them has just turned 20 years old and the world is their oyster. With new opportunities, they can do what they want, love who they want, and even, cause a little havoc here and there. (Source: CJ Entertainment) Edit Translation
- English
- 한국어
- Русский
- magyar / magyar nyelv
Cast & Credits
- Kim Woo Bin Main Role
- Lee Jun HoKang Dong UMain Role
- Kang Ha Neul Main Role
- Jung So MinSo MinSupport Role
- Lee Yoo BiSo Hui [Gyeong Jae's sister]Support Role
- Min Hyo RinJin JuSupport Role
If you are looking for pure laughs and great acting from a young cast, definitely check this one out.
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