[This may seem like an insanely long recap, but just remember, there are 2 recaps here]
Episode 7 Recap by HeyitsEst

The episode opens with Hae Woo struggling to walk straight down a path. She is visible shaken by something, and it becomes clear when it is shown that she is holding the shark necklace she made for Yi Soo twelve years ago. Why is she crying? Did she find out who Yi Soo really is? What truth has she uncovered?

Joon Young heads to the bar to meet Yi Soo. Before he enters the area he sees Yi Soo and Hae Woo talking to each other. Perhaps Joon Young can’t hear their conversation, but he watches as the tension between Hae Woo and Yi Soo regarding their previous kiss resumes.
Again, we see Yi Soo ask, “If it wasn’t a mistake, would you still understand?” Although taken aback, Hae Woo clarifies that even if THE kiss was a mistake or not, she doesn’t care to know. She warns him that THAT mistake was one too many, and that if it happens again it wouldn’t be considered normal (suggesting that she’ll use her power as a prosecutor).
[..and how does Yi Soo reply? Cunningly, of course] Yi Soo admits, “I plan everything down to the smallest details, and I stick to that plan. That way, I never make a mistake.” When Hae Woo gets the idea that he planned to meet her at that restaurant, he tells her that they met by chance. Yi Soo then tells Hae Woo that, “Plans are made by the head, but mistakes are made by the heart.” Before Hae Woo can wrap her head around what Yi Soo just said, Joon Young approaches them.
Joon Young knows that ‘something’ odd is going on between the two, but he doesn’t know what that ‘something’ is exactly. He insists to have Hae Woo stay, basically trying to get a feel for the relationship between Hae Woo and Yi Soo. However, Hae Woo is clearly uncomfortable about staying, so she convinces Joon Young that she should leave. He escorts her out to valet and sees her off.

Joon Young and Yi Soo discuss business. Joon Young then tells Yi Soo that Hae Woo may not be able to attend Giant Hotel’s grand opening due to work, but of course, that’s not a problem to Yi Soo ;p
To spark another conversation, Joon Young asks Yi Soo if he likes sports. Yi Soo tells him that he’s not really interested in sports, but Joon Young is persistent in making Yi Soo his ‘basketball buddy’. Even after Yi Soo tried to tell Joon Young, “I’m not good enough to be a basketball buddy,” he then tells Joon Young that he’ll try his best. I thought it was funny when Yi Soo was like, “When we play, I’m sure you’ll want to drop me as your basketball partner.” lol
Joon Young then opens up to Yi Soo about how being around Yi Soo reminds him of his "late friend" *cough*YiSoo*cough*. He tells Yi Soo, “You don’t look like him, but you give off a similar vibe.” He clarifies by continuing, “He seemed a bit mean on the outside, but he had a warm heart."

Hae Woo goes to visit the Chief Prosecutor. She confronts him about the extent of his involvement with the accident that took place 12 years ago. The Chief, of course, doesn’t give her the answer she’s looking for. Instead, he replies that “the past should only be brought up when it’s for the good.” He continues by warning Hae Woo, “This could hurt not only your family, but yourself as well.” Hae Woo tells the Chief that she is already aware of that, and that she will continue to get to the bottom of things despite what the results may be.
The Chief still tries to convince Hae Woo to let go of the case; his reasoning being that it’s for her own good. Hae Woo asks the Chief a second time about what happened 12 years ago, but he repeats that he knows nothing [which is a complete lie..Hae Woo knows it too]. The Chief then tells Hae Woo that if she doesn’t drop the case, he’ll have no choice but to make her. To his surprise, Hae Woo is already aware that his hand is being forced by her family, so she tells the Chief that she understands why he’s insistent upon her dropping the case, and leaves.

Hae Woo arrives home and sees that Prosecutor Soo Hyun is waiting for her. He approaches and apologizes for having interfered with her investigation. He admits that he’s not proud of what he’s done and that he had no choice but to follow the Chief’s orders, because he just wanted to look good in the Chief’s eyes—to prove his worth so to say.
Soo Hyun is determined to make it up to Hae Woo, so he vows to help her in any way he can—even if that means putting his job on the line. He begs her for a chance and guarantees that he won’t disappoint her again. Hae Woo accepts his offer and tells him to go home to rest. Before Soo Hyun leaves, he hands her a package that arrived for her at the office.

Yi Soo builds up the courage to see his sister, Yi Hyun. At first he walks up to the doors and watches her laugh with her co-workers, and walks away. Then suddenly, he actually goes into the café and approaches the counter at which Yi Hyun greets him. He tells her that he’d like juice, and because he could care less about which flavor, he ends up ordering one of each. [So sweet~ he just wants to talk with his sister >.<] Yi Hyun notices that no one is with Yi Soo, so she asks if he came alone. He tells her that he’s buying juice for his co-workers. Yi Hyun then asks Yi Soo how many co-workers he’s ordering for, since the café has a lot of flavors, and Yi Soo arbitrarily tells her 10.
Yi Soo receives his order and heads for the door. As he heads out, Detective Byun brushes past him to head inside the café. Yi Soo looks back into the café and watches as the detective interacts with his sister. He’s delighted to see that she is still able to be happy. When Yi Soo gets home, he doesn’t really know what to do with the juice so he gives it to Secretary Jang lol xD

On their way home, Yi Hyun is thinking out loud, mentioning how her brother had an nice voice too. The detective catches it and asks what she’s talking about, but Yi Hyun immediately changes the subject. She asks Detective Byun if he found out why the keys were switched. He replies that he has yet to do so, which she jokes is due to him finally reaching the latter half of his career.
The detective asks if Yi Hyun had received any weird messages lately, but she admits that she hasn’t. She even tells him that Hae Woo asked the same thing, prompting her ask why he asked. The detective covers it up by telling her that he’s just worried about his daughter’s safety. He concludes by telling her to tell him if she actually does receive anything weird.

At the Jo Mansion, Hae Woo’s grandfather and father each try to persuade her to travel with Joon Young to meet with Junichiro Yoshimura in Okinawa. The both of them hide behind the idea that it will be good experience for her as the heir of Gaya Hotel, but we all know it’s because they don’t want her getting any closer to the truth about 12 years ago. I’m sure Hae Woo is aware of that as well, because Hae Woo firmly tells them that she must stay for work. Grandpa Jo then tells Hae Woo that he hopes she’ll accept the invitation to go for his sake, which Joon Young then includes that he’ll persuade her.
Of course, those were just words Joon Young said to Grandpa Jo so that he’ll stop pestering Hae Woo. When JoonYoung and Hae were alone, Joon Young tells her that she doesn’t have to go, because e thinks it would be stressful for her. [..yeahh right. Whatever you say Joon Young.]

While still at the mansion, Hae Woo goes to her office. Hae Woo opens the package that Prosecutor Soo Hyun brought from the office. Inside is a key numbered #0022. She immediately knows that the key goes to a locker, so she heads to the train station. She finds the locker and finds an envelope inside. When she opens it, there’s a picture. Just like the picture she found in the library, Hae Woo has to discover where the location picture is. She takes a quick snap of the picture and sends it to Detective Byun.

Hae Woo returns to the office and is still examining the picture. Prosecutor Soo Hyun arrives so has him take a look at it too. In his opinion he believes that the picture is definitely of a location in Japan. Another colleague enters Hae Woo’s office, so Prosecutor Soo Hyun hands it to her to examine. She’s not quite sure of the location pictured, so the three of them come up with a plan to thoroughly investigate together.

Secretary Jang and Dong Soo meet up in order for the secretary to give Dong Soo a plane ticket that he has to deliver to Joon Young. Dong Soo is surprised that the recipient is Joon Young, which makes the secretary ask if he knows Joon Young. Dong Soo tells her that they went to the same high school and that he really respected Joon Young throughout school. He admits that he misses those days, mentioning to the secretary how he, Yi Soo, Hae Woo and Joon Young were the “inseparable four".
It's quite clear that Secretary Jang is still a bit in the dark when it comes to knowing about Yi Soo's personal life, so she ask Dong Soo if he still hangs out with the Yi Soo he knew in high school. Dong Soo replies that he still hangs out with Yi Soo, gesturing to his heart and adding that even though Yi Soo is dead, he's always with him. The secretary is confused by what Dong Soo means, so he explains the accident that happened and how Yi Soo's body was never found. As Dong Soo fumes about how Yi Soo's death affected him and Hae Woo, the secretary asks if Yi Soo and Hae Woo were close. Dong Soo suggests that if Yi Soo didn't die back then, he and Hae Woo would--he cuts himself off before he can actually say that the two would have been together. Dong Soo excuses himself and as he walks out of the room, Secretary Jang thinks over everything Dong Soo has just told her.

Hae Woo meets up with Detective Byun. She gives him a bag containing the package she received, along with the locker key and the envelope she found in the locker for the detective to check for fingerprints. She then tells him that they should check the stations security cameras to see who delivered the package, as well as the train stations security cameras.
Detective Byun asks whether Hae Woo and her team have discovered the location in the picture, but she admits that they have not. The two agree that the goal of the person sending them messages wants them to find the hidden truth. Hae Woo tells the detective that the person sending them messages is like the North Star saying, “Whoever it is, he is navigation me towards the truth."

Maid Kim can’t help but feel that her initial meeting with Yi Soo was odd, so she calls him and they meet at the café. She is hesitant throughout the entire meet, but she finally manages to ask Yi Soo if their initial meeting was really by chance. Yi Soo tells her that is was, but the maid is unconvinced and proceeds to explain, “That place is so isolated that it find it while just passing by seems pretty difficult.” She continues that since they met on the anniversary of Yi Soo’s father’s death, that perhaps it wasn’t chance after all. She then asks Yi Soo if he knew anyone by the name of Han Yi Soo.
Of course, Yi Soo is a pro liar, and gets her off his tail for the time being by telling her that he only knew of the Yi Soo she’s talking about because Junchiro Yoshimura was good friends with Grandpa Jo, and that Yi Soo was regarded as Grandpa Jo’s grandson. Before the two conclude their meeting, Maid Kim asks Yi Soo to keep their meeting a secret from Grandpa Jo, which Yi Soo agrees.

Hae Woo and Prosecutor Soo Hyun are in her office trying to find pictures online that match the picture she found in the locker. The two are visibly exhausted from their search, but press on. Their colleague, Detective Kim, appears and suggests that they upload the picture online, because it would be easier to post the picture to travelling sites, and ask the users if anyone is familiar with the location. Detective Kim has Prosecutor Soo Hyun email her the picture, and the two of them get started on uploading the picture. While they handle that, Hae Woo gets a call from Joon Young.

Joon Young surprises Hae Woo at work and brings her dinner. The two go to a nearby park and enjoy a late-night picnic. They discuss little things from how Hae Woo wouldn't probably never eat right if not for Joon Young to how the two were going to tell Grandpa Jo that Hae Woo won't be going to Okinawa with Joon Young. Hae Woo then receives a call from Soo Hyun informing her that he and Detective Kim have discovered the location pictured. As it turns out, the picture is of a neighborhood in Okinawa. [Guess Hae Woo is going there after all.]

Currently in Okinawa is Yi Soo. He stands outside Junchiro's estate and a flashback of his younger days depicts a similar situation, but we never see his face. As the younger Yi Soo takes his first steps towards the door, right as he steps onto the property, it shifts back to the present as Yi Soo walks inside. At first Junchiro is staring off at the horizon, but when he notices Yi Soo's presence he embraces him with a hug. The two sit down and discuss the their scheduled meet with Joon Young. Junchiro says that he as sad to hear Hae Woo couldn’t make it, but that he’s glad she’s coming now. Junchiro then asks Yi Soo what it felt like to see Grandpa Jo again, and with his usual stoic face, Yi Soo says that he didn’t feel anything. Junchiro then asks whether anyone recognized him as Han Yi Soo, but Yi Soo responds that “He’s become a different person now."
Junchiro agrees and thinks of how Yi Soo never opened up to him about his past—ever. He even mentions how Yi Soo left for an entire month, and when he finally returned, he claimed that “Han Yi Soo is dead.” Junchiro wants to keep pressing Yi Soo about his past, but Yi Soo tells him that he’s forgotten about those days, and that he’d like to just focus on the hotel.

Later that day, Joon Young and Hae Woo arrive at the hotel in Okinawa. Junchiro greet them as they get out the the car, telling Hae Woo how he recognizes her. Apparently they met 12 years ago, bet even so, Hae Woo doesn't recall meeting him. Secretary Jang and Junchiro then escort Joon Young and Hae Woo inside. Junchiro gives them both a small tour of the grounds and tells Joon Young about a meeting with an important CEO. Joon Young agrees to meet the the CEO and is even looking forward to it. [This just means that Joon Young is guaranteed to not accompany Hae Woo to the location in the picture. Very nice Junchiro..very nice.]

With Joon Young preoccupied with an important meeting, he tries to dissuade Hae Woo from going to the location in the picture alone. He's worried that she may get lost since she's never been around Japan before. As Hae Woo convinces Joon Young that he has nothing to worry about, Secretary Jang arrives to get Hae Woo. Joon Young is still not completely on board with letting Hae Woo go alone, so he asks the Secretary if where Hae Woo is going is a dangerous place. He includes how he is worried for her safety, but the Secretary assures him that Hae Woo will be fine because she will be escorted by the hotel's best driver--plus he's Korean, so he can translate to her. Joon Young finally gives in to letting Hae Woo go, so the secretary escorts Hae Woo to the car.

Before Hae Woo leaves, Yi Soo pulls up. The secretary tells him that Junchiro is waiting for him, but rather than heading straight in for Junchiro, he asks Hae Woo if she's going somewhere. She replies yes, trying to just leave it at that, but the secretary chimes in that Hae Woo is going to Tonogura (the location in the picture). Yi Soo suddenly offers taking Hae Woo there, shocking not only her, but the secretary as well. Despite resisting Yi Soo insistence to escort Hae Woo to Tonogura, Hae Woo ultimately gives in and the two drive off.
When they arrive to the neighborhood in the picture, Yi Soo tells Hae Woo to call him when she is finished, as he will be nearby, and quickly walks away.

Hae Woo calls out, hoping to get a response to whomever lives in the house. There's no immediate response, but then a man opens the door and steps onto the porch. Hae Woo greets him in Korean, but after realizing that he may be Japanese, she greets him in Japanese. The man nods his head, basically confirming the fact that he's Korean. Hae Woo nods and is about to walk away (probably to find a translator), but to her surprise the man asks her if she's Korean...in Korean! He then tells her that his hometown is in Korea. As Hae Woo tries to explain why she just showed up to his home out of the blue, the man cuts her off and tells her to, "Come in and have some tea."

The man informs Hae Woo that she is only the second visitor to ever come to him, the first being a teenage boy who was brought to him 12 years ago. He added that the boy never spoke a word the entire time he stayed with him. The man’s brief description of the boy has Hae Woo believing that it was Yi Soo. She asks the man if the boy had any visible scars as if he had just been in an accident, but the man tells her that there were none. He adds that although the boy looked healthy on the outside, he noticed that the boy’s legs and arms seems to give him trouble. The man thinks that the boy may have suffered from amnesia or something, and that he even slept for three days straight, which was followed by not sleeping for three days straight. After that, the boy suddenly left—his room is still exactly as he left it.

The man takes Hae Woo to see the boy's room, and right after entering, she notices a circle drawn on the wall. The man tells her that he thinks the boy drew it during the time he stayed awake for three days. He admits that he's tried washing it off, but can't be removed. While she tries to make sense of the circle, the man pulls out an envelope form the drawer and hands it to her. He tells her that the day the boy left, he found "this" hanging on the door.
Hae Woo opens the envelope and reaches for what's inside. When she pulls out the necklace she made for Yi Soo, she is completely shocked and falls to the ground. She's basically in hysterics as she NOW knows that Yi Soo didn't die 12 years ago, and that he is the one sending her all the messages.

Just as in the opening scene, Hae Woo struggles to walk straight as she cries in hysterics. Right in front of her is Yi Soo, but she doesn't notice him. She begins to call out "Yi Soo," and Yi Soo hears her and turns to see her walking towards him.
Episode 8 Recap by JustJackieB
Episode 8 opens with a teaser clip – Hae Woo slowly walks to Kim Jun. She asked these questions – Who are you? Who the heck are you? - Kim Jun says nothing yet.Forest Area - Okinawa
Hae Woo shocked by the fact that her first love, Yi Soo, is alive. She barely lifts her feet while she struggles to walk on the beautiful path. (Hmm, I wonder if she regrets marrying Joon Young). She looks out in the distance in the wooden area. She loudly whispers “Yi Soo”. Kim Jun turns around when he hears his birth name, but she isn’t looking in his direction. Kim Jun is confused by her expression. He thought she would be happy, but instead she's crying. She finally looks in Kim Jun’s direction, but she doesn't see him. Instead she since a mirage of her first love, Yi Soo as a teenager, walking to her. Kim Jun is also walking to her. He thinks she finally recognizes him. She reaches out to him, teenage Yi Soo, with the shark necklace she made for him. She tries to touch [teenage Yi Soo] face. Kim Jun reaches for her hand. She faints in his arms.
Joon Young calls Hae Woo on his mobile phone, but he cannot reach her. Secretary Jang tells him that the reception is bad in the area. Hae Woo and Kim Jun should be back before dinner time. Joon Young asked, “How did Kim Jun end up driving her?”
(Good question, Joon Young. How did a rich eligible bachelor end up driving your wife around Okinawa?) Secretary Jang told him (really lied) “He said since she’s an important guest and the place is unfamiliar to her he decided to drive her himself.”
Hae Woo awakes from her fainting spell. She was out for ten minutes.
She was lying on Kim Jun’s leg. She looks a bit confused. He asked her was she okay? She snatches the shark necklace from him. She slowly walks away. She looks toward the horizon and asks, “Do you think …there are any sharks living in the waters here?”
Hae Woo and Kim Jun stood on the beach. They’re looking at the sea. Hae Woo said, “He must’ve stood here looking at the sea like this. What must he have been thinking about? What did he think about to endure the pain he must’ve been feeling?”
He asked her was she talking about Yi Soo because she mentions his name so many times when she was asleep. (He really knows how to tease her.) Before they returned back to the hotel, he reminded her that she can walk away when it gets too scary for her. She turns around and said, “Do I look scared to you?” He replied, “No” She confesses to him that she is very happy that he is alive, but “why did he have to tell me like this? When I think about that I feel so bitter and yet sorry for him at the same time?” (Okay, what was he supposed to tell her? “Hae Woo I’m back honey. Get out the bed Joon Young I’m back.” She’s bitter for what. Was she force to marry Joon Young? I don’t see any children running around so why did she marry a man she didn’t really love. She has the nerve to say she is bitter. Whew.) The tears rush down her cheek. She unknowingly confesses to Kim Jun (Yi Soo) that she doesn’t know why she always show her vulnerable side around him.
The phone ring. Joon Young answered it. Hae Woo is on the other end. His tone is not pleasant.
Joon Young and Secretary Jang are walking to the entrance. Kim Jun and Hae Woo just entered the hotel lobby. They missed the planned dinner engagement. Hae Woo slowly walks to Joon Young and told him she was sorry. He just said you looked tired. He didn’t accept or decline her apology. He just changed the subject. He thanked Kim Jun for driving her back, but that was customary thank you. When they walk away, his arms was wrapped around his wife, but she was still numb from earlier.
Kim Jun watches Joon Young and Hae Woo walked to their room.Secretary Jang asked Kim Jun why was he late. He ignored her, and asked where’s the chairman? She answered him promptly and continue to tell him the dinner was postponed for the next day because they were late. Kim Jun walks away.
Hae Woo looks out at the sea. Her husband, Joon Young, wraps his sweater around her shoulders. He asked her if she found the place in the picture. She told him yes. Then she started talking about Yi Soo’s accident and how he could not trust anyone. Now she understand why he said those things 12 years ago. Joon Young attempts to comfort her by inferring Yi Soo’s spirit is watching over her, but when she tells him that Yi Soo has been watching the whole time. He knows something is not quite right. Hae Woo was not a religious person. She opens up and admits Yi Soo is alive. Joon Young puzzled and confused – (No way can he be alive.)
Kim Jun sits on his bed in his dim lit room. His hands are in the prayer position as if he is ready to pray.
Hae Woo tells her husband, Joon Young, she’s returning to Seoul. She believes Yi Soo is in Seoul. (Joon Young must be ticked off. He can handle her chasing after a ghost, now that he can be alive. That’s a whole different story.) Joon Young, her voice of reason, said “If the person behind all these happenings is Yi Soo, then he is as good as dead.” (Hmm, Joon Young’s dad must be seeking the death penalty for the dead cop’s murder.) She tells him that he should not talk that way about Yi Soo. They have no idea what the pain he must have went through. (So true, but Hae Woo needs to step back and look at the whole picture. As much as I want Yi Soo and Hae Woo back together, her husband is right about this) Joon Young said, “But I know his intentions are not pure by dragging you into this?” (How does Joon Young know Yi Soo’s true intentions?) Desperate to salvage his short marriage, he pleads with Hae Woo to drop the case. But she is stubborn and refuse to the drop it. She needs to find out why her first love suffer so much. (I need to find out why she married Joon Young because she definitely don’t love him.)
Secretary Jang reports that Hae Woo and her husband, Joon Young, will leave tomorrow morning for Seoul. He asked her about her family. She told them, they were doing fine thanks to him. He replied no thanks to her. (Hmm, what is Secretary Jang real job duties?)
FLASHBACK – Seven years earlier
Secretary Jang reminiscences about one of her first meetings with Chairman Yoshimura. She was a college drop out when she met him. She wore laced and flirty clothes, her body language was stand offish.
He felt a genuine trust about her so he hired her just because he trust her. (Her first encounter with Kim Jun/Yi Soo/Jun Yoshimura was staged)
Joon Young wakes up to a lonely bed. He sees his wife, Hae Woo, on the balcony. He was ready to get up, but it was no used talking to Hae Woo when her mind is made up. Hae Woo looks up at the North Star. She holds the shark she made for Yi Soo in her hands. The North Star twinkles. In another part of the resort, Kim Jun looks up at the North Star. He thinks back to the words she said on the beach. “When I think about that, it makes me feel so bitter, yet I feel so sorry for him at the same time.” (Seriously, Really, Why is she bitter? She moved on with her life. Yi Soo should be bitter, not her.) Part of him regrets his approach to solving his father’s case. But he looks at his shark chain. He remembers his reason for this dark journey to find the truth about his father’s death.
Jo Seung Deuk sits outside enjoying the fresh air. Ms. Park accompanies Yi Hyun to Jo Seung Deuk’s table. Yi Hyun carries a tray with tea and snacks. Yi Hyun thank him for the phone call. He said, he wanted to see how she was doing. (Hmm what does he really want?) Yi Hyun asked Ms. Park to join them. She usually keeps her distance, but Yi Hyun insisted she stay. He sealed the deal when he said, “Yi Hyun hasn’t been here for a while, so you should stick by her side.” Yi Hyun tells Jo Seung Deuk that she was the one who discovered the keys were switched her adopted father, Detective Byeon didn’t know that. That comment sparked his interest. He asked her to tell him the story. She mention the case might be linked to her brother’s case. Ms. Park interrupted and she was cooking potato balls for supper and she needed Yi Hyun’s help.
Ms. Park asked Yi Hyun to tell her everything she knows. Yi Hyun said she doesn’t know much. She told her it was Hae Woo’s case. (Ms. Park is getting closer to solving this case. I wonder if she will solve it before Hae Woo and Detective Byeon.)
Joon Young and Hae Woo are back in Seoul. Joon Young drives the car. Hae Woo looks at him affectionately and reaches for his hand. He interlocks his fingers between hers. (He really loves her and it must be killing him inside knowing she wants another man.)
Jo Seung opens an antique wooden desk. He pulls out Kang Hee Soo’s document. Dried splatter blood is on the cover page. Yi Soo’s dried blood. The document reads “The Truth about Chunyoungbo”. He notices for the first time, that the pages were missing in the document. (Oh wait a minute. How did he get that? Okay, let me go back to earlier episodes. Yi Soo gets run over by a dump truck. So I thought there was one man at accident. So this means that they were two men there. Jo Seung Deuk ordered the hit on Yi Soo. Sorry about that Mr. Yoshimura. His name was mud in my book. But how did he know that Jo Seung Deuk wanted Yi Soo dead that night. Hmm I wonder if this man was following Yi Soo for Yoshimura.)
Lead Detective Byeon asked one of the detectives if there were any fingerprints on the key and envelope. He said there were none, but there were a ton on the package. Then the junior detective told Detective Byeon, the police chief ordered him to close the case on former Detective Jang Man Chul. The chief told him to make up a lie and say “(he was) murder over the rights to Jung’s hostess bar.” (Hmm, this doesn’t sound right. Police chief is hiding something.)
Jo Ui Sun tells Chief Prosecutor Oh he was not surprise that Jang Man Chul was murdered. They were always fighting over the rights to his bar. He thanked Chief Prosecutor Oh for closing the case. Prosecutor Oh told him, it wasn’t his decision. The prosecutor on the case decided that. (Chief Prosecutor Oh didn’t look very happy with the decision. He knows there is something more to this case.)
Once again, Jo Ui Sun insulted someone with one of his dumblessons. This time it was Chief Prosecutor Oh
“I don’t get along with people who are polite, self-righteous, and reserved. Have I told you that?...Yes, of course. I don’t mean that you’re like that.”
Prosecutor Oh held his tongue because he is “polite and reserved.” He simply said Prosecutor Jo (Jo Ui Sun’s daughter) will not give up so easily. He has done all he can do. He heads to the door. His son, Joon Young, opens the door before he turn the knob. Jo Ui Sun and Chief Prosecutor Oh were surprise to see Joon Young back so early. Jo Ui Sun asked the Chief to stay a little longer since his son was there. But he refused. Joon Young saw the expression on his father’s face. He knows something is bothering him. (Joon Young knows he didn’t do anything to his dad. So he wonders what did Jo Ui Sun do)
Park in the City
Detective Byeon tells Prosecutor Jo Hae Woo that someone higher than the police chief made that decision. He claims “it’s better this way.” He suggests they investigate the case secretly. Then he realizes she was supposed to return two days later. He asked her if she found the place in the picture. She pause for a quite a long time. He asked her was something bothering her. She gather her thoughts and said, “I found out who sent it…It was Yi Soo” (He saw the accident. No way in the world is he still alive.)Kim Jun (Yi Soo’s)hotel room
Kim Jun is on the phone. He says, “It’s me. Han Yi Soo.” (So this time he used his real name. Who is he talking too? Let’s eliminate Jo Seung Deuk from the list)
Jo Seung Deuk’s private study
Jo Seung Deuk is on the phone. He tells the person about the missing pages. (Wait a minute, there is another man as powerful as Jo Seung Deuk besides Yoshimura. Wow how earth shattering was that document?) Jo Seung Deuk tells the man to find the document.
Han Yi Soo’s private room
Han Yi Soo is still on the phone. He asked the person on the other end to find the photo. He doesn't want Jo Seung Deuk getting his hands on it. What photo? Is he talking about this photo?
(Hmm, why would a strange man kiss Jo Seung Deuk’s granddaughter? She’s a married woman.)
Detective Byeon shocked over what Prosecutor Jo just told him. Detective Byeon makes a lot of sense. He says, “You saw the scene of the accident too. It would be almost a miracle if someone survived such an accident. Even if he survived, he would’ve had serious injuries. It’d be impossible for him to go to Okinawa in that state.” She agrees with him. How did Yi Soo get to Okinawa? She don’t know how, but she does know he is definitely alive. Then he tells her to think. If Yi Soo is alive, then it is a good chance that he murdered Jang Man Chul. She refused to believe that. As much as Detective Byeon wants Yi Soo to be alive, he worries about the final outcome. He tells her that he will continue investigating locker 14. He turns to walk away. Prosecutor Jo (Hae Woo) asked about Yi Hyun. She says that Yi Soo must have visited his sister at least once. Then Detective Byeon remembered the telescope Yi Hyun won. It must’ve been from Yi Soo.
Yi Soo visited the juice shop again. He just wants to see his sister, Yi Hyun. She asks him which juice he like the best. He couldn’t decide he just said they were all good. Then he asked her to recommend something else. She turned around to look at the menu, but her nose started bleeding.
Stunned by the nose bleed. (He wanted to reach over and help her, but he couldn’t tell her who he really is.) She called for someone to finish taking his order. He left the juice shop without his drink. When he was leaving he passed Detective Kim on the way out.
Yi Soo thinks back to his sister’s nose bleed. He turns around to go back to the juice shop. Yi Hyun runs up behind him with the juice in her hand. She is a little winded. Like the concerned man he is, he asked her if she was sick. Perhaps she should go to the hospital. She said it was just a nose bleed. She will be okay.
Detective Kim waits at the counter. He hasn’t ordered anything. He was waiting for Yi Hyun to take his order. (Okay so there are two men who like Yi Hyun Detective Kim and Dong Soo.)
Prosecutor Jo is back in her office. She tells Detective Kim to find out if there were any hospital, open or closed, near the accident scene 12 years ago. If there were any nurses or doctors with suspended licenses near the crash scene. (Really I think she is barking up the wrong tree on this one.If a teenage boy was admitted to the hospital, Detective Byeon would have told her about it.) His phone rings. Yi Soo is on the other end. He uses his other name, Kim Jun. He called to see was she okay. He tells her he was concerned about her. She apologizes for not saying goodbye, but something urgent came up. Then he asked if she was going to be home later. He needed to give her grandfather a message from Chairman Yoshimura. She brushes him off and tells him she will be busy tomorrow.
Joon Young sits alone in his office. He looks at the photos from Japan. He starts thinking about what his wife said about her current case. “There are more people involved in this case than you think.” Then his mind shifted to the scene with his father, Chief Prosecutor Oh, and his father-in-law, Jo Ui Sun. (Hmm why was those two together? They are not buddies.)
Detective Byeon looks at a telescope. The sales man asked if he can help him. Oh boy, Detective Byeon starts pressuring him about the telescope they gave away (the one his daughter “won”). How did a company that is in debt and owe so much taxes was able to give away a telescope? The poor man tells Detective Byeon the person paid with cash, but he never met him before. He asks him for an address. He hesitates but gave the address to Detective Byeon.
Detective Byeon and Prosecutor Hae Woo looks up a dark flight of stairs. The address lead him back to Professor Kang Hee Soo’s obsession (Institute for Rectifying Korean History). The man with the deadly pen follows him. (Hmm, he looks familiar).
Detective Byeon and Prosecutor Jo walk in the office. The young man recognizes Detective Byeon. He was the detective investigating his friend’s murder (Professor Kang Hee Soo).
They found out he was the one who asked for the favor. But he said, he was doing a favor for someone else. That person was really interested in what the Institute was doing. The young man was bothered by the fact they were wasting there time on a telescope. He said, “Instead of being here, why don’t you catch the person who killed Professor Kang? A great man was regrettably killed.” Hae Woo started blurting out questions about the man. “How old was he?” “Did he have in any noticeable scars or pain in his shoulders or arms?” He said he was in his twenties and he had no noticeable scars.
The man from the Institute calls Yi Soo from pay phone.
He tells him that Yi Soo came by to find out who really sent the telescope. Yi Soo tells the man he can’t call him at that number anymore. From now on, he will contact him. Yi Soo looks around.
Detective Byeon asked Prosecutor Jo if she believes that Yi Soo sent the telescope. She tells him that Yi Soo was interested in the stars. He probably influence Yi Hyun interest that’s why she majored in cosmology. (Hmm, really I thought their father influenced their interest in the stars.) Then Hae Woo said I guess his face hasn’t changed because the man said he looked like a nice guy. Detective Byeon made a lot of sense when he said, “Even the worst criminals seem nice when you first meet them. Humans are capable of committing horrendous crimes when we think we’re right. Yi Soo’s no exception.”
Hae Woo returns to her oldhigh school.
Both of them are in different places thinking about their life was before the accident. Hae Woo walks to the library and sits in the same chair she slept in when she was younger. She takes out the shark she made Yi Soo. She reminiscences about the day she gave it to him. Yi Soo hides from her. He know she still love him. (I will never get tired of asking this question. Why did she marry Joon Young?) He clenched and shook his fist.
(Wow he must be ticked off. Maybe he has the same question I have.Why did she marry Joon Young?)
Hae Woo rushes home. She rushes upstairs to her private study and takes out a picture of teenage Yi Soo. She runs down the stairs. Her grandfather waits at the bottom of the stairs. She told him she left Japan early because of urgent business. She apologizes for not staying longer in Japan. He tells her not to worry she can apologize to Chairman Yoshimura at Gaya’s hotel anniversary. He watches her runs away. She knows she is lying. Ms. Park watches her expression. She knows both of them are hiding the truth from each other. (Ms. Park is a smart woman).
She’s not driving. She calls the man from Okinawa. She apologizes for not saying goodbye. She wants to send him a text picture of Yi soo to his mobile phone, but the old man doesn’t have one. But his neighbor has one. She asked for the neighbor’s phone number and sends a picture of Yi Soo.
Detective’s wife greets him at the door. She jokes and asked was he fired, then she said he seemed so depressed. He asked about Yi Hyun. His wife said she keeps getting more nose bleeds. Yi Hyun is getting weak. His wife tells her she keeps telling Yi Hyun to go to the doctor, but she refuses.
Joon Young makes a surprise visit to his father’s office. His father only had 30 minutes to chat before he meets a client. Joon Young apologizes to his father for not following his wishes. Prosecutor Oh did not want his son to work at the Gaya Hotel at first. People might think that Joon Young got his job because of his father’s power. Now he had a changed of heart and told his son. “Don’t worry yourself over such trivial things. It doesn’t matter what other people think. All that matters is whether your’re happy.” Joon Young told his father he respected him. But when he said these words to his father, “I’ll do my best to make you and Joon Ho (his dead brother) proud”, he father almost wept.
Joon Young calls his wife to tell her he was meeting with Dong Soo. She told him she was busy. Detective Kim told her she should be with her husband. (He saw the old photo of Yi Soo) He said, “I think you are being too cold to him since you just got married.” (Thank you Detective Kim for saying that. I hope she got the message.)
Dong Soo rushes over to the table when he sees his friend Joon Young. He tells him that he was deliver the tickets to his office and he got a job as Kim Jun’s personal driver. Joon Young asked how did he get the job. (Okay, apparently, Dong Soo is not the best person for the job.) Dong Soo assured him he went through the proper procedures.
She’s driving to the restaurant. Suddenly she gets a phone call from the man in Okinawa. She pulls over and seen him the text picture.
The man from Okinawa calls Yi Soo to see if it was okay to verify the picture. He said it was okay.
Joon Young tells Dong Soo that Kim Jun will join them. Dong Soo felt uncomfortable because his boss will be around. Joon Young tells him this would be a good opportunity for him to get closer to his boss. Dong Soo tell him he can’t get to close because he thinks his boss likes men. Joon Young just laughs at the thought.
Hae Woo is disappointed that the man in Okinawa cannot identify Yi Soo. She sees a man bumped into Kim Jun. Kim Jun rubs his shoulder. She can tell he is in pain. She remembers what the old man in Okinawa said he had no visible scars but he had pain in his shoulders and legs.
Then she remembered the other places they bumped into each other, The Hotel balcony, The Lake, Panda Restaurant, and Okinawa. He suddenly turns around. She slowly walks up to him and asked him 2 simple question. “Who are you? Who the heck are you?”
He simply replied, “I think you already know the answer to that?”